Sunday, May 1, 2022

How To Choose Calcium Tablets For Calcium Supplementation? Hou Zhongbao, A Sore Doctor: If You Have A Bad Stomach, You Should Avoid This One!

According to the survey, up to 90% of Chinese people suffer from calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency not only easily leads to osteoporosis and cramps, but also may cause symptoms such as heart palpitations, blurred vision, insomnia, and numbness in the limbs. Many people want to supplement calcium through commercially available calcium supplements, but don't know how to choose. The doctor will answer it for everyone!

Calcium tablets are divided into 2 categories. People with bad stomach should not choose this type. What are the differences between these calcium tablets? Which one should you choose best for you? Rehabilitation physician Hou Zhongbao pointed out that calcium tablets can be mainly divided into two categories, one is calcium carbonate, the other is calcium lactate and calcium citrate.


Hou Zhongbao explained that calcium carbonate tablets are minced from shellfish and then synthesized into calcium tablets. The price is relatively low, but there is a disadvantage - it is easier to bloat after eating, so it is suitable for poor gastrointestinal function. For people, calcium carbonate tablets are usually not recommended.

There are many types of calcium supplements in powder and liquid form.

As for calcium lactate and calcium citrate, calcium tablets are mainly made by chemical synthesis, which may be powder, solid or liquid. Afterwards, there will be no stomach bloating and stomach discomfort, but the price is relatively high.

Hou Zhongbao mentioned that since the human body cannot form calcium on its own, the only way to supplement calcium is to eat it! He suggested that you can choose suitable calcium supplements according to your own needs and budget; such asIf you have any questions about nutritional supplements, you can consult professional advice before making a choice, to avoid calcium supplementation that will not harm your health, and the gains outweigh the losses!

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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A Famous Doctor Who Loves Instant Noodles And Bread Suffers A Stroke At The Age Of 41!

Do you often eat "meal replacement foods"? Qiu Xianxue, a famous Chinese and Western medicine doctor, pointed out that "meal replacement foods" are refined processed foods, such as bread, cakes, instant noodles, jerky, etc. Before he had a stroke, he was a good user of artificial "meal replacement foods".


Chiu Hsien-hsue, the chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Traumatology of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital, is one of the few TCM physicians in Taiwan who has been trained in western medicine neurology and has dual licenses. At the age of 41, he suffered a stroke. He said that Chinese medicine has a point of view.

Qiu Xianxue said that esophageal reflux or stomach bloating will affect sleep quality and make the mental state feel anxious or restless, because stomach bloating can cause heart palpitations or chest tightness, while gastroesophageal reflux can cause coughing or nasal passages Throat sensitivity, and skin rash caused by food contact, these symptoms are difficult to clarify whether it is an allergic phenomenon caused by the food itself, or the impact of the modified food on the human body.

In addition, thanks to the scientific and technological progress of the chemical industry, clouding agents, emulsifiers and antioxidants, etc., there are various food additives that can be named, but it is not known whether long-term consumption is problematic. In medical research, unless a group of specific subjects is tracked for more than 1 to 20 years, and there are a large number of them, the co-influence of other dietary factors can be filtered out and more rigorous observation conclusions can be obtained.

Qiu Xianxue pointed out that there may be some people who think that only a few people will use this kind of diet every day because of the personal burden of personal production; but don't forget the kindergartenChildren who are accustomed to "convenient" dietary content since childhood will naturally become unswerving supporters of the meal replacement industry in the next few decades.

Remember one thing, unless it is processed by physical, chemical, or even the most fundamental genetic modification, it is possible to preserve it for a long time.

Qiu Xianxue explained that in terms of digestive physiology, the process of decomposing and digesting food starts from "seeing food", and chewing in the mouth begins to decompose. Vision, smell and taste work together to make swallowing food more legitimate. The joint action of smell and taste, the human body will naturally reject inappropriate food.

In addition to protecting the human body, the color, aroma and taste of food will also prepare the digestive system in advance, so that the food will not be idle after it is actually swallowed. This is a physiological reflex of the human body to food , to speed up the process of decomposition and digestion.

But the human body won't know, is the color, aroma, and flavor of food simulated or real? It is this sensory deception that brings about an unimaginable dietary crisis.

Xianxue Qiu emphasized that in the digestive system, the stomach is a very important organ, and everything that is eaten needs to pass through extremely acidic gastric juice and various exocrine hormones, so that the food is locked in the two passages of the stomach. The sluice gate - between the cardia and the pylorus, is digested and decomposed. As long as the acidity of the material being kneaded in the stomach and the digestive glands reach the standard, the pylorus will open, allowing the food to go to the next level of the duodenum.

