Sunday, May 1, 2022

13 Hospital Food Streets For Peace Of Mind! Online Query "Ingredients Login" Nutrition Information, Ingredients Sources Are Fully Disclosed

The epidemic of new coronary pneumonia cannot be relaxed, especially major medical institutions are an important checkpoint in epidemic prevention. In addition to the strict control of front-line medical staff, food safety and hygiene in hospitals must not be sloppy! For the first time, the Taipei City Food Ingredients Registration Platform has been included in the "Hospital Food Street", so that people can eat in the hospital with more peace of mind. So far, 13 hospitals have responded.


From ingredients to packaging, the source of all raw materials is open and transparent

Many people who come to and from the hospital often choose to dine in the hospital food street. Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe said that when he used to work in the hospital, he would often go to the hospital food street to eat; this time, the Taipei City Food Logging Platform has added a special area for the hospital food street, which is a good guarantee for patients, family members, visitors and medical staff.

So far, 13 hospitals (14 campuses) and 52 counters have responded, revealing a total of 498 products, 1,593 sources of ingredients, and 65 self-inspection reports. Taipei City Health Director Huang Shijie explained that, to facilitate traceability management.

13 hospitals have responded! Hospital Food Street is more secure for dining

The Taipei City Government Health Bureau has been handling the registration of ingredients since 102, and this year (109) included the hospital food street for the first time. Huang Shijie emphasized that hospitals must take care of many mild and severe patients, and hospital meals should pay more attention to balanced nutrition and health. Therefore, more attention should be paid to food safety standards.Log in to the platform to add a special area for the hospital food street.

The hospitals that have participated in the registration of ingredients include: Tri-Service General Hospital, Mackay Hospital (Children's Hospital, Memorial Hospital), Zhenxing Hospital, National Taiwan University Hospital (West Site, East Site, Cancer Center, Children's Hospital), Tai'an Hospital , Xinguang Hospital, Wanfang Hospital, Taipei City United Hospital (Zhongxing District, Renai District), Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei Medical University Affiliated Hospital, etc. A total of 13. Click here for "Taipei Food Ingredients Registration Platform - Hospital Food Street Zone"

The registered operators in the 13 hospitals include: FamilyMart, Uni-President, Lai Erfu, OK Convenience Store, Yimei, Mos Burger, Suhang, Zhuji, Xiaonanmen, Sanshang Qiaofu, Ming German Vegetarian Garden, Slots Tiger, Tokachi Ishiyaki, ToGo, Fresh to Go, Mak Kee Roast Meat (Xin Dongyang), Ernst & Young Fresh Food, STARBUCKS COFFEE, Louisa Coffee, CAMA, Seattle Premium Coffee, COMEBUY, Yamazaki, Rice Brother Baking, St. Mary's, Le Tian Bakery, Lefa, Yisheng European Baking, Mrs. Fei, Royal Heritage, Xinfeng Buffet, Real Fruit Juice Bar, Meiliguo, Fulong, Mackay Memorial Hospital Joy Workshop, Manna Natural Taste Restaurant, etc.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Makiyo Revealed That He Had Swallowed More Than 10 Sleeping Pills And Still Had No Sleepiness! Pharmacist Revealed That 4 Major Landmines Are Harmful To Diet, This Is More Likely To Be Deadly

Actress Makiyo recently revealed on the show that she has had sleep disorders since elementary school. She started taking sleeping pills at the age of 18 and has been taking sleeping pills for 18 years. She also said that she once swallowed more than 10 sleeping pills, but she still had no sleepiness; It is pointed out that if you are still unable to fall asleep after taking sleeping pills, or if you wake up groggy in the morning, you may have eaten a food that will affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Tang Ruyi, a pharmacist at the Drug Injury Relief Foundation, said that if you take a sleeping pill if it doesn't work, take another sleeping pill, or drink some alcohol to help you sleep, it is a common wrong behavior of taking sleeping pills. Harmful to health.

Tang Ruyi shared that there was a Miss Liu who returned from overseas. She used to take sleeping pills on a regular basis to treat insomnia. However, due to the recent impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, she became more anxious and nervous. Drink some red wine with sleeping pills before going to bed, you can fall asleep quickly, but unexpectedly, drowsiness symptoms appear.

