Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Just Eat Taiwanese Pig! The Committee Of Agriculture Announced That The Sale Of "clenbuterol" Is Prohibited In China, With A Maximum Fine Of 2.5 Million

A few days ago, the Committee of Agriculture announced to revise the management measures for animal drug use, and plans to relax the use of clenbuterol as feed, which has caused public concern. However, it is now determined that clenbuterol is not allowed to be used or sold in China. The Council of Agriculture officially announced today (7th) that "β-agonist is a drug that is prohibited from being manufactured, dispensed, imported, exported, sold or displayed in China; the use of ractopamine in cattle and pigs in foreign countries is prohibited. , is not in the specification."


The Agriculture Committee stated that in order to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and Welfare to set the safe tolerance level of ractopamine in imported porcine food, the announcement of Nong Fang Zi No. 1011473960 dated September 7, 101 was revised. The COAG also reiterated that the domestic application for the use of beta-receptor hormones in animals will not be approved, and this position has never changed.

The Committee of Agriculture stated that the text of the revised draft notice on August 28 caused public misunderstandings during the notice period. In order to avoid confusion and ensure the competitiveness of Taiwan's pig industry, it announced today that the content of the notice was revised to "Type Beta Receptor" It is prohibited to manufacture, dispense, import, export, sell or display drugs domestically; the use of ractopamine in foreign countries by cattle and pigs is not included in the regulations.”

The Agriculture Committee emphasized that it will establish a plan with the Ministry of Health and Welfare every year to carry out monitoring of drug residues in livestock and poultry products to avoid illegal residues and maintain consumer food safety. If those who illegally use beta-receptor hormones are found, they will be punished in accordance with Article 40-1 of the "Animal Drug Administration Act".A fine of not less than 60,000 yuan but not more than 300,000 yuan shall be imposed, and the competent authority shall announce the name, address, name of the person in charge and the circumstances of the violation. If the violation occurs again within one year, a fine of not less than NT$500,000 but not more than 2.5 million yuan shall be imposed. .

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Don't Be Silly With Big Bone Soup For Calcium Supplementation! Nutritionists Suggest That Milk Is Best For Calcium Supplementation. Calcium Content In 1 Cup Of Milk = 62.5 Bowls Of Bone Broth

Since childhood, many parents will use the way of cooking big bone soup or pork ribs soup to help their children to supplement calcium, so many people have the impression that "big bone soup or pork ribs soup is rich in calcium", but in fact the soup contains calcium Minimal.


Nutritionist Chen Weiwei pointed out that because the calcium in the bones is in the form of phosphate, it will hardly dissolve in the bones. A 240ml bowl of big bone soup contains only 3.84 mg of calcium (only 1.6 mg of the same weight of milk). %), even if acid (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) is added to help dissolve calcium ions, it will only increase to 9.2 mg.

Chen Wanwei said that big bone soup or pork ribs soup is not an ideal source of calcium intake, and it is almost impossible to convert it to 15 liters. so.

Mature pregnant mother Lu Xinci said that at lunch, you can cook a portion of soba or noodles and add it to the soup to enjoy together; for dinner, you can add 10 to 15 stalks of bamboo shoots to the soup, and the soup will add fresh corn shoots. Sweet, easy to eat 2 meals in one pot!

A box of 200 grams of cartilage ribs, 10 red dates, a handful of wolfberry, 2 bamboo shoots, appropriate amount of salt, other spices or seasonings can be added according to personal preference.

❶Blank the ribs and then take them out for use

❷Boil about 1000CIn the water of C, add red dates, wolfberry, bamboo shoots, and scalded pork ribs, cook for about 1 to 2 hours until the cartilage softens.

❶Cartilage pork ribs soup is full of calcium and nutrients, plus red dates and wolfberry, it is a delicious soup for beauty and qi!

❷ You can add medicated stewed food packs according to your own preferences to add aroma (please consult a Chinese medicine store to purchase medicated meals for pregnant women), and you can also put more vegetables with high fiber and low calorie. The total calorie of this soup is very low , but very satisfying!

❸Eating 5 different vegetables and fruits every day can add enough folic acid and fiber to the body. Don't treat yourself badly when you are low in calories. Honey yogurt and roasted sweet potatoes are sweet and delicious healthy snacks. Occasionally let yourself sweeten, and your mood will be better!

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Elegant Pregnant Mothers Don't Gain Weight: Mature-age pregnant mothers raise babies without raising meat, eat smart, move happily, and have a good pregnancy record! [Full Illustrated Illustration]" by Lu Xinci ◎ Image source / Kaixin Enterprise Management‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Can Eating Dark Green Vegetables Damage Your Kidneys? "1 Habit" Is Prone To Kidney Stones, And Kidney Disease Patients Should Eat The Right Vegetables

Nutrition experts have pointed out that green vegetables are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, and the darker the color, the more nutrients. However, there are rumors on the Internet that dark green vegetables can damage the kidneys and cause kidney dysfunction. Is this true? ? The Food and Drug Administration refuted the rumor.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, dark green vegetables are generally eaten in moderation and will not cause poor kidney function. However, dark green vegetables are rich in potassium ions. For patients with renal insufficiency, the potassium in the body cannot be effectively eliminated from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to "restrict" potassium intake in the diet to reduce the burden on the kidneys and avoid complications caused by hyperkalemia.

