Saturday, April 30, 2022

The "sacred Fruit" Persimmon Is In Order! Chen Hong Pushes "persimmon Cake" To Make Soup To Keep Healthy And Moisten The Lungs

Every year after the "Frostfall", about September and October, Hsinchu will blow "Nine Falls Wind", so Hsinchu is also called "Wind City". The Xinpu area happens to be the most important area rich in persimmons. After the nine-fall wind blows, the lush greenery on the top of the mountain is lit up by golden persimmons in an instant, and the hilly ground of Xinpu is like the one depicted in the poem Artistic conception - "Suddenly like the spring breeze comes overnight, thousands of trees and pears bloom", full of romantic atmosphere and beautiful imagination.


Chinese areas often buy persimmons during the Chinese New Year to celebrate the arrival of the new year, taking their auspicious meanings of "everything goes well" and "good things will happen".

Persimmons have extremely high nutritional value and are known as "the holy product of fruits".


Persimmons have different curative effects from the pulp, persimmon stems, persimmon leaves, persimmon cakes, and even the white persimmon cream on the persimmon cakes, which are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Persimmons are sweet in taste, cold in nature, can dispel heat and relieve irritability, quench thirst and promote body fluid, moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, and treat hot coughs." And persimmons are sweet and astringent in taste, cold in nature, and moisturizing The effect of lung and astringent intestines is also effective for symptoms such as hot cough, hemoptysis, and blood in the stool. Persimmon cream contains mannitol, glucose, fructose and sucrose, and is also commonly used to treat dry cough due to lung heat, sore throat, sore mouth and tongue.

GuestThe family has always maintained the traditional virtues of being diligent and thrifty, loving things and cherishing fortune. In addition, in the early days, many foods were not easy to preserve, or the fruits and vegetables that could not be eaten during the season were abundant. , save it for later consumption.

If you grew up in a Hakka village, you must be familiar with the aroma of dried persimmons, dried radishes, Hakka dishes, orange sauce...every time I smell the familiar smells in the air, like letting People feel at ease as if they are home.

When you come to Hakka Village in Hsinchu during the autumn and winter seasons, you will definitely see each farmhouse erecting scaffolding in front of the courtyard or square of their old house. The traditional and retro bamboo sieves are neatly painted, and on the bamboo sieves there are yellow persimmons, sunbathing and SPA are done in the warm and warm sunshine. Any food with the care of Father Sun will present a different taste.

In the vast courtyard, the sun shines through the sieves and persimmons, and sprinkles on the ground to form scattered layers of light and shadow, contrasting with the dazzling yellow on the scaffolding, forming a distinct and intense vision. comparison. With the mountain breeze and sea breeze blowing from time to time, the nostrils are filled with the fragrant and rich fruity aroma. This image and aroma of "Suning Persimmons" symbolizing the joy of the autumn harvest also constitute the most beautiful and moving autumn scenery. I think it is rare to see such a spectacular and moving scene in Taiwan except for Xinpu.

Although the power of Jiujiangfeng is not small, butHowever, it was just possible to take advantage of the strong wind and the abundant sunshine of Xiaoyangchun in October to air-dry the freshly harvested persimmons with bright golden color and plump shape to make the famous Xinpu persimmon cake.

Because Hsinchu has "uniquely blessed" nine-fall winds and long hours of sunshine, the persimmons all over the mountains and fields can be made into bite-sized persimmon cakes. In addition to relying on the gods to enjoy their meals, these lunatics who rely on the wind to eat, day after day, do the same repetitive farming every year, and they have become the most beautiful totems in Hakka villages after the fall.

At present, the Hsinchu area is mainly made of persimmons of several varieties, such as beef heart persimmon, stone persimmon and pen persimmon. From fruit selection to cleaning, calyx peeling, charcoal roasting, drying and sun drying, and then kneading and pressing by hand, massage and shaping of persimmons to do SPA, and repeated natural air-drying process, it can be completely The water and astringency are completely removed, and the sweet taste will slowly emerge.