Tang Ruyiqiang emphasized that if you have sleep problems, it is recommended to start by improving your living habits. If you still can't solve it, you can seek medical treatment from a sleep or psychiatrist. Do not buy sleeping pills or mix multiple drugs on your own. Inability to fall asleep, or groggy after waking up in the morning, may be due to eating foods that affect the efficacy of the medicine.

, if combined with benzodiazepines (BZD) drugs (such as alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam, etc.)), non-benzodiazepines (non-BZD) drugs (such as zaleplon, zolpidem, zopiclone, etc.), melatonin receptor agonists (such as ramelteon) and orexin receptor antagonists (such as suvorexant) ) and other sleeping pills may cause symptoms such as dizziness, drowsiness, decreased alertness, and decreased body balance and coordination.

People who are taking sleeping pills should not take too much caffeine-containing drinks before going to bed, so as not to be full of energy at bedtime, and increase the dosage of sleeping pills on their own, resulting in overdose and increased adverse reactions risk of occurrence.

Caffeine will stimulate the central nervous system. After drinking coffee or caffeinated tea, insomniacs need more time to fall asleep. People with sleep disorders are advised not to drink too much caffeinated beverages and avoid Drink after the afternoon.

Grapefruit juice can affect the metabolism of various drugs by inhibiting the metabolism of CYP3A4 enzymes in the body, increasing the blood concentration of drugs and increasing the risk of adverse drug reactions.

When grapefruit juice is used in combination with BZD drugs (such as diazepam and alprazolam), non-BZD drugs (such as eszopiclone) and orexin receptor antagonists (such as suvorexant), it is easy to increase dizziness, drowsiness, respiratory depression, etc.Adverse reactions.

High-fat foods will prolong the digestion time of the stomach and intestines, which will not only affect sleep, but may also affect the efficacy of medicines. For example, taking BZD drugs (such as diazepam) immediately after meals will increase the reabsorption of the drug and increase the efficacy of the drug; non-BZD drugs (such as zaleplon, eszopiclone, etc.) will reduce the effect of the drug, so The insomnia problem cannot be relieved in time.

◎ Image source / provided by Makiyo new Kawashima Jasmine Powder Special‧Pesticide Relief Foundation

Black Sesame With Milk, Jujube With Wolfberry! Physician Discloses 4 Kinds Of Diets To Effectively Prevent Cataracts

The normal lens pupil area is transparent. If it becomes cloudy and blocks the light, it can cause vision loss. Checking with a flashlight shows that the pupil is gray and white, which is called cataract; the common ones are senile cataracts, congenital cataracts and complications cataract.

With the increase of age, the incidence of senile cataract has a trend of increasing year by year, and it has become one of the most common blinding eye diseases. The clinical manifestations are progressive visual loss with grayish-white opacity in the pupil area. Cataracts are divided into four stages: initial stage, swelling stage, mature stage, and overripe stage.

At or near maturity, surgical removal can be performed, and then glasses are used for correction. The best option is to perform extracapsular cataract extraction combined with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.

Drink at least 1500cc of water every day.

Soymilk, tofu, dried tofu, tofu skin, and bean sprouts are rich in plant protein and have low cholesterol. Elderly people with cataracts should eat more.

Vegetables include green beans, Chinese cabbage, choy sum, mustard greens, amaranth, garlic sprouts, tomatoes, etc.; fruits include mandarin, tangerine, orange, apricot, peach, plum, pomelo, lemon, persimmon, jujube, hawthorn, longan, etc. , should eat more.

Such as liver, kidney, heart, milk, eggs, eel, crucian carp, oysters, clams, crabs, yellow croaker, white-haired fish, squid, etc. These foods are high in zinc and are suitable for senile cataract patients.


Wolfberry is rich in carotene, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. Longan meat is rich in vitamin B2, vitamin C and protein, all of which can nourish essence and blood, nourish eyesight.

Black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E, iron and protein, which can delay the aging of the body, improve the metabolism of the eyeball, and maintain and enhance the function of the hematopoietic system and immune system.

The combination of the two can improve eyesight and liver, and improve visual function.

