Saturday, April 30, 2022

How To Be A Vegetarian For Winter Tonic? 3 Types Of People Who Are Not Suitable For Winter Supplements Recommended By Chinese Medicine Practitioners

November 7th is the "Start of Winter". Chinese people are used to taking supplements. Many people choose sesame oil chicken and ginger duck. If they are vegetarian, how should they take supplements? Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners suggest that you can choose protein-rich soy foods, paired with Chinese herbal formulas for nourishing soup, which can help to invigorate qi, activate blood, and survive the winter in a healthy way


Tai Chung Chen, a physician in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, pointed out that modern people are actually well-nourished. If they use the name of "beginning of winter tonic" to take extra supplements without restraint, it may be counterproductive if they are not in the right constitution. It is recommended to supplement their own constitution.

The number of vegetarians in the modern age is increasing. How to properly "make up for winter" requires more wisdom. Chen Zhaoren said that in general, vegetarians have insufficient protein sources,

The traditional custom of "Lidong tonic" is mainly based on Siwu Soup, Bazhen Soup and Shiquan Dabu Soup. Chen Daojin offers a Chinese herbal formula for vegetarians, including:

If you have long-term constipation, dry mouth, etc. who are prone to get angry, it is recommended to use sweet and cool medicinal diets such as Radix Asparagus, Polygonatum vulgaris, and Ophiopogon japonicus instead.

❶ People who have a cold, cough, or sore throat are advised to suspend supplementation to avoid aggravation of the disease. ❷For women who are in their menstrual period, it is best to make up after their menstrual period. ❸If pregnant women need tonic, be sure to consult a doctor first.

◎ Image source/Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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It's Cold Before Going To Bed, Waking Up And Coughing Non-stop? TCM Practitioners Revealed That 1 Action Is Effective To Keep Warm, 2 Acupuncture Points, 3 Diet Therapy To Relieve Cough And Strengthen Lungs

"Doctor, I've been coughing very easily at night, and even when I wake up in the morning, what should I do?" In autumn and winter, the weather turns cold, and many people have symptoms of dry cough. In addition to seeking medical treatment, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners also recommend using Diet therapy and acupoint massage can accelerate the improvement of physical discomfort.


Lin Qiaomei, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Medicine of Yadong Hospital, pointed out that autumn is dry, autumn dominates the lungs, and the temperature difference between autumn and winter can easily cause allergic reactions in the upper respiratory tract, especially for people with weak immune regulation, especially at night and in the morning. , recurring dry cough symptoms.

For the problem of dry cough, Lin Qiaomei provides 2 acupoints to help strengthen the lungs and improve immunity:

Lin Qiaomei suggested that you can choose "steamed pears" and "white fungus lily Nanxing soup" for food therapy to help moisten the lungs and relieve the symptoms of dry cough; if you have a cough with excessive phlegm, you should eat "American ginseng Chuanbei powder", which can nourish the lungs Qi, phlegm and cough. It is worth noting that

In addition, Lin Qiaomei also reminded that in autumn and winter, the temperature changes greatly in the morning and evening, so you should pay special attention to keeping your neck warm. It is recommended to wear a silk scarf to sleep. If you get up early in the morning to exercise, try to wear a silk scarf or neck circumference.

◎ Image source/Provided by Yadong Hospital·Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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The Latest Study: Lack Of Vitamin D Increases The Risk Of Contracting New Coronary Pneumonia By 77%

The global epidemic of new coronary pneumonia has risen again in Europe and the United States; the latest research found that people with vitamin D deficiency have a 77% increased risk of contracting new coronary pneumonia. In addition to more sun exposure, nutritionists suggest that eating more fatty fish, as well as eggs, milk, cheese, dried mushrooms, and algae, can supplement vitamin D.


According to new research published in JAMA Online,

The University of Chicago research team analyzed the electronic health records of 489 patients with new coronary pneumonia before infection and found that 124 patients with new coronary pneumonia had insufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood, while 287 patients with new coronary pneumonia had adequate levels.