According to normal procedures, the stomach can handleThe decomposition and digestion of the burden will naturally make the food go to the next level, but what about the unbearable? Food will stop in the stomach pouch, waiting for more proper digestive juices to appear. Those artificial ingredients that deceive the senses with their colors, aromas and tastes cannot be decomposed by the original digestive mechanism in the stomach, and can only wait for more digestive juices to be secreted. Digestive juices and stomach acid may also back up in the esophagus.

Even if these "meal replacement" foods have been decomposed and digested, how they are absorbed by the body is another headache. Usually, the calories of meal replacement foods can be calculated.

Real food uses rice and noodles as the basic source of starch for the main meal, which is in line with the environmental climatic conditions currently living in Taiwan. Starch is the main support for blood sugar, carbohydrates can maintain the operation of the body's energy, meat, vegetables and fruits are necessary for the body to balance the metabolism of amino acids and fats.

, because hunger is the time when the human body needs adequate supply of carbohydrates and other nutrients.

. Therefore, "people are like what they eat" is not wrong at all. Innate appearance is one thing. As for whether you are healthy or not, acquired eating habits have a huge impact.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "At 5:02 pm, I had a stroke: The personal experience and confession of a doctor with dual licenses in Chinese and Western medicine and a neurological specialist" by Qiu Xianxue ◎ Photo source/Business Week·Da ZhiyingLike/shutterstock provided

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Why Do Japanese People Live Long And Healthy Lives? They Love To Eat Slippery Ingredients, Japanese Doctors Recommend 6 Anti-dementia Foods To Keep The Brain Young

The age of advanced age has come, and dementia has become a common disease around us. How can dementia be prevented? Let's review and adjust your eating habits with slippery ingredients that help prevent dementia as the focus of your dietary intake.


Japanese health and longevity comes from slippery ingredients. To prevent dementia, the first step is to adjust the eating habits. There are three key points in the diet to maintain a young brain: "low salt", "anti-oxidation", and "cholesterol".

Mackerel, sardines and saury in green skin fish, belly meat of tuna, green tuna, eel, red snapper, salmon roe, etc. have a lot of brain-friendly ingredients, please choose the fresher the better.

Mushrooms rich in dietary fiber. In particular, the eritadenine, phytosterol, and glutamic acid contained in shiitake mushrooms can inhibit the aging effect of the brain and effectively prevent dementia.

Led by natto, along with other soy products, including lecithin and vitamins, it boosts memory and activates the brain, preventing brain decline and slowing the progression of dementia.

Oleic acid in olive oil is effective against dementia. Oleic acid said to reduce brain damage in people with dementiaThe amount of the accumulated substance beta-amyloid.

Caffeine, which is contained in coffee, is now attracting attention in relation to the prevention of various diseases. There are also studies showing that it is effective in preventing dementia. Please drink black coffee without sugar or milk.

A compound "3-n-butylphthalide" contained in celery has anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce inflammation in the brain. Celery has been proven to treat various brain diseases such as dementia.

In addition, the daily intake of salt is 8 grams for men and 7 grams for women. A nutritionally balanced healthy diet is not only beneficial for treating lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, but also effective in preventing dementia.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "The Miracle of Slow Aging with Slippery Diet: Enhance Immunity X Stay Away from Three Highs X Prevent Dementia, Eat One A Day, Make You Fundamentally Younger" by Watanabe Yasuo, Ishimo Atsushi ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Do Not Eat The Loofah When It Becomes Bitter! The Old Man Has Diarrhea For Many Days, Beware Of "loofah Cucurbitacin" Causing Trouble

Do not eat the loofah when it becomes bitter! Uncle Wu, 79, picked loofahs in his own fields for his own use. He cooked them after harvesting them a few days ago. Unexpectedly, the loofahs tasted bitter. He didn't want to waste food. "Luffa gourd poisoning". Physicians reminded that cucurbitacin should be careful with the bitter taste of loofah, and be alert!

Zeng Shengen, the attending physician of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology at the Affiliated Hospital of Asia University, said that the old farmers usually eat a very simple diet, with few big fish and meat, and half of the Thai eat their own vegetables and fruits. The symptoms of diarrhea began to appear, and it was suspected that the culprit might be "bitter loofah", which stimulated the gastrointestinal tract and caused diarrhea, which made the old man "run the toilet non-stop".

According to the information of the Agriculture Committee, the bitterness of the loofah fruit comes from cucurbitacin, and its content is very small under normal planting conditions.