Jujube contains protein, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., which can nourish blood and improve eyesight and improve eyesight.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Silver-haired Seniors: A Collection of Trillium Rejuvenation" by Meng Zhaoquan and Sun Shuyin ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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11 Million Lives Worldwide In 1 Year! 15 Eating Habits Related To Death, How Many Have You Hit?

Do you know how serious the impact of "eating habits" is? Zhang Shiheng, a physician with 8 years of clinical experience in the emergency room of the medical center, pointed out that a heavyweight study in the past 30 years found 15 eating habits related to death; stop associating healthy eating with reducing junk food. What you lack even more is healthy food.


In early April 2019, the global media had a tacit understanding and published the same news. What is the news that has attracted the attention of the global media so much? It is not a trade war between China and the United States, and it has nothing to do with terrorism. This news is about the latest results of the Global Burden of Disease Study updated to 2017, which is a heavyweight study. It covers disease and diet data in 195 countries, spanning nearly 30 years (1990 to 2017), and summarizes the relationship between 15 dietary habits and death.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a medical study as large as this, either in population or timescale. The BBC headline read: "One in five deaths each year is related to diet", while CNN humorously used the opposite headline: "The food we don't eat is killing us."< /p>

Indeed, the study published in The Lancet has given the world a strong message: diet has long replaced cigarettes and has become the number one killer of mankind in this century!

Overall, in nearly 200 countries, poor eating habits kill 11 million people a year, including 10 million from cardiovascular disease and 1 million from cancer. The number of deaths worldwide due to smoking is about 7 million a year, which is lower than the number of people killed by poor eating habits, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.

This study lists 15 bad eating habits and tells us two important things. First, bad eating habits have more to do with eating less healthy food than eating too much unhealthy food.

Second, too much sodium in the diet is actually the number one killer. Of the 11 million deaths, more than 3 million deaths are related to it, accounting for about a quarter. If these countries are further divided into 21 regions, nearly one-third of the deaths in East Asia, where Taiwan is located, are related to high sodium. Looking at the rest of the world, high sodium accounts for almost less than a quarter, and we are in the hardest hit area of ​​salt.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "The Timeless Health Law of Emergency Physicians" by Zhang Shiheng ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image/shutterstock provided

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Delicious Pork Feet Do Not Need To Be Fried! The Chef Teaches 4 Tricks To Marinate The Fragrance, Low Oil, Good Taste

Taiwanese people love to eat pig's feet, and they are indispensable for birthday parties. They are often seen at wedding banquets. If you want to avoid bad luck, you need to eat them. Even if you have pig's feet at restaurants, you will often order them. plate. "Chef Thor" Lei Yi believes that everyone uses the ancient method and grasps 4 key points, and you can simply marinate a pot of fragrant, springy and non-greasy pork feet, which is guaranteed to be delicious.

You can make delicious pork feet by grasping the 4 tips

Pork feet are a very popular national delicacy. Many mother-in-law and mothers will braise pig feet, but Lei Yizong pointed out that the pork feet you want to marinate will not be too soft and rotten , and has a bouncy taste. In addition to using the "four-pointed" part (that is, the pig's foot ring), and grasping the following four tips, you can easily marinate a pot of delicious pig's feet.

Many people like to fry the pig's feet first, but Mr. Lei suggested to boil the water and put the pig's feet into the boil for 3 minutes. After changing the water, blanch again according to the law. Off-flavor, and can cook the meat.

First stir fry white sugar until caramel color, and then put the pig feet in, so that the color of the marinated pig feet will be beautiful and delicious.

Fry the five-spice powder in the pot first, and then pour in the broth and soy sauce after the flavor is added, and the cinnamon flavor can be concentrated in the meat, and the taste is more fragrant.

The key to the Q bomb is to pick up the colored pig's feet, immediately put it into the electric pot and steam for 30 minutes, and you're done.

600g pork trotters, 100g peanut kernels, 2 shallots, 30g ginger, 2 red peppers, 50cc rice wine, 1 tablespoon sugar, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, appropriate amount of pork bone broth, appropriate amount of five spice powder, appropriate amount of oil , appropriate amount of water.

