Saturday, May 28, 2022

Is It Okay For Pregnant Women To Eat Spinach During The First Month Of Pregnancy?

Spinach is a plant that provides a lot of nutritional value.Currently, there are no official studies that show that eating spinach can cause miscarriage for pregnant women.This article provides more information for mothers to be able to answer if it is okay to eat spinach during the first month of pregnancy? Let's find out with WheyShop!

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1.Nutritional value of spinach

Spinach, also known as sucker, bitter gourd, or rotten plant, grows wild in the tropics into bushes.In Vietnam, sweet potato is often used in daily meals with its delicious and refreshing taste and brings many health benefits.

The nutritional composition of sweet potato contains many nutritious nutrients.In addition to providing the body with a rich content of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B6,magnesium, potassium, phosphorus,...Spinach also provides a significant amount of protein.

With the rich and varied nutritional composition of spinach, it is considered as one of the very good dishes, especially for the elderly and children.

Is it okay for pregnant women to eat spinach in the first month of pregnancy?

2.Should pregnant women eat spinach in the first month of pregnancy?

According to the 2002 Vietnamese Pharmacopoeia, it was clearly stated thatIt is not recommended to use papaverin for pregnant or lactating women.Pregnant women with a history of preterm birth, miscarriage or in vitro fertilization should not use water spinach in their daily meals to the maximum.And this is the same for pregnant women who should not eat spinach in the first 3 months.

In the vegetable contains the compound papaverin, so it is recommended to minimize not to use it for pregnant women.

However, for pregnant women who haveFor normal health, in order to diversify foods in daily meals, rhubarb can be used but must ensure the selection of clean food and food safety and hygiene.The processing of water spinach for pregnant women can be to eat some boiled water spinach or make soup.When cooked, it will be safe not only for pregnant women but also for everyone to use this dish.

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3.Harm of water spinach for pregnant women

3.1.Spinach has the risk of causing miscarriage

Although, until now, there has been no scientific conclusion that the consumption of rhubarb has the potential to cause miscarriage in pregnant women, but the potential risks The cause when pregnant women eat spinach is not necessarily absent.In fresh water spinach contains high content of papaverin, which is known to stimulate uterine smooth muscle to contract.yes.It is a potential cause affecting pregnant women.Therefore, if the vegetable contains high levels of this compound, it is absolutely not good for pregnant women.

Is it okay for pregnant women to eat spinach in the first month of pregnancy?

3.2.Interferes with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus

The glucocorticoid compound is the result of metabolism from the leaves of katuk, this compound may be the weakest.Factors that interfere with the absorption of calcium or phosphorus are present in the nutritional composition of spinach or other foods eaten into the body.

Is it okay for pregnant women to eat spinach in the first month of pregnancy?

3.3.Causes insomnia

In addition to side effects that can cause miscarriage in pregnant women, drinking fresh water spinach can also be a risk of causing insomnia, eating and drinking.Poor drinking can even cause shortness of breath.

Is it okay for pregnant women to eat spinach in the first month of pregnancy?

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The above isWheyShop's sharing helps you answer the question is it okay to eat spinach in the first month of pregnancy.Hopefully through the article, you have gained additional knowledge for you.Thank you for your interest in following the article!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Wet And Hot! Wu Mingzhu Recommends "Buyang Tea" To Eliminate Edema, Fight Heat And Heat, Strengthen The Spleen And Remove Dampness

The heavy humidity in summer not only makes people feel unmotivated, but many people feel uncomfortable with lower body edema every afternoon.Chinese medicine practitioner Wu Mingzhu recommended a "yang-boosting and dampness-removing tea" and taught Chinese medicine to take a bath to keep healthy at home.Doing it on the ground has great health effects.

Wu Mingzhu recommends Qi and dampness tea

Poria, corn silk, ginseng whisker, Astragalus Boil all ingredients in water, let cool to room temperature and drink.

