Thursday, May 5, 2022

"Five Elements Questions And Answers" To Find Out Your Health Weaknesses! Don't Let Your Body Get Out Of Whack An Article On What To Eat

The human body can be divided into five internal organs: "heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney". The operation and function of the five internal organs will affect each other. In the process of achieving balance, sometimes the human body will be in an excellent state, and sometimes it will cause disorder. These good and bad will gradually shape our personality and physique.

The five characteristics of the human body are closely related to the five seasons of "spring, summer, long summer, autumn and winter". In spring, the liver is weak, which is characterized by easy anger and frequent eye fatigue. The same is true for other seasons. , For example, it is very melancholy when it rains, it is easy to lose sleep when the seasons change, and when winter comes, you just want to stay at home and not go out... Do you also have these symptoms?

In this way, you can analyze your own type through the five elements, and after understanding your body's weaknesses, you can choose what to eat and make preparations to avoid emotional disorders.

□ Headache, shoulder pain, back stiffness □ Eye fatigue, dry eyes □ Grinding and clenching the roots □ Facial muscle twitching

□ Hot face, cold lower body □ Frequent heart palpitations or shortness of breath □ Sweat when you move a little □ Hands and feet are easily swollen


□ Easy to gain weight or lose weight □ Endo-stomatitis and angular stomatitis are prone to occur around the lips □ Indigestion, stomach bloating □ Easy to drool

□ Allergies □ Frequent constipation or diarrhea □ Not easy to sweat □ Weak nose and throat

□ Frequent or infrequent use of the toilet □ Susceptible to diseases of reproductive organs □ A lot of gray hair or frequent hair loss □ Ringing in the ears or a feeling of blockage in the ears

After detection, which item is ticked the most? The most ticked items are the organs that are most prone to weakness.

Spring irritability pressure too high Protein, minerals such as iron, vitamin C, cruciferous vegetables (eggs, beef, pork, chicken, lemon, green peppers, broccoli, pineapple, rapeseed, etc.)

Summer restlessness, insomnia lack of exercise Summer vegetables, greenback, oil intake (okra, Egyptian king vegetables, tomatoes, sardines, salmon, coconut oil, edamame, walnuts, etc.)

Changxia (a period of high temperature and humidity from the plum rain to the typhoon season) overthinking inadvertent diet Avoid excessive intake of refined sugars, oils, beverages (ramen, sandwiches, frozen meals, juices, wine, chocolate, etc.); eat more foods that aid digestion

Autumn sentimental constipation, diarrhea Intestinal whole foods, B vitamins, herbs/spices, minerals (bananas, apples, natto, frozen tofu, peanuts, garlic, onions, shallots, ginger, etc.)

Winter fearful, startled lack of sleep Minerals such as zinc, vitamin D, digestive aids (clams, oysters, fungus and other mushrooms, dried squid, yam, kelp, kelpbuds, etc.)

◎ This article is excerpted from / "2 ingredients in 1 week, a worry-relieving diet that does not cause inflammation of the heart" by Ai Okubo ◎ Image source / Tashi Image / provided by shutterstock

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More Nutritious Than Tofu And Soy Milk! "Tofu Skin" Is Rich In Lecithin And High In Calcium. The Elderly Eat It To Prolong Life And Prevent Hardening Of The Arteries And Osteoporosis.

The nutritional value of soy products is very high, especially the tofu skin is concentrated in various nutrients, which is more nutritious than tofu and soy milk. The tofu skin also has the advantages of easy digestion and quick absorption!


Tofu skin is rich in nutrients, high in protein and amino acids, as well as 18 kinds of trace elements necessary for the human body such as iron, calcium and molybdenum.

Tofu skin contains a lot of lecithin, so it has the functions of preventing hardening of the arteries, improving vascular diseases and protecting the heart.

Tofu skin also contains a variety of minerals to supplement calcium, prevent osteoporosis caused by calcium deficiency, promote bone development, and is extremely beneficial to the bone growth of children and the elderly.

Eating tofu skin can improve immunity and promote physical and intellectual development.

Long-term consumption of tofu skin can prolong life.

Eating tofu skin during the postpartum period can not only restore health quickly, but also increase milk production.

Appropriate amount of tofu skin, 1 tomato, appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of garlic, 100g bean bag, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, and some boiled water.