1. The pig's feet are scalded for a short time and set aside.

2. Put a little oil in the pot, stir-fry the onion, ginger, and chili until fragrant.

3. Add the sugar and stir-fry until it dissolves, then add the pig's feet and stir-fry.

4. Add five-spice powder, rice wine, soy sauce and other seasonings to the pot in sequence, then pour in water, pork bone broth, and peanut kernels. After it comes to a boil, turn to medium-low heat and cook for 90 minutes.

5. Pick up the pig's feet and put it on the plate, then put it into the electric pot and steam for 30 minutes, and you're done.

Vice President Lai Qingde Ate A Full Meal Of Cabbage At Lunch "out Of The Box". Is It Nutritionally Balanced?

Vice President Lai Ching-teh promotes Taiwanese cabbage on Facebook, especially in his lunch "Korean Cabbage Dinner Unboxing". The menu includes two cabbage buns, cabbage dumplings, a plate of cabbage kimchi and a plate of stir-fried cabbage. Cabbage. Taiwanese vegetables are sweet and delicious, and Vice President Lai eats them with relish! However, nutritionists found that such lunch grains and roots are too high and must be fine-tuned.

In order to encourage the domestic market, politicians have been marketing Taiwanese agricultural products, and Vice President Lai Chingde also recorded a special lunch of Taiwanese cabbage products on Facebook. He is a nephrologist himself. After entering politics, he has a full schedule every day. He also moved with his index finger.

Taiwanese cabbage is sweet and delicious without seasoning

Judging from the Facebook video, the food on Lai Qingde's plate looks a bit heavy, two cabbage buns, about 5 cabbage dumplings, plus a Plate cabbage kimchi and stir-fried cabbage. He said that Taiwanese cabbage is crisp and sweet, cabbage dumplings are delicious without soy sauce, and fried cabbage or kimchi are also delicious in Taiwan.

Follow along and be careful of excessive carbohydrate intake

Although the marketing of Taiwanese agricultural products is worthy of recognition, if you eat a meal like this, be careful that the calories are nearly 900 kcal, which is beyond the table! And it's too high in carbs. Lin Minhua, director of the Nutrition Department of Yunlin Christian Hospital, analyzed the nutrition analysis table of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The carbohydrates in two buns, etc.In 1 bowl of rice, plus 5 dumplings, 3 large dumpling skins equals 1 carbohydrate, 5 dumplings equals half a bowl of rice, adding up to 1 and a half bowls of rice. Generally, young working men recommend 1 bowl of rice per meal and 0.8 bowls of rice for women. If one and a half bowls of rice are eaten in one meal, it is too much.

Because it is marketing Taiwanese cabbage, Vice President Lai's dinner plate includes two plates of cabbage, steamed buns, and cabbage in dumplings, with enough dietary fiber. If the cabbage buns have meat, 2 pieces are 479 calories, including 3.5 calories of protein, 9 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of sugar. 2 packs of pure Korean cabbage are 421 kcal, 4 grams of fat, 41.4 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, but lacking in protein.

Taiwan's cabbage dumplings generally have meat filling, 1 piece is 30 grams, 5 pieces are 150 grams, and the calories are 343 kcal. Among them, there are 11 grams of protein, 15 grams of fat, 3 grams of dietary fiber, and 43 grams of carbohydrates.

Pure vegetable buns lack protein and dumplings are high in fat

If you eat two buns and 5 dumplings at a time, the calories in vegetarian buns are 421 calories, dumplings are 343 calories, and kimchi is 59 calories, and the total calories are 823 calories. Although the calories are not high, the protein is insufficient, the carbohydrates are equal to 1 and a half bowls, and the nutrition is not balanced. If you eat cabbage meat buns, two are 479 calories, and the total calories with dumplings and kimchi are 882 calories, and 26 grams of fat is about 6.6 teaspoons. Although the protein is enough, the fat content is high and the carbohydrates are also high.

With 1 cup of soy milk, BaoEat 1 less perfect lunch

Lin Minhua suggested that if you want to eat two steamed buns, fried cabbage, and cabbage kimchi, it is best to drink 1 cup of soy milk, and cabbage dumplings are best reserved for the evening. Or save the steamed buns to eat at night, only eat 5 cabbage dumplings and soy milk, so the nutrition will be just right, there will be no problem of excessive fat and carbohydrates, and it will also supplement the protein nutrition.