Although the appearance of dried persimmons is not pleasing, it is not as delicate and gorgeous as Western-style cakes and Japanese-style foreign fruits, but the early persimmons can be said to be quite a high-end dessert, soft and sweet, with a sweet taste. It can only be seen at the dinner table of rich people.

. In recent years, many fruit farmers have successively established tourist farms, and gradually developed persimmon popsicles, or added persimmons to salads, or even combined seasonal ingredients to make various creative Western dishes, hoping to attract more young people.

From the process of making persimmon cakes, I seem to see the perseverance of the Hakka people due to the hard working and weathered environment. No matter how difficult things and huge challenges they face, they will persevere for ideals and grit their teeth. The "hard neck spirit" that survives. The images of the two overlapped, and suddenly, the persimmons felt a little more confident and tough, symbolizing the Hakka spirit of being persistent and brave.

I grew up in Hsinchu, where there are many Hakka villages, and I was more or less influenced and nurtured by Hakka culture. This unexpected discovery made me even more proud and gave me an inexplicable joy in my heart. .

, it gives the soup a distinctive sweetness. It is recommended to choose Hsinchu dried persimmons with persimmon frost, which is healthy without additives and has not been treated with sulfides; the biggest difference from imported dried persimmons is that Hsinchu dried dried persimmons are small in size and need to be refrigerated, otherwise they are prone to mold. During the epidemic, it is a high-level enjoyment to use Taiwanese persimmons to stew soup, and

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Hongshidai Home Style: 27 Life Menus" by Chen Hong ◎ Image source / Hiking Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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3 Symptoms Appear In The Body, It Means That You "eat Too Salty"! Doctor Warns: Eating Too Much Salt Can Lead To Diabetes

Who gets diabetes? The common sense of ordinary people knows that people who are overweight, eat too much sweets, etc. are likely to get diabetes. But you know what? Eating too salty food can also lead to diabetes!

According to research, eating salty food for a long time increases the risk of diabetes by 40%. Why? Jiang Kunjun, deputy director of Minsheng Hospital, explained that first, salt will stimulate the secretion of ghrelin, so eating too salty food will naturally make you feel hungry and make you eat more than the average person; second, salt will inhibit insulin secretion, it also It increases insulin resistance, making your insulin less sensitive, and over time, the chance of getting diabetes increases dramatically.

In addition to increasing the risk of diabetes, "salt" has some harmful effects on the body. Jiang Kunjun explained as follows:

Because salt is sodium chloride, sodium ions need to be metabolized by the kidneys. When the body eats too much sodium ions, it will of course increase the burden on the kidneys.

Because sodium and calcium are usually excreted together, when a lot of sodium is excreted, calcium ions will also be excreted a lot, which will increase the concentration of calcium ions in the urine, which will lead to the formation of stones. Chances are a little more than the average person.

Because sodium itself absorbs water, if you eat a lot of sodium, the water in the blood vessels will increase, and the relative blood pressure will be higher than the average person. After a long time, it is easy to get cardiovascular disease.sick.

Sodium ion itself is irritating to the gastric mucosa. When the food is too salty, it will basically cause inflammation of the stomach, and eating too salty food will also increase the risk of stomach cancer.

: Because there is too much water in the blood vessels, it will seep to the outside of the blood vessels, causing body edema.

Sodium ions will be excreted from the kidneys. If you eat too salty, the kidneys will continue to help you expel sodium, and a lot of water will be taken out of the body by the urine, so there will be symptoms of frequent urination.

Because of eating too many salty things, the sodium ion content in the blood is high, the body's natural reflex will always want to drink water, but no matter how you drink it, your mouth will feel dry.

Jiang Kunjun reminds the public not to eat too salty, not only may you get diabetes, but also make you have high blood pressure. In addition, many people will accidentally eat "hidden salt", because in many processed foods, you will not see a lot of salt added, such as: ham, processed bread, processed flour, etc. It is recommended that you eat lightly , watch out for hidden salt.