In addition, the loofah that is specially used as the rootstock is the hybrid offspring of the angular loofah and the cylindrical loofah. It is characterized by vigorous fertility and high disease resistance, but the fruit has a bitter taste and is not recommended for consumption.

Zeng Shengen pointed out that cucurbitacin is irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive intake of cucurbitacin will not only cause bitterness, but also cause gastrointestinal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, weakness, and even low blood pressure.

Mild symptoms can be relieved by taking medicine.

Normal loofah has no bitter taste,Therefore, when eating loofah with a bitter taste and accompanied by symptoms of digestive tract discomfort, it means that cucurbitacin is overdose. Mild cases can be relieved after taking antidiarrheal drugs, and do not need hospitalization; severe symptoms must be hospitalized and treated with antidiarrheal drugs. Substances and intravenous therapy to maintain electrolyte balance usually resolve within a few days and return home to recuperate.

Zeng Shengen reminded that clam loofah, loofah porridge or loofah noodles are all very common table delicacies. With low calorie and high nutritional content, they are deeply loved by Chinese people, but if you accidentally eat them with bitter taste While loofah, although not fatal, be sure to stop eating it immediately to avoid diarrhea problems.

◎ Image source/provided by Asia University Hospital

Jinwen's Mother Got Food Poisoning From Eating Overnight Vegetables! Nutritionists Urge Not To Take Overnight Dishes As A Virtue, 4 Ways To Preserve Food

Stop taking overnight meals as a traditional virtue! Recently, Jin Wen's mother went to the doctor because of abdominal pain after eating overnight vegetables. She was diagnosed with food poisoning and was hospitalized, which almost caused sepsis. The nutritionist pointed out that I hope this incident can give everyone a warning, especially in Taiwan, the hot and humid weather can easily lead to food spoilage. You should pay more attention to hygiene and preservation to avoid harm to health.

In addition to Jinwen's mother, Cai Xiuwen, director of the nutrition department of Nantou Hospital, mentioned that a few days ago in Nantou, Miss Chen also went to the doctor because of diarrhea. It turned out that her mother-in-law left the food on the dining table after meals. She felt that the weather was getting colder, and the food It will not spoil, it will not be stored in ice, and it will be saved for the next meal. As a result, Ms. Chen was due to the fact that the cabbage fried at noon for dinner had an obvious sour taste, and then began to have diarrhea and other discomforts.

Cai Xiuwen said that common symptoms of food poisoning include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, headache and weakness, sometimes accompanied by blood or pus, but not all symptoms occur at the same time.

The type of patient and the food and other factors.

People with particularly weak immunity will have more severe symptoms and may even die from food poisoning. Symptoms of general food poisoning usually last 1 or 2 days, and some last from 1 week to 10 days.

Cai Xiuwen said that in general, the most suitable temperature for microbial growth is 30-65 degrees, so avoid placing it at room temperatureFor too long, the bacteria will increase rapidly.

If you cook a large amount of food at one time, you should divide it into small packages after cooking, put them in the freezer, and thaw them when you want to eat them to avoid repeated heating, which will cause the loss of nutrients and easily increase bacteria.

Cai Xiuwen reminds that food should be fully heated before eating to minimize bacteria and it will be safer to eat.

Cold dishes and leftovers to be heated should be served separately to avoid cross-contamination. Nutrients in food, especially vitamins, are quickly lost after cooking, so it should be cooked quickly at low temperature and eaten as soon as possible.

◎ Image source / reprinted from Jinwen Facebook

Insomnia And Gastroesophageal Reflux, Are The Sequelae Of "fat Reduction And Muscle Gain"? Doctor Advises Not To Do This 3 Hours Before Bedtime

I will exercise tomorrow and maintain good living habits, but I often suffer from insomnia and sore throat! Wu Dingyu, the sleep center of Shuanghe Hospital, said that they all ate the wrong food. He said that now everyone adheres to a "low-carb diet" in order to maintain their body shape, especially many office workers go to the gym after get off work, eat two tea eggs or drink soy milk and milk after exercising. Poor sleep leads to gastroesophageal reflux.


Exercise at night to supplement high-protein foods, be careful of gastroesophageal reflux

Wu Dingyu said that many people are afraid to eat starch in order to lose weight. I often hear people say "don't eat starch after a few hours". The staple food is either chicken breast or tea eggs. This is understandable, but now everyone’s life is busy. Many office workers only exercise after get off work. After exercising, they are afraid that they will gain weight if they eat a big meal right away. Many people only eat two tea eggs after exercise, or high protein such as soy milk. Food, hoping to "reduce fat and increase muscle".