◎ Picture source/retrieved from Lai Qingde Facebook

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He Carries This Bottle With Him! In Line With The Asian "Mediterranean Diet 3 Principles" Let Him Lose 36 Kg

Mr. Ma Ke (Xie Changsheng), who has 25 years of experience as a chef, once gained weight to 118 kg due to a busy and irregular diet. It was not until he "suddenly collapsed" after get off work one day that he was forced to face up to his health deficiencies and determined to Improve your diet. He studied Mediterranean cuisine and obtained the Italian high-level oil refiner certification, which only a few people in Asia have passed. Through his own practice, he practiced the three principles of the Mediterranean diet, and successfully implemented the "high-metabolism Mediterranean cuisine" that conforms to Asian habits and is easy to implement. Lose 1/3 of yourself!

The definition of the Mediterranean diet can usually be simply classified as "eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, olive oil, combined with natural dairy products plus moderate amounts of fish, eggs and poultry, and a small amount of red meat and red wine". Over the past few years, he has continued to consult and communicate with many dietitian friends. In addition to preparing healthy and balanced meals with reference to the Mediterranean diet pyramid, he also has the goal of losing weight, so he also adjusted his diet to a sugar-reducing model. , and gradually construct a set of regular and well-executed eating habits.

When preparing meals, we take convenience as a consideration, and do not calculate the amount of each food, but prepare meals in proportion. As for the amount of one serving, please raise your hand and clench your fist. Everyone's body shape is different, and the size of the hand is also different, so the size of one of your fists is almost the amount of one serving for you.

In this way, a large amount of fruit and vegetable fiber can be ingested to increase satiety and ensure a variety of nutrition.With enough nutrients, you can also get good protein from fish, meat, soy, custard and enough to maintain physiological functions. And prototype starches, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, prototype whole grains and rice, pasta and bread made with whole wheat flour, etc., can also supply body heat and keep us motivated when we work.

1 gram of butter and 1 gram of olive oil, which one has more calories? The correct answer is that all fats contain 9 calories per gram. If you eat these calories, of course, you have to take in fats with better metabolism and richer nutrition, and the CP value is high!

Oil is the main component of the cell membranes that make up the 60 trillion cells in the human body, and even 60% of our brain is oil, which is one of the three most important nutrients for the human body. In other words,

The fats we usually ingest are divided into animal-based "saturated fatty acids" such as butter, lard, and tallow, and "unsaturated fatty acids" from plants and fish such as fish oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil, which are further divided into units and pluralism. Among them, monounsaturated fatty acids have the highest metabolic rate, the most stable oil quality, and are the least likely to cause cardiovascular disease.

If you are accustomed to eating blended or refined oils such as soybean salad oil, you will consume both "polyunsaturated fatty acids" and "saturated fatty acids". In fact, it also meets the calorie standard, but it requires more labor and exercise to expel it from the body, which is simply impossible for us who are busy.

And the Mediterranean drinkOlive oil, which is widely used in food, has as high as 76% "monounsaturated fatty acids". This means that when we eat high-metabolized olive oil or other good fats, in addition to ingesting nutrients, we can also expel the bad fats accumulated in the body. Therefore,


The so-called "sugar reduction" refers to the reduction of sugar in the radical "You", not the sugar in the radical "Rice". Simply put, it means lowering your carbohydrate intake. The idea is that if you eat more fiber and protein than starch in each meal, your blood sugar will be less likely to fluctuate and you will not feel hungry.

Xie Changsheng said that the biggest obstacle for too many people who want to lose weight (including themselves) is the inability to control their appetite and keep wanting to eat. And (without junk food, of course!), you won’t overeat without depression, and it’s easier to persevere.

Of course, even with natural ingredients, if you eat too much at one time, the calories will exceed your body's load, and your weight will still exceed the standard. But according to his personal experience, as long as you choose the right ingredients and the right cooking method, refer to the 321 golden rule to control the amount of food, and mix with good fats, you don't need to calculate too many values, you can naturally achieve the effect of reducing calories . Losing weight is a hard journey, so you should eat good food, and you have the strength to lose weight when you are full!

◎ This article is excerpted from / "High Metabolism Mediterranean Cuisine" by Xie Changsheng ◎ Image source / Taiwan GuangshaAudiobooks Co., Ltd.·Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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