Saturday, April 30, 2022

Drinking Sugary Drinks Increases The Risk Of Osteoporosis And Fractures! Dietitian Exposes 5 Hidden High-sugar Foods

Many people have a cup of hand shake, and some people like to eat bread, yogurt and other foods. Beware of excessive sugar intake. The doctor reminds that excessive sugar intake will not only lead to obesity, but also accelerate bone loss and increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. risk.

According to the World Health Organization's 2020 Healthy Eating Recommendations, if the daily sugar content can be reduced to less than 5% or 25 grams of total calories, the risk of many diseases will be reduced.

Chen Zhengguang, the chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics, Xinguang Hospital, pointed out that high intake of sugar in the daily diet is not only prone to obesity, but also catalyzes glycation in the body, resulting in chronic inflammation of organs and tissues throughout the body, as well as wrinkles, sagging, and even skin Sallow and dull.

Not only that, it will affect the collagen in the bones, reduce the organic matter and mineralized matrix of the bones, reduce the strength of the bones, make the bones brittle, and also reduce the muscle mass and strength,

Chen Zhengguang further explained that in general, the bone mass reaches its peak around the age of 30, and the average annual bone loss after middle age is 0.3~0.5%;

Especially the middle-aged and the elderly are at high risk of osteoporosis, and they should pay special attention to their daily sugar intake. Gao Yuwen, a nutritionist at Xinguang Hospital, pointed out that it may not taste too sweet, but it is a hidden version of high-sugar food. Just eating one may exceed the recommended daily sugar intake.

Gao Yuwen suggested that people usuallyWhen eating, you may wish to choose more prototype foods to reduce the intake of excess sugar and processed products.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Drink Coffee To Relax Or Nervous? Famous Doctors Suggest That One Kind Of People Should Drink Less Coffee

Many of you have heard the phrase "coffee helps you relax"! Therefore, many people choose to have a cup of coffee before activities that are prone to excessive stress. However, for those who are "overly nervous", it is better not to drink.

The famous Japanese psychiatrist Shion Kagezawa pointed out. A cup of coffee in the morning will wake up the drowsy head and turn it into the mode of playing on the field; or have a cup of coffee at night when you feel sleepy, it can drive away the drowsiness and revive the spirit.

The "arousal degree" mentioned here means that drinking coffee can increase the arousal degree and make the emotions move in the direction of "tension". The caffeine contained in coffee also stimulates the sympathetic nerves and increases blood pressure

We often hear claims that "coffee has been scientifically proven to have a relaxing effect." Shion Hakuzawa explained, but coffee not only has "aroma", but also makes people want to actually taste it. At this time, the "awakening effect" of caffeine will also be clearly reflected.

A cup of coffee after waking up in the morning can clear a drowsy head. When the tension meter falls in the range of 0~20 kilometers, or when you are in a state of depression, having a cup of coffee is like stepping on the accelerator, so it happens to be in a balanced state of "moderate tension" between tension and relaxation Not sure.

Huazawa Shion said, but this does not mean that after 6 hours, the caffeine in the body can be completely metabolized and excreted,And

Because of this, if you look at the effect of caffeine on sleep, one. Even though it was the coffee you drank a few hours ago, coffee may have an impact on your current state.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Exercising Moderate Nervousness: "Tense" is not a resistance, but a help! Make good use of just the right tension, and your life will be extraordinary from now on" by Shion Kazawa ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Drink Bulletproof Coffee To Lose Weight And Improve Fatty Liver? Dietitian: "Millions Of Mother Soup!" Publicize The Healthy Way Of Drinking Coffee

A 22-year-old Mr. Wang, who drinks a cup of hand shake every day, was found to have fatty liver during a recent health check. He searched the Internet for coffee to improve fatty liver, so he wanted to use the popular bulletproof coffee on a whim. To achieve weight loss and reduce the effect of fatty liver. In this regard, the nutritionist called out: "Ten thousand mother soup!"

Zhong Huizhen, director of the Nutrition Department of Mennonite Hospital, pointed out that fatty liver refers to the accumulation of too much fat in the liver, which is mainly caused by diabetes, obesity, alcohol, and excessive triglycerides in the blood. Among them,

"Hepatitis is the main cause of liver cancer." Zhong Huizhen emphasized that if fatty liver does not improve for a long time, the liver will become chronically inflamed, lead to cirrhosis, and eventually develop into liver cancer. However,

Zhong Huizhen explained that coffee is good for patients with fatty liver, but the coconut oil and cream of bulletproof coffee are high-fat foods, and the ratio of coffee to oil is 1:2, which is not suitable for patients with fatty liver, but causes a big burden.