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Buying Potatoes Is Afraid Of Germination

Many housewives often find that the purchased potatoes (potatoes) sprout very quickly, so they have to throw them away. Experts say that in fact, to prevent potatoes from sprouting and prolong their fresh-keeping period, as long as you do this: Peel the skin and put it in a sealed bag and freeze it, it will not sprout and it will not go bad! Housewives, hurry up and learn!


The new potato varieties are delicious fresh and can also be processed into potato chips

Taiwan has made a new breakthrough in seedling breeding! A new potato variety with high commercial value has been cultivated: "Seedling No. 6"! Zhang Shengzhi, an assistant researcher at the Seedling Improvement and Breeding Farm of the Agriculture Committee, said that "Seedling No. 6" is more tolerant to late blight (disease caused by fungi) than the main variety Knipeg in the market, and it is delicious to eat fresh and can be made into Potato chips, with commercial processing value. Not only does it bring better business opportunities for farmers, but there are also more diversified ways for people to buy food for home use.

Potatoes with high sweetness are easy to brown during processing

Zhang Shengzhi said that potatoes can be divided into fresh consumption and processing according to the characteristics of varieties. The “Seed Miao No. 4” and “Tainong No. 1” developed in the past are mainly sweet or fragrant, and they perform well when steamed or cut into pieces and stir-fried. However, due to the high sugar content, as processed artichoke products, reducing sugar will be produced after being stored in freezing and low temperature, resulting in browning of the product, so it is only suitable for fresh eating, and lacks the value of processing and commercialization. As a result, the current source of processed artichoke in Taiwan is only The "Knibe" variety imported from abroad can be used.

The new potato variety "Zhongmiao No. 6" launched by the seedling farm not only has a good fresh taste, but also has a high reducing sugar content.Low, after low temperature storage, high temperature processing into potato chips will not brown, and the performance is as good as Knip. In addition, the seedling No. 6 has better tolerance to late blight than Knip. It has strong adaptability to the winter cultivation environment in Taiwan and better growth performance, which can reduce farmers' losses caused by late blight. In addition, the yield of Seedling No. 6 can be increased by 48 to 60% compared with that of Knife, and the proportion of tubers produced meets the commercial weight standard of more than 60 grams as high as 73%, and the quality is better.

Selection of seedling No. 6 for potato stew, Tai Nong No. 1 for making potato puree The well-known Baron potatoes are dense and elastic, and they are especially delicious in croquettes and mashed potatoes, but they are hard to come by in Taiwan. Because Taiwanese breeders only select varieties suitable for the eating habits of Taiwanese people, although there are not many varieties to choose from, the cooking method can still be selected according to the taste of the variety.

The taste of the potato can also be adjusted by the cooking method.

Like seedling No. 6 and the common Knipeg potato in the market, they have a powdery texture and are suitable for steaming or dicing and stewing. They are delicious for stewed meat or curry rice. Tai Nong No. 1 is relatively hard and has a Q-like taste. In addition to being steamed or stewed, it is also delicious to make mashed potatoes. However, the general vegetable and fruit industry will not tell consumers the potato variety. Zhang Shengzhi suggested that the taste can also be changed from the cooking method.

If you can't buy Tai Nong No. 1

Peel the skin, then ice it and save itLonger

The biggest concern of housewives when they buy potatoes is the problem of potatoes sprouting, turning green and toxic. Zhang Shengzhi said that this is because housewives usually leave the whole potato at room temperature or freeze the whole potato after buying it home. However, the potato skin has bud eyes with buds, and it is enough for it to sprout and grow after a certain period of time, so it is best to let the potatoes buy home and cook them fresh. If you can’t cook it in a while and want to keep it longer, try peeling it first and then refrigerating it.

He pointed out that with this preservation method, potatoes will not deteriorate after 2 weeks of storage, which can avoid germination or greening and cause toxicity, and the taste when eaten is similar to fresh ones, which can be provided as a reference for people who buy a lot.