Astragalus tonifies yang qi and increases immunity; Poria invigorates the spleen and removes dampness; This tea tastes sweet and sweet, but it actually comes from Astragalus; Wu Mingzhu said that Astragalus has the effect of invigorating yang qi, helping the body to activate energy, help pores open and close, and increase body sweating.

Bubble with ginger in 1 action to replenish qi and dehumidify

Some people like bubble baths in summer to make their bodies sweat.Wu Mingzhu recommends a must-have magic weapon for bathing, that is, ginger! Slice the ginger and slap it slightly, and put it directly into the bath water, which can better promote the body's metabolism and sweating; but she does not recommend using ginger powder, because the powder is too fine and may cause skin irritation.

Wu Mingzhu also mentioned that some people feel too hot to sit still when taking a bath, so they can raise their Qi in a static way-sitting cross-legged in the bathtub, hands on knees or thighs, palms up, eyes closed, Sit quietly for 5 to 10 minutes and then get up.At this time, match it with a cup of "Qi-tonifying and dampness-removing tea" for better health effects!


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Thursday, May 5, 2022

Mango Enzyme DIY! Abandoned Mango Peels And Mango Seeds Are Transformed Into Products To Help Gastrointestinal Digestion And Whitening

Taiwan not only has the famous mango ice, but the discarded mango peel has also been developed into an enzyme product that can improve digestion. Mango seeds have extracted "mangiferin", which is more effective than arbutin for whitening, and a resistant starch product that helps in weight management. . However, I would like to remind everyone that mango peel enzymes can be made by yourself, but mango seeds contain cyanic acid toxicity, so do not cook and drink by yourself!


The most famous mango ice is the peel and seeds turned into gold

The mango ice made from Taiwan's sweet Aiwen mango is not only popular among the locals, but also attracts Japanese cherry blossom girls and Korean kimchi girls to make pilgrimages, while the rest Mango peels and mango seeds cost 4.5 million yuan per thousand metric tons in waste treatment. Chen Ruirong, deputy director of the Science and Technology Division of the Agriculture Committee, said that they cooperated with National Chiayi University and the Fengshan Branch of the Agricultural Research Institute to develop the application technology of mango peel fermentation and the application technology of mango seed value-added application, which not only reduces waste, but also increases additional worth 9 million.

Peel Enzymes Improve Intestinal Function

When mangoes are processed, about 40% of the mango meat product is produced, while wastes such as mango peels and mango seeds account for about 60%. Chen Ruirong said that the Chiayi University team developed fermentation liquid and enzyme powder products using mango peels as raw materials. These products can improve intestinal function. Currently, they have developed tablets, powders, and capsules. The whole process can be Technology transfer.

The whitening effect of mango plant extract is better than that of arbutin

In terms of mango seeds, the Fengshan branch of the Agricultural Research Institute breaks through the traditional use of alcohol extract.Due to the high cost of extraction technology, water extraction can extract mangiferin, which has a better whitening effect than arbutin. Yang Shuhui, associate researcher and director of the Department of Management and Utilization of the institute, said that mango seeds can be extracted from "mango plant extract", which is rich in arbutin and ellagic acid, which are skin care and whitening ingredients; mango kernel oil can be used for skin care; and resistant starch is a healthy weight. The popular products under management can be technically transferred to biotech food companies for production and processing.

Mango seeds contain cyanide toxins and cannot be eaten

However, Yang Shuhui reminded that many people have asked how to make tea or grind them into powder at home when they heard about the "specific control effect of mango seeds". edible? But doing so is actually dangerous. First, because the mango seed shell has a hard skin that needs to be removed technically, mango seed kernels contain cyanic acid, which is toxic like almonds. Cut and boil at home to eat, be careful of the danger of poisoning.