Zhong Huizhen reminded that commercially available lattes usually use whole milk and cream,

◎ Image source/Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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The Price Of Red Sweet Potatoes Is Broken. Celebrity Chefs Teach How To Make Sweet Potatoes 3 To Eat, Simply Cook Delicious Chicken Soup, Steamed Ribs, Desserts

"Eat it hot, the fragrant pine is delicious, and eat it cold, with a honey-flavored taste." The sweet potato No. 66 in Tai Nong was so popular that farmers rushed to plant it. This year's purchase price collapsed and hit a record low. The commercial purchase price is 5 or 6 yuan, which is less than 10 yuan per kilogram below the planting cost, and many farmers abandon the harvest. Lei Shen's chef Lei suggested that religious housewives "eat sweet potatoes 3", delicious and healthy, eat sweet potatoes quickly to save farmers!

The purchase price was lower than the cost, and the farmers reluctantly gave up harvesting

Tainong No. 66, the red-skinned red meat known as "Red Heart Tail Sweet Potato (Red Heart Sweet Potato)", has a soft taste and high sweetness. It is the same as molasses, but it is a healthy food with high carotene content, dietary fiber and mucus protein. However, Tai Nong No. 66, which can be called the light of Taiwan, was so popular that farmers rushed to plant and harvest another bumper crop. This year's purchase price broke down. Because the purchase price was lower than the cost, many farmers had already given up harvesting and went directly to hoeing and hoeing. .

Sweet potatoes 3, from staple food to dessert, simple and easy to make The steamed sweet potato ribs for the meal, and the caramel potato apple cup for dessert after the meal are simple and delicious, and also have the effect of nourishing the winter.

Sweet potato pepper chicken soup, tonic to warm up and not get irritated

Lei Yizong said that Taiwanese people want to "supplement winter" in autumn and winter, but eating all kinds of tonic is dry and hot and easy to get angry. Switch to sweet potato, which is believed by the older generation to invigorate qi and body fluid, help nourish the stomach and promote defecation, plus it has the effect of warming the stomach and bodyThe chicken soup made of the pepper is warm and satisfying. There is no need to add additional rice, the sweet potato alone will give you a sense of satiety, and the protein of chicken, which is healthy and nutritious. The recipe is as follows:

Sweet potato pepper chicken soup

Ingredients: 200 grams of sweet potato peeled and cut into pieces, half a chicken cut into pieces, 30 grams of peppercorns, 6 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of bitter tea oil


1. Saute ginger slices in bitter tea oil until fragrant, until the edges of the ginger slices are rolled up.

2. Add sweet potato and stir fry until fragrant.

3. Add the chicken and stir fry until half cooked.

4. Add peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add the amount of water that covers all the ingredients, cover the pot, turn to low heat and continue to cook for 40 minutes, season to taste and serve.

Steamed Sweet Potato Pork Ribs Soft and tender meat suitable for all ages. Steamed Sweet Potato Pork Ribs

Ingredients: 2 sweet potatoes, 400 grams of pork ribs (soft ribs), appropriate amount of steamed meat powder, soy sauce, pepper, five-spice powder, a little rice wine


1. Peel and cut the sweet potatoes and place them on the bottom of the steamer.

2. Marinate the soft ribs with appropriate amount of soy sauce, pepper, five spice powder and rice wine for 15 minutes, place them on top of the sweet potatoes, and then cover with steamed pork powder.

3. Steam for 40 minutes, the ribs are tender and ready to eat.

The soft pork ribs are of good quality, tender and tender, and the cartilage is easy to eat after being steamed. The oil of the pork ribs is also soft and delicious. Silver-haired people and children can eat it. It is a good dish suitable for all ages.

Sweet Potato Dessert 5 Minutes Dessert: Caramel Potato Apple Cup

Ingredients: 3 apples, 150 grams of roasted sweet potato puree, 60 grams of apple pulp, a little cream, appropriate amount of honey, appropriate amount of caster sugar

How to:

1. First dig the apples into a cup shape and set aside.

2. Mix the roasted sweet potato puree and other ingredients thoroughly, then put it into the apple cup, put it into the electric pot and steam for about 5 minutes.

3. Sprinkle fine granulated sugar after the pot is out of the pot, use a flamethrower to bake the granulated sugar to caramelize the crispy skin, and add the plate decorations to look good and delicious.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Xiaoxue Eats More Black Food And Must Drink Radish Pork Ribs Soup! Get Up Often And Practice 1 Trick To Keep Your Body Warm And Keep Your Body From Getting Stuck

"Little Snow" is a season that reflects weather phenomena. The snow is small and there is no snow on the ground. This is the original meaning of the solar term "little snow". The ancient book "Quanfang Pu" says: "A small snow is cold and it will snow, but the ground is cold and the snow is not even heavy."