◎ Image source/Provided by COA Seed and Seedling Improved Breeding Farm‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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The Immature Dance Mushroom "can Dance" After Eating It? Mushroom Masters Reveal The Truth And Teach You How To Eat Healthier

Many people like to add "dance mushrooms" that dance like butterflies to hot pot, which are beautiful and delicious. But the TV program actually said that Maitake mushrooms are poisonous if they are not cooked, and they "can dance" when eaten! Mushroom masters quickly clarified that wild Maitake mushrooms were slightly toxic in the early days. Now they have been domesticated and cultivated for dozens of generations and listed as "edible mushrooms", which are non-toxic and safe. On the contrary, dance mushrooms can help you lose weight and are good mushrooms!


After 1990, Maitake mushrooms were artificially mass-produced and domesticated to be non-toxic.

The common "Maigu mushrooms" on the dining table, but in the question of the puzzle program, it was pointed out that if they are not cooked, they may have residual toxicity. Dance". Dai Yufeng, a mushroom expert, said that the rumor that eating Maitake mushrooms can dance is that the early wild Maitake mushrooms are slightly poisonous, and when the toxicity occurs, people will dance. However, since the 1990s, Japan has begun to mass-produce Maitake mushrooms. It has been included in the ranks of edible mushrooms. It has been domesticated for more than ten generations and is no longer toxic. But it is true that mushrooms must be cooked!

Mushrooms are fungi, and it is recommended that they should be cooked before eating

Dai Yufeng said that unless they are very fresh and advertised as edible mushrooms that can be eaten raw, all mushrooms should be cooked and eaten. Because mushrooms themselves are fungi, mushrooms rich in polysaccharides may also become a source of nutrition for various bacteria. If the mushroom body is not stored properly, it is easy to absorb other harmful bacteria, and the bacteria may cause the mushroom body to rot and cause toxicity. Be careful even if there is no rot, because mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides and amino acids, and everyone has different tolerances to raw mushrooms, so it is recommended toBest cooked before eating.

Dance mushrooms have high fiber content and are popular in the slimming industry.

Dai Yufeng explained that wild mushrooms are really toxic, especially now that there are many kinds of mushrooms that are unknown to humans, so the various mushrooms seen on the roadside must not be confused. Eating indiscriminately. The known mushrooms are poisonous mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms and edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms are domesticated mushrooms and are not poisonous. Maitake mushrooms are not only high in fiber, but only 50 grams per meal, and are widely promoted by the slimming industry as a good ingredient.

Don't wash the dance mushrooms, eat them with soup after cooking

Dai Yufeng said that the dance mushrooms come in two colors: black and yellow and white, but Taiwanese people are not very accepting of black, and most of the ones seen on the market are yellow and white dance mushrooms. mushroom. He reminded to be careful when handling maitake mushrooms, as there is no need to wash or roughly rinse them, because the glucan of maitake mushrooms is easily soluble in water. Moreover, Maitake mushrooms are not heat-resistant, so don’t add too much water to boil them, because the various polysaccharides in it will dissolve in water, so you should drink it together with the soup when you eat it. Don't cook it for too long. If you see the mushroom body softened in the hot soup, it means it is cooked, so take it out and eat it.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eat Chicken Breasts To Gain Muscle! Dietitian Exposes 2 Hidden Pitfalls Of "instant Chicken Breasts", Beware Of High Blood Pressure

Protein supplementation has always been a topic of great concern to fitness and sports friends. In order to meet the needs of modern people, a variety of ready-to-eat meat products have been launched on the market, the most popular of which is "instant chicken breast". Ready-to-eat chicken breasts are easy to obtain and easy to eat, and they have become everyone's darling as soon as they are launched. However, how do you choose to eat healthier?


There are quite a variety of high-quality protein-rich ingredients, such as chicken breasts, drumsticks, seafood, pork, beef, etc. Which is the most suitable for you? For those who want to "gain muscle" or "reduce fat", "chicken breast" is a very good choice!