In addition, people with chronic kidney disease should pay attention to the intake of protein, phosphorus and potassium in their diet. For green vegetables high in calcium, magnesium and potassium, they should be cautious and moderate, and must not be excessive. In addition, you can not eat too much food rich in oxalate to prevent kidney stones.

The Food and Drug Administration explains that "oxalate" is naturally present in many green vegetables,

The Food and Drug Administration also reminds that patients with kidney stones should pay more attention to water intake to avoid stone problems. Don't delay medical treatment by listening to home remedies.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Grasp The Tail Of Summer And Eat 5 Fat-burning And Slimming Foods! A Nutritionist Teaches You To "eat Right And Lose Weight"

Although it has entered the early autumn of September, the hot and hot weather continues. Have you noticed that after a summer, you have gained some weight again? The nutritionist said, quickly grasp the tail of summer, eat more 5 kinds of "fat-burning ingredients" to speed up the metabolism in the body, and help you lose weight healthily!

Pan Fuzi, a nutritionist at Beitou Health Management Hospital, shared that the high temperature in summer can make people lose their appetite. Some people will replace their meals with sugar-sweetened beverages or iced products, but instead eat more calories! If you want to increase your appetite and control your weight, you must eat the right ingredients. She shares the following good ingredients for weight loss:

1. Konjac

The main components of konjac are water and a little dietary fiber. The calories per 100 grams of konjac are only 20 calories; and the "glucomannan" in konjac is a water-soluble dietary fiber, which can increase satiety , delaying gastric emptying time.


However, Pan Fuzi reminds that although konjac is low in calories and gives a sense of satiety, it is not suitable for long-term replacement of whole grains as a staple food, so as to avoid insufficient carbohydrate intake, which may lead to unstable blood sugar, easy fatigue, and even slow down metabolism.

2. Bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are high-fiber ingredients. Dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal motility, accelerate feces excretion, and avoid constipation. The calories per 100 grams of bamboo shoots are only 27.5 calories. Pan Fuzi recommends eating bamboo shoots cold as a salad, but the commonly used mayonnaise is very high in calories, up to 680 calories per 100 grams. You may wish to use thin salt and wind sauce instead.In order to enhance the flavor of the food, it eats too many calories.

3. Big tomato

Big tomato is a kind of vegetable. It is rich in dietary fiber. Eating one will make you feel full. It can be said to be a holy product for weight loss! Pan Fuzi suggested that large tomatoes should be eaten with the skin on, which can retain the most nutrients; heating and cooking with appropriate amount of fat can also release more lycopene.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, Hongxi mushrooms, snow white mushrooms, white fungus, black fungus and other mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber, which can improve satiety and maintain blood sugar stability. Pan Fuzi emphasized that the dietary fiber of shiitake mushrooms is higher than that of ordinary green vegetables, with a content of 3.9 grams in 100 grams, while green cauliflower is 2.5 grams and white cauliflower is only 2.2 grams.


5. Unsweetened green tea, black coffee

If the hot weather really makes you lose your appetite and want to drink something to quench your thirst, it is recommended to choose unsweetened green tea or black coffee. Green tea is rich in catechins (green tea polyphenols), which have the functions of anti-oxidation, improve metabolism, and scavenge free radicals, reduce fat accumulation, and help fat and sugar metabolism; caffeine in coffee is also a catalyst for fat decomposition, which helps To speed up the breakdown of body fat.

Pan Fuzi reminded, at the same time, remember to drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, and coordinate with regular exercise. With 70% diet control and 30% exercise training, weight loss can be multiplied with half the effort!

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Can Eating Bananas Improve Insomnia? Nutritionists Reveal The Truth: 12 Kinds Of "tryptophan" Sleep Aids Are Disclosed

Banana is one of the representative fruits in Taiwan. Not only is it delicious, but some people say that "bananas are rich in tryptophan and can help sleep." However, the nutritionist actually checked the food ingredient database and found that the content of tryptophan in bananas In fact, very few!

Eat bananas to help you sleep? Dietitian: Tryptophan content is not high

Nutritionist Lu Mengfan shared on instagram that she often heard the statement that "bananas are rich in tryptophan can help sleep", but she believed it at that time until she checked American food The ingredient database found that the original content of tryptophan per 100 grams of raw bananas is only 9 mg, which is not high compared with other foods.

Ingestion of 1 gram of tryptophan can help sleep

Why does tryptophan help improve insomnia? Lu Mengfan pointed out that tryptophan is the raw material for the brain to synthesize melatonin. During the synthesis process, tryptophan will first form serotonin, and serotonin will synthesize melatonin after being catalyzed by enzymes, and the concentration of melatonin in the brain will increase. When we start to feel sleepy.

As early as the 1960s, studies have found that 1 gram of tryptophan can help sleep and shorten sleep latency; so when it comes to the relationship between diet and sleep, everyone thinks that tryptophan plays an important role Role.