DIY mango peel enzyme at home

Mango peel enzyme can be DIY at home. Yang Shuhui reminded that it is best to choose organic cultivation for homemade enzymes, or mango peels whose pesticides have passed the half-life and are toxic and degraded. Wash off the dirt on the peel to avoid agricultural residues, then wash it with cold water, drain and put it in a sterilized bottle, add boiled cold water to cover the peel, add sugar or honey and mix thoroughly, then cover the bottle Seal it well and do not open the lid until the fermentation bubbles appear. After seeing the bubbles, open the lid to let the air in. You can open the lid 2 or 3 times a day and then seal it again. It will take about 3 to 4 days for the fermentation to be good if the room temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius, and it will take 5 to 7 days if it is lower than 30 degrees Celsius. The fermented liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month, drink a cup every dayAids in digestion.

◎ Image source/Dazhi Image/shutterstock/Provided

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1 Trick To Transform Impetuous Emotions

The beginning of autumn is the 13th solar term in the twenty-four solar terms, indicating that the hot summer is about to pass and autumn is coming. Although the beginning of autumn is beginning to move towards autumn, the heat is hard to dissipate, and there is still the residual power of "autumn tiger", especially under the sudden change of weather and the greenhouse effect in recent years, the heat will definitely not lose to summer; but in general, autumn is the trend. When it gets cooler, for example, there is fog in the morning, and the cloudy cicadas also start to chirp. Occasional typhoons also make the weather much cooler.

The beginning of autumn is the transitional solar term when the climate changes from hot to cool. It is also a period when yang qi gradually shrinks, yin qi gradually grows, and gradually changes from yang to yin. Yin long transition period, so

Autumn should be in the lungs, the lungs are emotionally responsible for sadness (worry), sadness can easily hurt the lungs, and if the lung qi is deficient, the tolerance of the body's functions to negative stimuli will decrease, and it is easy to generate sadness and sadness. When self-cultivation, you must not deviate from the laws of nature. You should follow the outline of the ancients "to keep the mind at peace, to slow down the punishment of the autumn, to restrain the spirit, and to make the autumn Qi calm; no external ambition, to make the lung Qi clear, this is the response to the autumn Qi, nurture and harvest. the way.”

In summer, the average person has almost no appetite, and the diet is relatively light and simple. After two or three months, the weight will probably be reduced. When the autumn wind comes together, your appetite will increase greatly, and your body will tell you that you want to eat something rich to add a little nutrition and compensate for the loss of appetite in summer. Generally, you will want to eat meat, such as hot pot, barbecue, and steak that Taiwanese generally love to eat. ...wait to be presented, welcomeThere may be long queues at the stores that welcome you.

In autumn, the lungs should be nourished first. According to the principle of "dryness and moisturizing", the food should be mainly nourishing yin and clearing heat, moisturizing dryness and quenching thirst, and refreshing and soothing the nerves. The sour taste is helpful to astringe the lung qi, and the pungent taste radiates. diarrhea,

In short, in autumn, you can eat some foods that nourish yin, clear heat, moisten dryness and soothe the nerves such as sesame, porridge, honey, pumpkin, cucumber, eggplant, red bean, okra, grape, loquat, pineapple, and dairy products.

People live between heaven and earth, and are inevitably affected by seasonal tides. Through this exercise, the meridians of the bladder meridian can be lifted up, and at the same time, the related areas between the arms, shoulders, wrists, and fingers can be lifted. yuan.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

1. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. 2. Squat down and place your hands on your chest naturally. 3. As you inhale, expand your chest and release your palms. 4. As you exhale, squat with your knees and touch the ground with the soles of your feet. 5. Heel on the ground, toes up. 6. Cross your hands on your closed elbows and make your fists in front of your chest. 7. Repeat the action 21 times;

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This File, Daoyin Exercise" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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The Mucus Of "okra" Is The Essence! Cell Biology Professor Teaches You To Eat: Control Weight, Stabilize Blood Sugar, Detoxify Liver

Nutrition experts have mentioned that "green vegetables and fruits" are rich in fiber, and also contain carotenoids, chlorophyll and vitamin C, which can help protect eyesight, reduce the incidence of cancer, and strengthen bones and teeth. And "okra" is also a green vegetable with high nutritional value. When cooking and eating, sprinkle a little sesame seeds, it is a low GI diet with full nutrition.


