Thursday, May 5, 2022

Eating Sweets Will Not Only Shorten Your Life, But Also Cause "gynecological Diseases"! Eating These Foods Is Good For The Uterus

From a nutritionist's point of view, eating too many sweets can have an impact on gynecology! Nutritionist Song Minghua pointed out that there is now a term called "sugar addiction". Modern people love sweets. The World Health Organization (WHO) has previously collected data from 23 countries and found that sugar is actually more important than cigarettes for shortening life expectancy. serious. For most women, many people think that sugar may only be related to obesity, but it is actually related to some gynecological problems.


Some people think that vaginal inflammation is only caused by drinking too little water or having something to do with sex, but it may actually be related to sugar consumption. Nutritionist Song Minghua mentioned that in the past, a study by the University of Los Angeles found that in addition to high blood sugar, the acidity of the vagina will also increase for people who like to eat desserts for a long time, which will increase the chance of vaginal inflammation. If people start to quit sugar, 90% of people get candida infection within 1 year and the incidence of vaginitis will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the University of Texas in the United States also found that if you eat some delicate foods for a long time, such as ketchup, refined grains or sucrose, it will also increase the incidence of breast cancer, so it is recommended that female friends eat desserts in moderation .

The most common problem in gynecology is from the uterus. For the maintenance of the uterus, what natural foods can be taken in the diet? For example, nutritionist Song Minghua said that some women who have entered menopause can consume soy products, such as sugar-free soy milk, tofu or dried tofu, etc.Beans contain soy isoflavones, which can supplement phytoestrogens in a timely manner; in addition, you can also eat more high-quality protein, such as chicken and fish. Song Minghua emphasized that fish eggs or crab paste are more containing animal hormones. Eat less, and for the protein intake of poultry, chickens, ducks, and geese can eat them, but chicken skins are not recommended.

The supplement of seasonal vegetables and fruits is also good for gynecology, such as cauliflower, tomato, etc.; seaweed, kelp, kelp are also helpful for the maintenance of women's gynecology, nutritionist Song Minghua explained , Seaweed and kelp contain some trace elements including iodine ions, which are helpful for gynecological health care.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Aiyu Is The Treasure Of Taiwan! The First Choice For High-fiber And Low-calorie Snacks

The refreshing and refreshing Aiyu is a holy product to cool off the heat in summer. Recently, some people shared on the Internet that "only Taiwan produces Aiyu in the world", which surprised many netizens and shouted, "Long knowledge!" The nutritionist pointed out, Aiyu is low in calories and contains dietary fiber. It is the first choice for summer snacks without gaining weight!

According to the Agricultural Knowledge Portal of the Council of Agriculture, Aiyu Seeds are a variety of plants unique to Taiwan. They are native to the middle and low altitudes of 800 to 1,800 meters in the Central Mountains. In recent years, low-altitude mass production varieties and models have been developed. Aiyu wasps are the only pollinators of Aiyuzi. Aiyu provides the bees with growing places and nutrients, while the bees pollinate the female flowers of Aiyuzi, which is a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

Best dim sum! Aiyu is low in calories and satiety

Nutritionist Song Minghua said that Aiyu belongs to nuts and seeds among the six categories of food, but it contains dietary fiber often found in vegetables, and the calories are very low, every 100 grams (about one Small bowl) is less than 2 calories; in hot summer, you always want to eat ice and drink drinks, so you might as well eat Aiyu to satisfy your cravings, don’t worry about the calories bursting the table, dietary fiber will also add satiety and satisfy your appetite .

Natural pectin absorbs harmful substances in the intestines

Some people may not know that the pieces of Aiyu jelly on the market are actually made by soaking Aiyu seeds in water and kneading them; according to the Agricultural Knowledge Portal of the Executive Yuan Agriculture Committee It is recommended to add 40 to 80 times of tap water or mineral water to 1 gram of love jade seeds (the water quality needs to contain trace calcium ions), and put the love jade seeds into a fine gauze mesh bagThen tie it tightly, soak it in water for 5 minutes, then knead the mesh bag evenly by hand in the water for 5 to 10 minutes, and let it stand for 10 to 20 minutes to form a jelly-like shape and enjoy.