As you can see from the above picture, comparing each meat with a weight of 100 grams, chicken breast has lower calorie and fat content, and more protein than other meats, so it is a very high protein supplementation choice .

“Increasing muscle and reducing fat” is already a well-known topic. After muscle strength training, it is recommended to supplement the protein amount (g) of “body weight (kg) x 0.25-0.3”, but according to different training goals, the required amount of protein Diet ratios are not the same!

After exercise, you need to supplement "carbohydrate" and "protein" at the same time, and the intake ratio is about 2~4:1 (unit: grams). Supplementing sugar can promote insulin secretion and assist in the transport of amino acids to muscles forRepair and synthesis of muscle tissue.

The energy supply after exercise should be mainly protein, and avoid excessive intake of sugar and fat.

The devil is always hidden in the details. In order to save costs and increase the taste and flavor of chicken, some manufacturers will, in the manufacturing process,

The flavors of ready-to-eat chicken breasts on the market vary. Some are more salty and have high sodium content. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the sodium content in the nutrition label when purchasing!

The recommended daily intake of sodium for adults is 2400mg. Therefore, it is recommended not to consume more than 800mg per meal, so that you can enjoy delicious dishes without burden!

When purchasing ready-to-eat chicken breasts, in addition to "check food ingredients, pay attention to food additives"; "check nutrition labels and choose products with lower sodium content", remind everyone to pay attention to "product preservation and packaging integrity" . Ready-to-eat chicken breasts need to be stored in a low temperature environment. When purchasing, you should also pay attention to whether the outer packaging is damaged or swollen, so that you can enjoy it safely.

◎ This article is from / ◎ Written by / Lin Yujun nutritionist ◎ Image source/Good Food Class‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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Loss Of Taste May Be Zinc Deficiency! How Much Zinc Should You Take Every Day? What Are The Foods That Contain Zinc?

The adult body contains about 2 grams of zinc, which exists in the liver, skin, vitreous body of the eyeball, prostate, etc. It is composed of carbonic anhydrase, lactate dehydrogenase, carboxypeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, etc. Ingredients (cofactors), involved in more than 200 enzyme reactions in the human body.


Zinc is also an essential component in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. If zinc is insufficient, DNA replication will be inhibited, and cell division will be hindered. Therefore, zinc is also related to the healthy maintenance of skin and mucous membranes with vigorous cell division.

In addition, since zinc is an indispensable component in the synthesis of the hormone purine, which has a hypoglycemic effect, lack of zinc will lead to impaired glucose tolerance. (Glucose tolerance refers to the ability to keep blood sugar within a stable range at any time)

Zinc is involved in the renewal of taste bud cells

Zinc is also responsible for the important task of maintaining normal taste. There are about 9,000 tissues on the surface of the human tongue called "taste buds", which function to sense taste. The renewal cycle of taste bud cells is very short, about once a month, and zinc is involved in the renewal of taste bud cells, so

The absorption rate of zinc is about 30%, which is not very high. It is absorbed by the duodenum and ileum. However, sometimes due to the intake of dietary fiber, phytic acid, oxalic acid, etc., chelation hinders the absorption of zinc. In addition, the absorption of zinc, iron and copper in the intestinal tract antagonizes each other.

Insufficient zinc can lead to chronicDysentery, growth retardation, gonadal dysplasia, skin lesions, abnormal taste, etc. The average diet is almost nothing to worry about, and there will be problems with excessive zinc intake, but there are reports that,

According to the 2015 edition of the Japanese Dietary Intake Standard, the recommended amount is 10 mg for men aged 15 to 69; 9 mg for men over 70; 8 mg for women aged 15 to 69; and 7 mg for women over 70. In addition, if pregnant women need to add 2 mg; breastfeeding women need to add 3 mg.