The mucus of "okra" is the most nutritious! Weight control and postprandial blood sugar

Professor Wu Yiqun of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology at National Taiwan University, who has long practiced a low-GI diet, pointed out in his book that the mucus of "okra" is the most nutritious, composed of mucin, pectin, polysaccharide It can help inhibit sugar absorption, effectively control weight gain, and avoid rapid rise in blood sugar after meals. The natural glutathione contained in it is an important antioxidant in the body and can help liver detoxification.

In addition, the sesame lignin contained in sesame can inhibit cholesterol and fat, prevent arteriosclerosis and have anti-cancer effects. Its rich protein and unsaturated fatty acids can keep blood sugar stable, and it contains calcium and magnesium. , helps prevent osteoporosis, and it is also an excellent beauty holy product.

80 grams of okra, 10 grams of white sesame seeds

Japanese style sauce 30g

1. After washing the okra, blanch it in boiling water, pick it up, cut off the stalk, rinse with cold water and let it cool.

2. Spread the okra on a plate, drizzle with Japanese sauce, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and serve immediately.

◎The sticky protein of okra is easy to lose after heating, so the cooking time should not be too long. ◎It is recommended to remove the pedicle after the okra is blanched, and its mucus nutrients are less likely to be lost.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Reducing Fat, Lowering Blood Sugar, and Preventing Three Highs and Low GI Diet" by Wu Yiqun and Liu Xiujiao ◎ Image source / Yuanshui Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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"The Elixir Of Drinking" Kombucha! 2 Slightly Acidic Natural Bubble Drinks For Gut Health, Antioxidant And Cancer Prevention

Low-sugar, low-alcohol kombucha has become a favorite health drink for sober curious people in Europe and America, and is also known as the "drinking elixir". However, in addition to low sugar and low alcohol, kombucha can maintain intestinal health, antioxidant and anti-cancer, so it can spread for thousands of years and conquer the world.

Huang Yuhua, a doctor of medical research in the United States, pointed out,

In addition, sucrose is converted into gluconic acid and acetic acid (a type of short-chain organic acid) during fermentation. Recent scientific research has found that. At last,.

Huang Yuhua emphasized that kombucha has polyphenol antioxidants in tea, and sucrose is converted into short-chain organic fatty acids that are beneficial to the immune system during the brewing process, and probiotics responsible for fermentation help maintain intestinal ecology. All of the above factors may be responsible for the health benefits of kombucha.

Falling in love with kombucha at first contact may not necessarily mean understanding or feeling the health benefits of kombucha. Many people who like kombucha actually fall in love with the special smell and taste of kombucha first.

Yes, kombucha has a very strong smell, full of sincerity and enthusiasm, it is like a new friend you just met, and you will be greeted immediately when you meet for the first time. hug! The taste of kombucha's natural bubbles, slightly sweet and slightly sour taste, when you drink the first sip, it is like a party in your mouth and stomach, which will definitely wake up those who fall asleep immediately!

So ready to meet this new friend? Let's brew kombucha together!

Watermelon is over 90 percent water, but this summer-refreshing fruit is packed with nutrients. . Taiwan has the reputation of "watermelon kingdom", it is a pity not to use watermelon to make two-fermented kombucha.

Refreshing and sour.

1~3 days in summer; 3~5 days in winter.

One fermented kombucha 1 liter, watermelon 250 grams.

❶ Take out the kombucha that has been fermented and set aside.

❷Cut the watermelon into small pieces.

❸ Use a funnel to add the watermelon and kombucha stock solutions to the glass bottles separately.

❹ Put the lid on the lid, keep it at room temperature for 5 days, open it once a day for ventilation.

❺ After 5 days, you don't need to strain out the watermelon, just put it in the refrigerator, and you can enjoy it anytime.