When rubbing love jade seeds in water, some sticky substances will be washed out. Song Minghua explained that these are the pectin of love jade seeds, a kind of water-soluble dietary fiber, which will solidify into lumps when combined with water; Water-soluble dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, absorb harmful substances in the intestine, and improve intestinal health.

No sugar water! Nutritionists share how to eat in private homes

If you want to enjoy Aiyu without any burden, Song Minghua shares her private recipes - no need to add sugar water, instead, use seasonal fruits such as kiwi and mango to add sweetness to natural fruits; Or chop Aiyu slightly and freeze it together with various fruits to make popsicles, but because Aiyu is 90% water, it cannot be chopped too much, nor can it be left for too long, it will gradually become liquid.

Aiyu is rich in potassium, which helps to stabilize blood pressure and improve edema, but Song Minghua also reminds that people with poor kidney function or arrhythmias should avoid eating it as much as possible. If you don’t have time to rub Aiyu by yourself and want to buy commercially available Aiyu Jelly, she recommends reading the nutrition label before purchasing and avoiding products with too many chemical additives.

◎ Image source/Song Minghua‧Health 2.0 data photo

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Desserts Are Not Afraid Of Fat When They Are Eaten At The Right Time! 23 Waist Beauty Nutritionist Announces "3 Best Times To Eat Desserts"

Desserts can help relieve stress and improve mood, but may cause weight gain. With a small waist of 23 inches

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu pointed out,

If the intensity of exercise or fitness is high, the insulin in the muscles can effectively guide the sugar into the muscles for storage.

The body's metabolism is most vigorous in the morning, and the fat-burning power is the highest. In addition, eating in the morning can best inhibit the hormone "ghrelin" that induces body hunger and stimulates appetite. Therefore, in the morning

Dessert after a meal is a bliss, but there are unexpected benefits! The protein and dietary fiber eaten at the meal can slow down the emptying speed of the stomach, delay the feeling of hunger, and incretin, which can reduce appetite, is also secreted after meals, so

Cheng Hanyu also reminded that because the metabolic rate generally decreases after the evening; if you choose to eat sweets before going to bed, it will increase the risk of gastroesophageal reflux.

Cheng Hanyu explained that sugar and fat in desserts such as cakes will cause excessive secretion of gastric acid, while chocolate will open the esophageal sphincter, making it easier for gastric acid to flow back.

◎ Picture source/Cheng Hanyu nutritionist

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Homemade Pineapple Jam, What Is The Function Of Rock Sugar, Sugar And Maltose? The Chef Taught A Trick To Extend The Shelf Life By 3 Months

Summer is the peak season for fruit, not only sweet and delicious, but also suitable for making jam, whether it is spread on bread or made tea. "Chef Thor" Lei Yijiao made everyone's homemade pineapple jam. After completion, there is a "post-kill" (subsequent sterilization) procedure, which can extend the shelf life of the jam for 3 months.

800g fresh pineapple, 100g kiwi, 180g rock sugar, 50g natural maltose, 50cc lemon juice, boiled and dried glass bottle

1. Peel the thawed pineapples and kiwis, and cut them into small pieces. The pineapple core does not need to be removed

2. Put diced pineapple and diced kiwi into the pot, stir fry over medium heat until bubbling

3. Add rock sugar and stir fry until completely dissolved, then add maltose

4. After the foam becomes thinner, add lemon juice, when the foam becomes smaller, turn off the heat, dry it with residual temperature, and bottle it

5. Put the bottled jam into boiling water by heating with water and continue to cook for 20 to 30 minutes to complete high temperature sterilization

Lei Yizong said that there is no need to add water or oil when making pineapple jam; lemon juice can enhance the sweetness of the fruit and has antiseptic effect; and kiwi fruit can neutralize The acid of pineapple, and provides natural plant pectin.