That is to say, when it comes to light snow, due to the cold weather, the precipitation changes from rain to snow, but at this time, due to the "coldness of the ground", the number of snowfalls is small and the amount of snow is not large, so it is called light snow. Therefore, light snow represents the starting time and degree of snowfall. Like rain, grain rain and other solar terms, light snow is a solar term that directly reflects precipitation.

Fungus, black beans, purple rice... black food should be eaten in winter

Sun Simiao wrote that "the foundation of security is food... I don't know how to eat well, it is not enough to survive." A reasonable diet can make a person strong and healthy. Longevity and longevity, and improper diet is one of the important causes of disease and premature aging. In order to avoid blood stickiness, you should eat more foods that protect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, such as salvia, hawthorn, black fungus, tomato, celery, red radish, etc. It is also suitable to eat some foods that reduce blood lipids, such as bitter gourd, corn, buckwheat, carrots, etc.

In addition, eat more black foods, such as black fungus, black sesame, black beans, seaweed, purple rice, etc. More intake of foods rich in folic acid can prevent insomnia and forgetfulness, such as spinach, asparagus, kiwi, oysters, oranges , peas, soybeans and dark green vegetables; brown rice and whole grains, yeast, animal liver, milk, pumpkin, edamame and other foods rich in vitamin B complex are also good for improving bad mood, fatigue, and anemia.

Drink plenty of refreshing hot soup to avoid internal heat

In cold weather, people like to eat hot food, but it is best not to eat too much spicy food, which will promote the "internal fire" in the body. Cabbage and radish are seasonal foods, rich in vitamins and a variety of trace elements, and white radish can clear fire, reduce qi, and digest food, which is very suitable for this solar term.

Radish Pork Rib Soup (Schematic/)

This season is the most suitable to eat warming and nourishing foods. Warm nourishing foods include mutton, beef, chicken, etc. Kidney nourishing foods can be used to make porridge with cashews, gorgons, and yam, as well as chestnut stew and ginkgo stew. Chicken, big bone broth, walnuts, etc.

This solar term should go to bed early and wake up after dawn, don't stay up late, go to bed early and get up late, and work at sunrise to ensure adequate sleep time, in order to benefit the latent yang qi and the accumulation of yin essence. As for keeping warm and cold, it must also be done appropriately. Clothing that is too light and too thin, and the room temperature is too low, will not only consume yang energy, but also easily catch a cold. Conversely, if the clothes are too thick and the room temperature is too high, then the internal organs will be released, the yang energy will not be hidden, and the cold evil will be easy to invade.

In terms of exercises, you can diligently practice a set of "harmonious efforts" in the Dharma and Yi Jin Sutra. In a short period of time, the body can spontaneously warm up, and it can also strengthen the buttocks, thighs, All functions related to knees, calves, shoulders and arms are very simple and easy to operate, and are very suitable for sedentary office workers and middle-aged and elderly people.

Dharma Yi Jin Sutra is strong in "cohesion"All functions associated with hips, thighs, knees, calves, shoulders and arms.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands flat, palms open forward; when exhaling, belly straight out. 2. Squat slightly with your feet, and hold your palms with your arms inward; at the same time, your legs will gradually squat and gradually force, and when you inhale, your stomach will shrink inward. 3. Flatten your hands in front of your chest and let go of your palms; at the same time, return your feet to the original standing position. 4. One tighten and one loose, repeat 21 times;

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This Matter, Daoyin Exercise" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Health 2.0 Information Photo‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock Provided

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The Chestnut Squash Cooked By Yourself Is Not Delicious, So Don't Do It! Dr. Agriculture Teaches Delicious Upgrade Tips

I saw in a Japanese TV show that the chestnut pumpkin was cooked soft and delicious, but when I cooked it myself, the pumpkin flesh was hard, or the water was rotten, and the soft taste could not be cooked? Experts remind that this may be missing: the "water elimination" procedure. Pumpkin, like Wendan pomelo, should be placed until the skin is a little dehydrated, that is, "shui" in Taiwanese. At this time, the pulp can be boiled and soft.

Taiwan native chestnut squash, cheap and delicious

In the past, chestnut squash was so expensive that many housewives couldn't buy it. Now the price of chestnut squash is not expensive and affordable. It turns out that Taiwan is bred by itself, and the local chestnut squash is on the market, and the price is more popular. Zhao Xiubi, a doctor from the Tainan Agricultural Improvement Field of the Agricultural Council, who specializes in pumpkin breeding, said that Taiwan's chestnut pumpkins were imported from Japan. Because chestnut pumpkins have poor resistance to pests and diseases, they are suitable for low-temperature planting. The production season of chestnut squash is around the Dragon Boat Festival every year, and around November and December to January and February of the next year.