Further tracking of the health status of patients with new coronary pneumonia showed that 22% of those who were deficient in vitamin D contracted new coronary pneumonia, while only 12% of those with sufficient vitamin D concentrations contracted new coronary pneumonia.

Millennium Love Foundation nutritionist Cai Jiajun explained that past research has found that,

However, according to the 2013-2016 National Nutritional Status Change Survey, Chinese people are generally deficient in vitamin D. Men aged 13 to 44 and over 45 have vitamin D insufficiency rates of 60% and 40% in their blood, respectively; women are even higher 80% and 60%.

Wu Zhixing, director of the Millennium Love Health Foundation and director of the Department of Family Medicine of Chengda Hospital, said that the human body needs to sustain lifeThe main source of vitamin D is self-synthesized on the skin surface through sun exposure,

Cai Jiajun pointed out that there is often a lack of sunlight in winter, and lack of sunlight is more likely to lack vitamin D. It is recommended to eat five more foods:

"Health 2.0" reminds you

In response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the CDC continues to strengthen epidemic monitoring and border control measures, and wear a mask as instructed to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and actively inform the doctor of travel history and contact history, so as to facilitate timely Diagnosis and notification.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eat Chicken To Prevent Sarcopenia! Dietitian Discloses "chicken Zero-fat Eating Method", Not Afraid Of Eating Meat To Gain Weight And High Cholesterol

Many elderly people are afraid of fat, fat, and high cholesterol, so they will eat less meat; on the contrary, they will cause muscle loss and sarcopenia in the upper body. In fact, chicken is rich in high protein and low in saturated fat, which is a good food for preventing sarcopenia.


According to domestic statistics, the prevalence of sarcopenia in the elderly over 65 years old is 23.6% for men and 18.6% for women. Xu Huiyu, director of the Food and Nutrition Center of the Dong Foundation, said that decreased muscle mass not only affects gait and balance, but also increases the incidence of weakness and falls, which may seriously cause disability in the elderly.

In fact, the main cause of sarcopenia is not only related to sedentary lifestyle habits, but also insufficient protein intake in the daily diet, which also accelerates muscle loss. The Dong Foundation conducted a focus interview with nearly 50 seniors over the age of 50 from July to August this year, and found that

Xu Huiyu emphasized that long-term partial eclipse of the elderly is more likely to cause insufficient caloric intake or unbalanced nutrient intake, especially lack of protein for building muscle raw materials, resulting in the state of micro-muscles, and sarcopenia may unknowingly come to the door. According to research findings,

However, Xu Huiyu observed that many people are worried that eating meat will lead to excessive intake of saturated fat and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease; in fact, compared with red meat such as pork, beef, and lamb,

For silver-haired people with bad teeth, replacing ground pork with ground chicken is a good way to reduce fat intake compared to pork.

250g chicken thigh, 1 piece of flat tofu, a little carrot, 1 egg, 1 sprig of shallot, 1 small piece of ginger, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of rice wine, 2 tablespoons of Taibai flour key, spoon.

1 stalk spring onion (cut into sections), 1 piece ginger, 1.5 tbsp dried shrimp (soaked until soft), 1/2 Chinese cabbage (cut into sections, separate stems and leaves), shiitake mushrooms (soaked until soft), 1 tbsp oyster sauce, soy sauce 0.5 tablespoon, 400 grams of stock or water, a little white pepper.

❶Cut carrots, shallots, and ginger finely. ❷ Mince the chicken into puree, stir in tofu, eggs, carrots, shallots, ginger, soy sauce and Taibai flour, mix well. ❸Pinch each ball of appropriate size and toss it back and forth with both hands. Fry it in a pot over medium heat until both sides are golden brown. Turn off the heat and cover and simmer until cooked. The meatballs are ready for use. ❹Heat the original pot for frying the meat balls, saute dried shrimps, scallions, ginger slices, and a few shiitake mushrooms, add wine, oyster sauce, and soy sauce and stir-fry the cabbage stalks until fragrant, pour in the broth or water (submerge the cabbage) , bring to a boil. ❺Add meatballs and cabbage leaves, bring to a boil over high heat, cover the pot and turn to low heat, simmer for 20 minutes, add white pepper and adjust the taste.