He provides a method to quickly ripen pineapples. First, put the peeled pineapples into the freezer, and use the principle of filling the gaps in the pineapples with water. When making them, the pulp will be hollow like frozen tofu, and it is easy to cook until Soft and rotten.

When making jam, different sugars are used, and the taste is different. Lei Yizong said that rock sugar has a restrained sweetness, which is the kind of sweetness that comes from within, while granulated sugar is a wild sweetness. , if not it doesn't matter

Health 2.0 host Zheng Kaiyun mentioned that when making pineapple jam, the work of dicing kiwi and pineapple, you can give the child a rubber knife or plastic knife, and let the child help cut it, it is very suitable Complete with family.

Can Cancer Patients Eat Too Much Nutrition? Cancer Authority Decrypts 3 Good And 4 Bad Foods To Eat To Improve Self-healing Power And Prevent Cancer Recurrence

On the Internet, "cancer cells must starve to death, so they can't eat too much nutrition", but is this really the case? In fact, cancer cells can snatch nutrients very much. Doctors suggest that cancer patients must supplement with correct nutrition, eat the right food to improve their self-healing power, and avoid bad food to prevent cancer recurrence. This is the correct concept of cancer prevention.

Ji Kuanghua, chairman of the Taiwan Cancer Thermotherapy Association, professor of the Department of Medicine of Yangming University, and director of the Oncology Department of Shin Kong Hospital, pointed out that if cancer cells are compared to rogues who are robbing money everywhere, the best way to deal with them is is to strengthen the police system; and

Ji Kuanghua emphasized that if you want to starve cancer cells due to insufficient nutritional intake, normal cells may be destroyed before cancer cells are starved to death. Therefore, cancer patients should supplement with correct nutrition.

Ji Kuanghua explained that supplementing the correct nutrition must be a balanced diet, choosing the right foods to maintain self-healing power and avoiding bad foods that promote inflammation. After completing cancer treatment, it is recommended to eat

◎ Photography / Lu Jiaqing ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Taiwan Has Avocados! 2 Tricks To Distinguish Whether Avocado Is Ripe Or Not

Avocado is a good food rich in fat and oil. It has been favored in Europe and the United States in recent years, whether it is for people who want to lose weight, or those who advocate healthy eating. If you want to eat avocado, you don’t have to look far. The Taiwan avocado production season is from May to January of the following year. There are three main varieties of avocados. The skin is greener and the shape is different. Experts teach you how to choose!

Avocados can be eaten when they turn dark after ripening.

Li Yaotang, a technical assistant professor at the Department of Food and Beverage Management of Nankai University of Science and Technology, explained that Taiwanese avocados are smooth in appearance and green in skin, so they belong to "post-ripening". Varieties, he suggested to choose avocados with a round shape and a green skin. They will slowly turn brown after 3 to 4 days when they are bought and placed at home. At this time, they are about 9 minutes ripe and ready to eat. Turned brown, I am afraid it has been overripe and rotten.

As for the "Haas avocado" imported from abroad, it has rough skin and dark green skin. It is also a late-ripening variety. It is best to buy avocados with a slightly green skin and store them at room temperature for a few minutes. After a few days, the color of the outer skin will gradually turn to brownish black; lightly press the bottom of the avocado with your hands to feel soft and ready to eat.

There is also a "gherkin avocado" on the market, which is similar in size and color to gherkins, but with a smooth skin. Li Yaotang explained that because avocados need to be pollinated after flowering in order to continue to grow and bear fruit, and the fruit that is not pollinated will stop developing, so there are no large avocado seeds in it.

How to eat avocado in summer: add passion fruit and make juice

Apart from lettuce salad and avocado milk, is there any other way to eat avocado? Li Yaotang suggested that using avocado with seasonal passion fruit will help bring out the smooth taste. After splitting the avocado, first take out the seeds, then scrape the remaining film of the avocado seeds with a spoon to avoid the bitter taste, then scoop out the pulp with a spoon, put it into the blender together with the passion fruit juice and blend, then add A little boiled water, stir again until uniform and serve.