Some people say that chestnut pumpkins should be bought small, but there are also people who see 2kg pumpkins also called chestnut pumpkins, which makes housewives wonder which is the real chestnut pumpkin? Which is more delicious? Zhao Xiubi said that there are actually several varieties of chestnut pumpkins on the market. There are small ones that weigh about 500 grams each, and some that are as large as 1.5 kg to 2 kg each. No matter how big or small, they are all chestnut pumpkins, but the varieties are different. . And no matter big or small, as long as you pick a well-cultivated and managed pumpkin, it will be delicious.

Chestnut pumpkins are heavy but not big

Some pumpkins are soft when cooked, while others are not softTaste, what's the problem? Zhao Xiubi said that whether pumpkins are delicious or not is related to planting management. If it is not properly managed, the pumpkin plants will be infected and will not be able to provide enough nutrients to the fruits. Although the fruits will still grow large, the taste will become unpalatable.

So when picking pumpkins, the focus should be on "pick heavy, not big"! Zhao Xiubi suggested that when picking pumpkins, it is best to pick up pumpkins of similar size with both hands, and feel which one is heavier. The heavier the pumpkin, the more nutrients it can absorb during the growth period, and it will gradually become fatter and bigger before it grows. Heavy. If the plant gets sick during the planting period, the melon and fruit will grow up on the outside, but the inside will be empty and become very light. Therefore, the heavier the pumpkin, the better.

If you buy a good melon, you have to wait for it to "eliminate water" before eating it

Even if you pick a good chestnut pumpkin, if you cook it directly without going through this procedure, the pumpkin will not taste good, then you need to "eliminate the water"! Zhao Xiubi said that chestnut squash, like Wendan pomelo, has to go through the process of dehydration, the skin is dehydrated, and the water returns to the fruit, and the melon meat will be delicious. Therefore, when picking chestnut pumpkins, pay attention to picking the stems and heads that are dry and shriveled, indicating that there is a certain degree of dehydration. It is best to leave it for 7 to 10 days after buying it, so that the epidermis will be dehydrated and it will taste better.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eat The Right Vegetables To Lower Blood Pressure And Blood Fat! Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians Promote "Wuwu Antihypertensive Soup" And "Five Juice Drinks"

Daily diet is crucial to the disease control of hypertensive patients. TCM physician Hong Dungeng provides a "Five-Wood Antihypertensive Soup", which is a soup suitable for hypertensive patients to drink regularly. , The five substances exert their respective effects and synergistic effects, and have the effects of lowering blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol.

2 pieces of seaweed, 2 pieces of celery, 10 pieces of water chestnuts, 3 pieces of tomatoes, and 1 piece of onion.

Remove the celery leaves and keep the stems, cut into sections, water chestnuts with skin and slices, tomato slices, onions peeled and shredded, add the above 5 things, add appropriate amount of water or 4 taels of lean meat, and make soup.

The five-juice recipe of "Wen Disease Diagnosis", use pear juice, water chestnut juice, fresh reed juice, Ophiopogon japonicus juice, lotus root juice (or sugarcane pulp), temporarily decide how much, and take it evenly, not very happy For those who are cold, take heavy soup and stew warm. It is used to treat Taiyin and warm diseases, and those who are very thirsty are called "Wofa" (Wofa originally means "irrigation", and is used in the text to "moisturize".)

Growing on the rocks in the shallow intertidal zone, it is mostly cultivated in coastal areas.

Also known as dry celery, or "medicine celery", "pu Qin". Umbelliferae, 1 or 2 year old herb. It is native to the Mediterranean coast of China and is currently cultivated everywhere.

Commonly known as horseshoe, or "ground chestnut" and "black taro". Cyperaceae, perennial aquatic herb. There are stolons underground, and the apex swells into bulbs, that is, water chestnuts. It can also be used as a vegetable or a substitute for fruit, and can also be used to make starch.

Commonly known as "tomato". Solanaceae, annual herb. Native to South America, widely cultivated in my country. The fruit is rich in nutrients and can be used as vegetables, or as fruits and canned foods.

Also known as "scallion head", "jade green onion". Liliaceae, perennial herb. There are 3 types of common onions, tiller onions and top onions, which are native to Southwest Asia. Bulbs are used as vegetables and for medicinal purposes.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Self-Regulation of Hypertension" by Hong Dungeng ◎ Image source/Tiandi Books‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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