Lv Mengfan explained that tryptophan is usually found in protein-rich foods, but bananas are fruits, and the content of tryptophan is naturally not high. Under the conversion, if you want to eat 1 gram of tryptophan, you must eat 11.111 kilograms of bananas, that is to say, you want to eat bananas to change sleep problems.The question, I am afraid it is not as easy as imagined!

Foods Rich in Tryptophan TOP 12

She lists 12 "true" foods rich in tryptophan, ranked as follows (tryptophan content per 100 grams of food):

1. Dried flat fish 921 mg 2. Dried small rolls 921mg 3. Big red bean 659mg 4. Dried small fish 540mg 5. Soybean 532mg 6. Shrimp 524mg 7. Turkey 491 mg 8. Leucorrhea 403 mg 9. Flaxseed 403 mg 10. Red meat salmon slices 391 mg 11. Cashews (raw) 382 mg 12. Black sesame powder 376 mg

However, she also reminded that the top six dried flat fish, dried small rolls, large red beans, dried small fish, soybeans, and dried shrimps are dry goods, and it is not easy to eat 100 grams; while raw cashew nuts and black sesame seeds are not easy to eat. Flour is a kind of oil and has high calories, and it is also not easy to eat 100 grams.

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"This Kind Of Exercise" Effectively Strengthens The Immune System! National Taiwan University Named 4 Kinds Of Fruits To Eat To Maintain Blood Sugar Stability

Research shows that developing a daily habit of regular aerobic exercise is the best way to strengthen your immune system. A physical therapist from National Taiwan University Hospital reminded that you should also remember to add sugar during exercise. In addition to sports drinks, it is also recommended to eat citrus, bananas, guava, and apples.


September 8th is World Physiotherapy Day. This year, the World Physiotherapy Federation takes Physiotherapy and COVID-19 as the theme of World Physiotherapy Day. Chen Zhaoying, a physiotherapist at National Taiwan University Hospital, pointed out that September 8 is also Taiwan's Physiotherapist's Day. In this wave of epidemics, Taiwan has the government's efforts to make arrangements in advance and cooperate with the whole people. Taiwan is like a pure land in the world, which isolates the virus from overseas.

Chen Zhaoying said that patients after COVID-19 infection generally experience a decline in physical fitness and activity when they enter the recovery period. By teaching patients to exercise at the bedside, they can help patients to be discharged with better physical fitness. Return to family and social activities.

According to the evidence, proper and moderate exercise can enhance the immunity of an individual. Chen Zhaoying explained, and aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes can reduce the body's chronic inflammatory response.

Chen Zhaoying provides "Immunity-enhancing exercise menu", etc.; exercise time should be at least 20 minutes; exercise frequency should be more than 5 days a week; exercise intensity should reach the medium intensity level, that is, the heartbeat value during exercise should be between 64~76% of max heartbeat (Maximum heartbeat calculation:220-age).

Chen Zhaoying reminded that you should add enough water during exercise. You can take in 30~60 grams of sugar in the water supplement every hour to help maintain the stability of blood sugar during exercise. It is recommended

If you don't want to drink sugar-sweetened sports drinks, Chen Zhaoying recommends,

"Health 2.0" reminds you

In response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the CDC continues to strengthen epidemic monitoring and border control measures, and wear a mask as instructed to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and actively inform the doctor of travel history and contact history, so as to facilitate timely Diagnosis and notification.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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2 Kinds Of People Are Most Deficient In Vitamin C And B Group! A "Anhydrous Vegetable Supplement" Will Make You Not Lack Of Vitamin ABCD

Boiled vegetables are the easiest way to lose the nutrients of vegetables. Chef Lei Yizong of Thor provides a "Anhydrous Vegetable Supplement", a dish that will make you not lacking in vitamins A, B, C, and D.

Nutritionist Song Minghua pointed out that people who often eat high-sugar foods and have the habit of smoking are prone to lack of vitamin C and B groups.

The body often consumes high-calorie shakes and desserts in the diet, and the body will deplete a lot of vitamin B groups during the metabolic process.

The nicotine tar in cigarettes will increase the oxidative stress of the body, and the human body must consume more vitamin C to help cells resist oxidation.

Song Minghua pointed out that broccoli and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, soybean sprouts contain vitamin B, yellow sweet peppers contain vitamin C, black fungus contains vitamin D, and white mushrooms contain dietary fiber.

50 grams of broccoli, 30 grams of soybean sprouts, 1 tomato, 30 grams of white mushrooms, 30 grams of black fungus, 30 grams of yellow bell pepper, appropriate amount of pepper and salt, appropriate amount of olive oil, and a little sesame oil.

❶First, wash the cauliflower, remove the hard skin, and put in the cauliflower, white mushroom, tomato, black fungus, yellow sweet pepper, and soybean sprouts in sequence.

❷Cover the lid and turn on a low heat, open the lid during simmeringStir fry evenly.

❸ Drizzle olive oil on top of the pot, add seasonings, and serve.

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