Common chicken dishes such as: roast chicken, oily chicken, three cups, kung pao, chicken soup, etc., are often unfinished, and the chicken will become harder and harder to cook when it is eaten every other meal. , toughen, causing the elderly not to eat chicken, using the remaining chicken to turn into French chicken pancakes.

3 bowls of leftover chicken, 1 onion, 1 bowl of bread flour, 2 eggs, 1-2 cloves of garlic, a pinch of basil, pepper, and a pinch of salt.

❶ Dice the onion and fry over low heat until soft. ❷ Bye bye, dice the remaining chicken, add in the sautéed onion, bread flour, egg, minced garlic, basil leaves, pepper, salt and mix well. ❸ Shape into hamburger steaks, fry on low heat until golden brown and cooked on both sides.

◎ Image source/Tong Foundation‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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Wu Mingzhu Teaches You To Eat Beans To Keep Your Body Healthy! Eat "Chixiaodou" To Lose Weight, Prevent Cardiovascular Disease And Eat "soy Beans"

Beans are rich in nutritional value, and beans of different colors have different health benefits. How to eat beans for health? Chinese medicine physician Wu Mingzhu suggested that if you want to lose weight, you can eat "chixiaodou"; to prevent cardiovascular disease, you can eat "soy beans"; to reduce blood lipids, you can eat "black beans";


Glycolic acid, flat. Treats phlegm dampness, obesity, can cure edema, detumescence and detoxification. People with weak gastrointestinal function and frequent urination should not eat more.

"Ben Cao Zaixin" records that Chixiaodou "clears heat and blood, dilutes water and clears the meridians, and relaxes the intestines and regulates qi". Chixiaodou is mainly used in traditional Chinese medicine, often mixed with red beans, but the efficacy of Chixiaodou is better. .

From the perspective of modern pharmacology, Chixiaodou has antibacterial, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, and hypolipidemic effects. in addition,.

Gan, flat. Treats phlegm-dampness, invigorates the spleen and removes dampness, and prevents cardiovascular disease. People with gout and bloating should eat less.

"Food Materia Medica Association" records that soybeans "broaden the middle and lower the qi, benefit the large intestine, and detoxify the edema". "Compendium of Materia Medica" also mentioned that "beans have five colors, each with five internal organs", which means that there are five main colors of beans, which correspond to the five internal organs of the human body, and can be used to adjust the different meridians of the human body and balance the five internal organs. More yellow food enters the spleen, so

Gan, flat. Treats phlegm-dampness, invigorates the spleen and removes dampness, and lowers blood lipids. Those who are prone to bloating and indigestion should eat less.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that black beans "have a lot of kidney function, so they can control water, reduce swelling, lower qi, control wind-heat and activate blood and detoxify". Chinese medicine believes that black belongs to water, and water travels to the kidneys, therefore. But pay attention when eating. After black beans are cooked, eating more is easy to get angry and damage the spleen. Therefore, people who are prone to bloating should not eat more.

Sweet, cool. Indications of obesity, can benefit water swelling, reduce blood lipids. Those with spleen and stomach deficiency should eat less.

Compendium of Materia Medica records that mung bean "thickens the stomach, eliminates vomiting, treats pox, and relieves swelling." It is pointed out that it has very good medicinal value for relieving heat, diuresis, and treating edema. It is also known as "" The Food Valley of the World."

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Removing Phlegm and Dampness and Slimming Method: Dr. Wu Mingzhu's 100 Courses of Soup, Congee, Tea, Meal, and Medicated Bath Conditioning X Meridian Massage for Cellulite Removal" by Wu Mingzhu ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eat Green Garlic In November! Green Garlic Is A Good Anti-oxidant Ingredient, So Pick The Most Crisp And Tender, Garlic-flavored

Experts all recommend "eat seasonal vegetables", and now is the season to eat green garlic. But many young housewives go to the market and find garlic and shallots foolishly confused, can't pick green garlic, and don't know how to cook. Experts say that green garlic is the ground stem of garlic, and you can smell garlic when you touch it. When picking garlic, choose garlic that is white and longer, so that it will be crisp and tender and taste good.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables do not require fertilization and pesticides, and are nutritious and safe.