13.2 mg per 100 g. Contains 6.9 mg per 100 g. Contains 6.9 mg per 100 g. Contains 5.6 mg per 100 g. Contains 4.4 mg per 100 g.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Visible Nutrition" written by Yukiko Kawashima ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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She Broke The Myth That Drinking Raw Milk Is Safe And Nutritious! Pushing Milk Pasteurization Despite Opposition Saves Countless Lives

Alice Catherine Evans is a noted bacteriologist and the first female director of the USDA Animal Industry Service. She first discovered that Malta fever (wave fever) in humans was caused by infection with Brucella, and proved that the route of infection was bacteria-containing milk, thus promoting the law to force the full pasteurization of milk, saving countless life.

She has devoted her whole life to the research of bacterial infectious diseases. Although she was a woman and did not have a Ph.D., and suffered many unequal treatment, she was finally recognized by the scientific community and was elected to the American Bacteriological Society 's first female president.

After retirement, she still actively strives for women's career development, and gives speeches about women's career development, especially emphasizing the importance of women in the field of scientific research. She is a role model for the microbiology and public health community, and a hero for justice.

Alice Kathleen Avens (hereinafter referred to as Avens) was born on January 29, 1881, in a farm family in Neath, Pennsylvania, USA. His grandfather settled here in 1831 from Wales, England. His father, William Howell Evans, was a farmer and teacher who had fought in the Civil War. Her mother, Anne B. Evans, immigrated with her family from Wales, England when she was 14 years old.

Evans attended local elementary and secondary schools with her brother Morgan Evans, but she didn't attend Susquehanna Collegiate Institute in Towanda, Pennsylvania until she graduated , After graduating in 1901, because her family was poor and could not pay the tuition fees for continuing to study at university, Ai Wensi only got primary school as a teacher, which was one of the few jobs that women could find at that time.

She taught elementary school for 4 years until her brother told her that Cornell University's College of Agriculture had a free 2-year natural science program for teachers in remote areas. So she applied immediately, and got into Cornell University, where she received a bachelor's degree in agriculture two years later.

Cornell University was the center of agronomy at the time and had a program to train elites in agricultural science, including the famous entomologist Professor John Henry Comstock (1849-1931) and vertebrates Professor Whitehead (Burt Green Wilder, 1841-1925) and others.

During her 2 years of study, Elvens chose the then-new bacteriology as her research topic. Her supervisor was a dairy microbiologist, Professor William A. Stocking (1840-193).0), where she learned a lot of bacteriology expertise.

After earning a bachelor's degree in agronomy in 1908, Avens received a University of Wisconsin scholarship to study bacteriology, the first time this scholarship was awarded to a woman, through the strong recommendation of her advisor. Here she pursued her master's degree under the supervision of Dr. E.G. Hastings (1872-1953), and another professor of chemistry and nutrition, McCollum (who later discovered vitamins A and D). Elmer V. McCollum). Avens completed her studies in 1910 with a master's degree.

Her supervisor, Dr. Hastings, hoped that Elvens would stay and pursue her Ph.D. A necessary condition for engaging in scientific research, so Elvens decided to find a research job in the laboratory first.

Fortunately, Professor Hastings happens to be commissioned by the USDA to direct a dairy research unit for the animal industry on the University of Wisconsin campus. So Evans became a research assistant hired by the unit. Her work was mainly to study the improvement of cheese flavor, and the manufacture of cheese was one of the main industries in Wisconsin.

In order to enrich her professional knowledge during her work, Ai Wensi also takes a course at the university every year. She worked here for 3 years and worked with Professor Hastings and a chemistProfessor E.B. Hart of the department co-authored four papers.

In the summer of 1913, Elvens was transferred to the newly established Bureau of Animal Industry of the Washington Department of Agriculture. When she checked in, Ewens discovered that she had become the department's first female employee.

In her later memoirs: "According to a rumor, bad news about a female researcher's joining came to a meeting of the Animal Industry Bureau, and everyone panicked. ; one stenographer also described the presence of almost all of them falling out of their chairs.” Nonetheless, Ewens received a warm welcome when he reported, and the Director, Dr. B. G. Rawl, and the Research Department Director Lore A, Rogers does not exclude a female researcher from joining the team. Her research in this lab is about bacteria in cow's milk and how these bacteria get into cow's milk.