Avocado seeds are also useful. Sliced, dried, and boiled for tea.

Not only is the avocado pulp rich in oil, but the nutrients of the avocado seeds are not lost to the pulp. Nutritionist Song Minghua said that avocado seeds are edible, and foreign animal experiments have shown that avocado seeds can control cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure in mice.

Li Yaotang shared that he would slice and dry avocado seeds before using them to make tea. Add half avocado seeds to 1000cc of hot water, boil it for 20 to 30 minutes, and drink it. If you feel that the taste is not good, you can add a little lemon juice or honey to taste. He reminded that the amount of avocado seeds should not be too much, otherwise The brewed tea will be bitter and hard to drink.

Because of the light pink color of avocado seed tea, it is also known as "pink tea". Medical reporter Hong Suqing shared that a Japanese program actually measured the health benefits of drinking pink tea. A plump female artist was invited to drink avocado seed tea for 2 weeks. After drinking avocado seed tea for 2 weeks, she found that her appetite decreased and her weight dropped from 98 kg to 90 kg. , the waist is alsoAfter the program was broadcast, "Pink Tea" became popular on the Internet community.

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Should Dragon Fruit Eat Red Meat And White Meat? The Iron Content Of Red-fleshed Dragon Fruit Is 8 Times Higher Than That Of Grapes

Dragon fruit, which is rich in season from May to October, is a tropical fruit of the cactus family. At present, there are two varieties of white meat and red meat cultivated in Taiwan. Which dragon fruit should eat red meat dragon fruit or white meat dragon fruit? What about the fruit?


Nutritionist Li Wanping pointed out that while (betacyanin), so compared with white meat varieties,.

However, . What is even more surprising is that the darker the color of fruits and vegetables, the higher the folic acid content, but the dragon fruit is the opposite. The white meat variety actually contains more folic acid! So for moms, dragon fruit can be said to be a very ideal fruit option,

Li Wanping shared that a customer who had consulted an outpatient clinic said that after eating dragon fruit, she felt that she was particularly prone to diarrhea. After careful inquiry, she clarified that it was not the symptoms of stomach cramps and diarrhea in the past, but more like a laxative effect. .

In fact, if you look at a small and medium-sized white-fleshed dragon fruit, the total weight of the pulp left after removing the skin is about 300 grams, and it would be even more impressive if it were larger. Because it is easier to eat than vegetables, many people often finish a large plate without knowing it, and it is no wonder that "ummm" becomes very smooth.

In addition, a study tried to use dragon fruit as a dietary intervention to solve the problem of constipation among the elderly in care institutions.The use of laxatives or treatments such as enemas.

The same is used. After eating one, it is very satisfying, but the calories are only 150 calories, which is equivalent to 2 cans of Duoduo or a piece of pineapple cake.

Although it is low in calories and high in nutrition, it does not mean that it can be eaten in unlimited quantities! Li Wanping reminded.

However, for patients with uncomplicated hypertension who have no doubts about their kidney health, eating dragon fruit can help the body eliminate excess sodium ions and regulate blood pressure. As for diabetic friends who are worried about the sugar content of fruit, it is recommended to use rice cups to calculate, as long as the intake does not exceed 2 cups a day, there is no problem.

Red-fleshed dragon fruit and white-flesh dragon fruit have different flavors and slightly different nutrition. Li Wanping suggested that you might as well eat red-flesh dragon fruit and white-flesh dragon fruit alternately.

If you want to replenish blood and iron, should you eat more red meat varieties? Li Wanping pointed out that compared with animal foods, the absorption rate of dragon fruit is not as good as that of pig liver and beef; but in the fruit category, it is relatively rich in iron.

So I recommend everyone, make it into a juice or add yogurt to a fruit salad.

◎ This article is excerpted from / Li Wanping's Nutrition World ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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