Health experts or nutrition experts will encourage the public to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, because the fruits and vegetables produced in season are not only the most beautiful and nutritious, but also do not require excessive fertilization or drugs during the season. Fruits and vegetables will grow fast, with good quality and safety. According to a Taiwanese proverb, "scallions in the first month, chives in February, amaranth in March, water spinach in April, gourd in May, gourd in June, bamboo shoots in July, taro in August, kale in nine , ten celery, eleven garlic, twelve white", November is the time to eat green garlic.

Green garlic is the "juvenile period of garlic"

Dr. Zhao Xiubi from the Tainan Agricultural Improvement Farm of the Council of Agriculture said that "garlic" is called "green garlic" in Taiwan, which is also the garlic seedlings mentioned in the "fried bacon with garlic seedlings" in restaurants. In fact, green garlic is a "family" with the garlic added in general cooking. The garlic is the underground stem, and the green garlic is the above-ground stem and leaves of the garlic. When garlic grows, it will first grow aboveground stems and leaves. After the growth period, nutrients will enter the underground stems and form garlic heads. Therefore, green garlic is an immature garlic head, which can also be said to be the "garlic adolescent stage".

Can only be planted after Bailu, matures in 90 to 100 days

Zhao XiuTai said that green garlic is a plant that is rich in cold seasons. When the temperature is low, the plants will be more beautiful when they are extracted. Therefore, farmers in Taiwan generally do not plant them until the "white dew" has passed. After green garlic is planted, it matures in about 90 to 100 days and can be harvested. Generally, it begins to produce abundantly in November. This year's white dew is on September 7th, 90 to 100 days later, the maturity date will be delayed, and the green garlic after December this year will also be delicious. Next year's Lunar New Year will be in February, and some garlic farmers will plant them at a later date, so that the ripening period is just in the Spring Festival, so you can also eat green garlic of good quality in January and February.

How to pick green garlic

There are two varieties of green garlic, one is "bone" and the other is "cartilaginous". Zhao Xiubi said that the hard bone species are mainly grown to bind garlic, and the fibers of the cartilage are thin, and green garlic is mainly grown as a vegetable. The hard-bone seeds can be planted in advance because they are heat-resistant. There is no need to wait for the white dew. Sometimes the price of green garlic skyrockets. Farmers will change their plans and sell the hard-bone garlic seedlings that were originally used to make garlic balls as green garlic to "rush the market".

But in general, cartilaginous garlic has few and fine fibers, is pale green, tender and crisp when bitten. The stems of hard-bone garlic are older and more fibrous. The color of the plant looks dark green, and the white part of the garlic is short, about half of the cartilaginous species. In addition, there are also some green garlic that seem to have a small ball like garlic at the bottom. This is usually a hard-bone species that has to wait to be formed into a garlic head. Because the price of green garlic is good at the end of the season, garlic farmers will switch to early harvesting. Green garlic is usually sold in the evening market.

White long garlic is the best to eat

When picking green garlic, choose "white long garlic". Zhao XiuBi said that although the green leaves of green garlic are also very garlicky, the fibers of the white garlic are finer, sweeter and easier to break. The green leaves have more fiber. Generally, only some decorations are added when cooking. When too much is added, it will taste old. Therefore, when picking green garlic, the longer the white garlic, the better the quality. Green garlic is planted relatively densely in Taiwan, so the white garlic is usually very long, and when the green garlic grows well, the white garlic can even be as long as 100 cm!