She first studied Bang's disease, which causes abortion in cattle, and Brucellosis, a goat disease.

Previous scientists believed that brucellosis in goats and Ban's disease, which caused abortion in cattle, were two different diseases. This was because Bruce thought that the pathogens of brucellosis in goats and Maltese fever were a kind of spherical disease. Micrococcus melitensis, the bacterium that causes bovine abortion, is a bacillusthe reason.

But after research and identification by Evans, it was proved that both are caused by the same bacterium. In order to commemorate Bruce's contribution to the first study of this disease, later generations changed the name of the pathogenic bacterium to Brucella. abortus). Ai Wensi's discovery, radically changed the human concept of milk safety.

Evens lived in a time when everyone believed that the fresher the milk was, the safer and more nutritious it was, but Elwens found that wasn't the case. This is very similar to Bruce's previous discovery of Malta fever from drinking unclean raw goat's milk. She cultivated the pathogenic bacteria of the two, and then carried out a careful inspection, and unexpectedly found that the two had a high degree of similarity.

Evens then published her findings at the American Society of Bacteriology in 1917 and hypothesized that drinking contaminated raw cow's milk could cause disease, and wrote a formal paper published the following year in the Journal of Infectious Diseases ( Journal of Infectious Diseases).

However, no one believes that the same bacteria can cause common diseases in animals and humans at the same time, and if they did, they should have been discovered by other microbiologists. Which round got Elwens - a woman without a Ph.D. portion!

But facts speak louder than words. A San Francisco scientist, Karl F. Meyer, first confirmed Elwens' discovery in 1920, and the followingIn the past 4 years, 10 scientists from 7 countries have successively published the same conclusion. This important discovery was finally recognized, and after Evans' death, the Washington Post obituary wrote: "This is the most outstanding medical discovery of the first 25 years of this century."

It is also worth mentioning that while studying Maltese fever, Elvens also unfortunately contracted the disease in 1922, which was very common in the early microbiology community. For the next 20 years, she suffered from the disease, sometimes for a month, with constant fever and pain, and her body temperature would rise and fall repeatedly.

To make matters worse, this symptom is often mistaken for fantasy, which is one of the hallmarks of the disease. Ewens once said: "It is unbearable to be misunderstood as a liar when you are really sick." Despite this, she is not discouraged, and she has always maintained a humorous mood to face this annoying disease and care for others. patients, keep in touch with them and provide advice by writing letters.

Pasteurization was invented by French microbiologist Pasteur (Louis Pasteur, 1822-1895) in 1864. It is a method of sterilizing food by heating. He found that at a temperature of 55 to 60 degrees Celsius, the Heating the freshly fermented wine for 30 minutes can inhibit the growth of miscellaneous bacteria and prevent the wine from becoming sour. This method is not to completely sterilize the microorganisms in the wine, but to reduce the bacteria to a safe level. On the one hand, it can prevent the wine from becoming sour, and on the other hand, it can alsoTo preserve the taste and flavor of the brewed wine.

But the move has come under unprecedented pressure, including from dairy suppliers and farmers raising dairy cattle, because the pasteurization process increases the cost of dairy products. On the other hand, the general public does not think that cow's milk can transmit diseases, and it is necessary to heat and sterilize it. But Elwens is unwavering, and she continues to push for full pasteurization of milk with a strong will.

The well-known biographer Paul de Kruif also wrote an article in the September 1929 issue of Ladies' Home Journal praising her achievements, making Ewens more aware of the public. Contribution to public health.

In the United States, it wasn't until 1930 that public health officials finally agreed with Elvens, passing a law that only pasteurized cow's milk could be sold. After years of fighting alone, Aiwens' research results have finally been recognized by the world, and it has also benefited the health of countless human beings.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "The Hidden Behind the Microscope: Female Scientists Who Changed the World" by Liu Zhongkang and Zhong Jintang ◎ Image source/Taiwan Commercial Press‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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