But protein will stimulate gastric acid secretion, and it is actually close to bedtime after exercising after get off work. Wu Dingyu said that in clinical practice, many patients with sleep problems encountered such problems. Everyone said: "I heard that exercise can help sleep, but I can't sleep after exercising. I finally sleep but I can't sleep well. I even often have a sore throat and inflammation." And the throat is always inflamed and painful, it is the reflux of the gastroesophagus, and the gastric acid erodes the throat, causing "chronic pharyngitis".

It is also possible to drink milk before going to bedGastroesophageal reflux

is not just the protein you eat after get off work to cause trouble. Many people follow the old saying that "a glass of warm milk before going to bed can help you sleep", but it may also be the cause of sleep disturbance. Wu Dingyu reminded that although some people suggested drinking warm milk before going to bed in the past, but now the sleep science community believes that drinking milk is controversial for sleep. Whether it is flavored milk or fresh milk, although it contains lactose, the protein of milk is high, which will stimulate Stomach acid secretion can also make people sleepless and easily cause gastroesophageal reflux.

Exercise and sleep should be separated by at least 3 hours

Although exercise can help sleep, Wu Dingyu reminded that exercise will stimulate sympathetic nerve excitation, so a more appropriate approach should be at least 3 hours between exercise and sleep .

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Shaking Hands And Weakness When Hungry Are Signs Of Diabetes? Beware Of 'poor Hypoglycemic Tolerance' Becoming Diabetes Candidates

I shiver and feel weak every time I'm hungry, is it a sign of diabetes? The doctor said that when you are hungry, your hands will tremble and you will be weak, which is actually a symptom of low blood sugar. The symptoms of hypoglycemia are prone to occur, which may be related to the "poor hypoglycemia tolerance" caused by the love of sweets and starchy foods. Although hypoglycemia is not a symptom of diabetes, people with poor hypoglycemia tolerance who are addicted to carbohydrates should be careful candidates for diabetes.


The risk factor for diabetes is "glucose intolerance"

Many people lose their temper when they are hungry and do not eat quickly. They are so hungry that their hands are shaking and their whole body is weak. They often worry about whether these symptoms are a precursor to diabetes? Chen Zeying, a metabolism physician at Annan Hospital, said that the precursor to diabetes is "insulin resistance", and it causes "glucose intolerance", and the main problem is high blood sugar.

Weakness when hungry may be due to "poor hypoglycemia tolerance"

Chen Zeying reminded that when you are hungry, you will tremble and become weak, probably because of poor hypoglycemia tolerance. When we are hungry, it is actually when the body has finished digesting the food. At this time, the blood sugar decreases. When the blood sugar is low, it will cause the feeling of "hungry". Most people can endure hunger, and in the state of hunger, it may stimulate the potential to do things more efficiently. However, if the tolerance to low blood sugar is poor, as long as the stomach is hungry, it will cause discomfort and become irritable.

Choosing the wrong food makes blood sugar like a roller coaster

He said that the human body has poor tolerance to low blood sugar, which is often caused by choosing the wrong food. These foods are mainly carbohydrates and sweets.The characteristic is that eating these foods can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. In order to quickly digest these foods, the human body secretes a large amount of insulin to convert the lower blood sugar into heat, and because these foods will quickly drop the blood sugar, the blood sugar is like a roller coaster, from high to very low.

Eating sugary foods all day becomes "sugar addiction"

Chen Zeying said that more and more patients of this type are found clinically. The main reason is that now everyone eats sugary foods and drinks sugary drinks when they get up. For example, drink sugar-sweetened milk tea, soy milk and bread for breakfast, and order extra-large sugar-sweetened drinks at noon. Although the energy in the morning is quickly provided, the blood sugar drops rapidly, it is easy to doze off and get hungry, and over time, it becomes dependent on sweets, which is "sugar addiction", and it also develops a constitution with poor tolerance to low blood sugar.

Although hypoglycemia is not a symptom of diabetes, people with poor tolerance to hypoglycemia can easily choose starch and sweets to satisfy their hunger to relieve symptoms of hypoglycemia. Eating too much sugary food for a long time will also become a high risk group of diabetes in the future.

Change to eat low GI whole grains to improve physical fitness

Although poor tolerance to low blood sugar is not a disease, it can make people very uncomfortable, and lose their temper when they are hungry, which also affects interpersonal relationships. Chen Zeying suggested that you can start by changing your food choices, reduce the intake of sugary foods, and drink less sugary drinks. Change the food to whole grains with low glycemic index (low GI), avoid refined starches, and change to original foods, prolong the time for blood sugar to fall, and gradually change the tolerance to hypoglycemia.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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