Green garlic is white and sweet, and can be eaten raw. It is often eaten raw with roast duck slices, or eaten with sausages, mullet roe, etc. The green leaves are beautiful in color and have a garlic flavor, and are often used in stir-frying. For example, fried pork belly with garlic sprouts or fried bacon, etc., the garlic flavor is sufficient, and the smell does not last for a long time like eating garlic, so it can be used as a substitute for garlic.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eat Jellyfish To Save The Ocean? Experts Say That Eating Milkfish, Stinky Belly Fish And These Are More Delicious And Save More

Japan cannot catch saury, and the catch in North America, Europe, and Australia plummeted by 40%. In recent years, scientists have discovered that marine fish have been overfished, and marine resources have been depleted. Marine biologists in Australia put forward the suggestion of "eat jellyfish to save the ocean". Asking Chinese from all over the world to eat more jellyfish skin can also save the problem of the explosion in the number of jellyfish in various sea areas. Experts believe that jellyfish have limited nutrition, and eating algae such as kelp and seaweed, or algae-eating fish such as stinky belly and milkfish, is more delicious and nutritious, and saves more.


In recent years, many oceanographers have published that some jellyfish populations have been observed to grow rapidly in many sea areas, and some beaches have even been closed due to the explosion of jellyfish. Therefore, Dr Lisa-ann Gershwin, an independent marine biologist in Australia who specializes in the study of jellyfish, suggested that everyone should eat more jellyfish, thinking that it may be possible to relieve the dilemma of large-scale fishing of more than 90 endangered fish species in the world. However, Huang Zhiyang, associate professor of the Department of Aquaculture at Ocean University, believes that 95% of jellyfish are water and their nutrients are limited. It may be difficult for everyone to eat jellyfish instead of fish.

Jellyfish skin is low in calories and refreshing. It is a good choice for people who lose weight.

Jellyfish is also the "jellyfish skin" on Chinese dining tables. Jellyfish skin is one of the major dishes of Chinese New Year reunion dinners for Chinese around the world. And the jellyfish skin is low in calories, only 19 calories per 100 grams, and contains 4.4 grams of crude protein. After adding green vegetables such as cucumbers, celery segments, shredded carrots, and shredded onions, the taste is crisp and refreshing. It is suitable for many beautiful women. diet for weight lossmaterial.

Jellyfish skin is high in sodium, so don't eat it every day

Huang Zhiyang said that the increase in the number of jellyfish in various places shows many marine crises. For example, there are hidden concerns such as rising ocean temperature, marine nutrient composition or ecological imbalance, and nutrient optimization, while jellyfish grow rapidly, with short growth cycles and large size, which may indeed cause pressure on marine ecology. However, the people in the world who have the habit of eating jellyfish are mainly Chinese. It may be difficult for everyone to eat jellyfish to save the ocean. It should also be noted that the jellyfish skin is dried, has a high sodium content, and lacks lipids, various minerals and vitamins. The nutritional value is also limited. He believes that it is better not to eat it every day.

Eating algae is more environmentally friendly

He suggested that instead of eating "algae", it is more effective to save the marine ecology. Algae are creatures that look like plants and grow very fast. In addition to nostoc, eating too much will not cause a marine ecological crisis, and it can also improve the crisis of too many algal blooms.

Algae are rich in nutrients, high in dietary fiber and protein.

There are about 8 kinds of algae that Taiwanese people often eat, such as seaweed, wakame (kelp sprouts), kelp (kelp), sea velvet, and seaweed. In addition, there are also extracts of gelatin, such as coral grass commonly known as "sea bird's nest", stone cauliflower like aiyu, and agar that is processed into various products such as "cold sky" or "vegetable swallow". Because algae grow fast, and algae is rich in vitamins, contains 10 to 25 times the dietary fiber of brown rice, and is one of the few plants rich in protein, it is a source of plant-based omega 3. And it has a lot of trace elements, which is very suitable for vegetarians to supplement nutrition.

Changing to eat milkfish, stinky belly fish and other algae-eating fish

The only disadvantage of algae is that it contains high iodine content, and it is not suitable for those who have thyroid problems and are sensitive to iodine. These people may wish to choose "algal-eating fish", such as milkfish and elephant fish commonly known as "stinky belly fish" (called tree fish in Taiwanese). These two types of fish are algae as their main food. Whether they are caught or farmed in the sea, they are fish that can mature in a short period of time. Unlike general fish farming or fishing, which requires trash or small fish as bait, it is necessary to "exchange fish for fish". , is a more environmentally friendly way of eating, you can eat delicious food and love the earth.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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