; Lycopene, quercetin and various polyphenolic compounds in guava have the effect of neutralizing free radicals in the body, so it is. Using guava to make two-fermented Kang tea is also very delicious!

Refreshing and elegant sweetness.

1~3 days in summer; 3~5 days in winter.

One fermented kombucha 1 liter, 1 red heart guava.

❶ Take out the kombucha that has been fermented and set aside.

❷Cut the heart guava into small pieces.

❸Put the guava cubes and kombucha stock solution into the glass bottle separately using a funnel.

❹ Put the lid on the lid, keep it at room temperature for 5 days, open it once a day for ventilation.

❺ After 5 days, you can filter out the guava (you can not filter it), then put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, and you can enjoy it anytime.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Falling in Love with Kombucha: Step by step personally taught by a doctor of medicine, from brewing to application, to create a healthy gut" by Huang Yuhua ◎ Image source/provided by Suzaku Culture

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Dietitian's Advice: Don't Choose "this" For Breakfast! "Best Combination" For Stable Blood Sugar And Smooth Bowel Movements

Do you eat sesame fritters and sizzling noodles for breakfast? Or buy a cup of iced milk tea with pineapple bread? There are many breakfast options, including traditional Chinese biscuits and fritters, Cantonese porridge, fried buns, rice balls, oyster noodles, steamed buns, etc. sold by roadside vendors. However, if you take a closer look at health standards, the breakfast you buy every day may be partly NG food!


The Food and Drug Administration's "Food and Drug" pointed out that the Taiwan Nutrition Foundation has conducted a survey in the past and found that as many as 52.9% of office workers in China are often in a high-pressure environment due to abnormal diets, which can easily lead to constipation, and even become distressed and irritable; Especially because they are often rushing to work, more than 40% of office workers simply skip breakfast, which is detrimental to their health.

This survey further found that up to 86% of people choose a low-fiber diet for breakfast, such as delicate bread or egg cake, as well as white rice, glutinous rice, carrot cake, etc., which are also processed food of refined rice , The proportion of dietary fiber is seriously insufficient, which may lead to unsmooth bowel movements.

Eat the right breakfast to keep your day full of energy! Liu Yili, a nutritionist at Tai'an Hospital, suggested that if you are an office worker who is used to eating bread, try not to choose stuffed bread, because the oil content is too high, it has been delicately processed, the calories are too high, and it lacks fiber, so it is not suitable for breakfast. In addition, the taste is not suitable for breakfast. Soft and tender fresh milk toast, I am afraid that the oil content will also be high, pay special attention.

Liu Yili emphasized that whole-wheat bread and oatmeal are complex carbohydrates that can stabilize blood sugar, while eggs and soy milk are good sources of protein. If you want to eat toast, you can halve the amount of spread, add a few slices of cucumber, tomato and lettuce that contain dietary fiber, and pair it with low-fat milk or unsweetened yogurt, it will be healthier.

Many people will buy breakfast from ordinary breakfast shops, such as ham and egg sandwiches, omelettes, milk tea, hamburgers, etc. Some people may say that hamburgers contain lettuce, meat, and bread, which means that the three categories of nutrients are all Take it into account, is it really so? This type of hamburger meat has the problem of too high oil content, and secondly, most of these hamburger meats are processed "combination meat", but the problem is not the phosphates used as adhesives, the starch or monosodium glutamate to increase the taste and other additives. , In fact, the hygienic conditions of food preservation need more attention!

The Food Safety Information Network of the Executive Yuan once pointed out that once this type of meat is processed for too long, it is easy to become a breeding ground for bacteria, and some breakfast restaurants will freeze the meat at room temperature in advance and place it on the frying table It is easy to access nearby, and microorganisms can take advantage of it at this time; if you add the hand of the clerk to checkout while making breakfast, and touch the lettuce, fried egg or toast after touching the steak, it is equivalent to cross-contamination of raw and cooked food, which increases food safety. doubt. It is recommended that the public observe the dining environment more to ensure their own health.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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