❶ Dice the tomato, cut the shallot into sections, and mince the garlic for use. ❷Pour 1 tsp olive oil into a hot pan, fry the tofu skin until golden brown on both sides.❸Pour 1 tsp olive oil into the pot, saute minced garlic until fragrant, add in diced tomatoes and saute until soft. ❹Add tomato sauce and soy sauce and stir fry. ❺ Add water to boil, you can adjust the saltiness by yourself. ❻Put the bean bag in low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. ❼Add chopped green onion before taking the pot, cover the pot and simmer for a while.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Let's Start Vegan Life──Stay Fit with Mi Whole Plant Diet Plan + New Me Fitness Exercise Guide" by Michelle ◎ Image source/Chunguang Publishing‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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"1 Diet" To Prevent Diabetes, Lose Weight, And Stay Away From Heart Disease! National Taiwan University Professor's Personal Practice

When we eat foods with high GI (glycemic index) value, blood sugar will rise rapidly. Once blood sugar rises, the human body will start to secrete insulin, and a large amount of insulin secretion will promote the formation of body fat, which will quickly cause Hunger re-occurs, resulting in increased food intake and increased blood fat concentration.


Wu Yiqun, a professor at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology at National Taiwan University who has practiced a low-GI diet for a long time, pointed out that there are many benefits of implementing a low-GI diet. The most important are the following six characteristics:

Low GI diet is recommended by many foreign nutritionists as a healthy weight loss diet. The main principle is that insulin in the human body can not only lower blood sugar, but also stimulate cells to use blood sugar to produce fat. Because low GI food is not easy to cause The blood sugar fluctuates greatly, so the secretion of insulin is low. As a result, the opportunity for blood sugar to be used to make fat is reduced, the accumulation of fat is reduced, and the body even burns the fat that has been stored in the body, resulting in natural weight loss. .

Low GI diet is easier to achieve satiety, and it is not easy to overeat. The main reason is that some low-GI foods are characterized by slow digestion and longer stay in the small intestine. The small intestine transmits the message of "there is food" to the brain, so that the feeling of fullness can be maintained for a longer time. In addition, low-GI diets are generally higher in fiber, and the stomach takes more time and consumes more calories to digest high-fiber foods, which further enhances the weight loss effect of a low-GI diet.

According to the American Nursing Health Medical Research, people who eat high GI foods for a long time are nearly three times more likely to develop diabetes than those who eat low GI foods. Therefore, if you adopt a low-GI, high-fiber diet, the chance of developing diabetes in the future will be reduced by at least half, and the sooner you start a low-GI, high-fiber diet, the better the chance of staying away from diabetes!

The main principle of the low GI diet is to choose food types and cooking methods that do not easily affect blood sugar fluctuations. Medical research has found that patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes adopt a low GI diet, which will help to reduce the glycated hemoglobin in the body (the normal value of glycated hemoglobin is about 4 to 6% for the average person, and the diabetic patients should control it below 7%).

Low GI foods are foods that are low in processing, high in fiber, or simply "whole foods." A medical report in 2005 pointed out that eating a "low GI diet" was more effective in reducing triglycerides and improving cholesterol than eating a "low-calorie, low-fat diet". It not only reduced bad cholesterol, but also effectively improved good cholesterol. of high-density cholesterol.

According to medical research, more than half of the diabetic patients in Taiwan suffer from chronic comorbidities such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are the main culprits of cardiovascular disease. Studies have also found that a low GI diet can help reduce high blood pressure and high blood lipids, and can effectively reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

rootAccording to medical reports, after consuming starchy carbohydrates, the brain's intellectual performance, including memory of words, learning of complex mazes, short-term memory, organization, judgment, number-crunching ability, etc., are better than before consumption.

And this effect is not limited to the general population. It is also found in the mental responses of adolescents with diabetes and even some people with dementia. Many medical studies have further found that the effect of low-GI carbohydrates on enhancing learning and memory is much higher than that of high-GI carbohydrates.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Reducing Fat, Lowering Blood Sugar, and Preventing Three Highs and Low GI Diet" by Wu Yiqun and Liu Xiujiao ◎ Image source / Yuanshui Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Hot Spring Eggs, Soft-hearted Eggs, And Poached Eggs Are The Best? Half-boiled Eggs May Be Allergens, It Is Recommended Not To Touch 4 Kinds Of People Such As Children, Poor Liver And Kidney

According to the latest ranking of the top ten chronic food allergies released by the health inspection agency, protein and egg yolk are the top two, which is a shocking result. Experts believe that it may be related to the frequency of eating and eating a lot, especially half-boiled eggs such as poached eggs, sun eggs, hot spring eggs, etc., the absorption rate of the human body is not good, and it is recommended not to eat them.

Eggs are rich in nutrients and protein, but why do they become the top of the list of chronic food allergens? Zheng Naiyuan, director of the Lian An Preventive Medicine Institute, believes that he may follow.

He said that eggs are a very important source of protein intake, but there are still other alternatives. The public can follow the National Health Administration's recommendation of five sources of protein (meat, fish, eggs, soybeans, and milk). Rotate, eat one type of food every day, and eat a variety of foods, so you shouldn't eat too much.

Liu Yili, a nutritionist, mentioned that the foods that are usually allergic must first be eaten every day, and eggs are widely available, ranging from omelets for breakfast, sandwiches, lunch buffets, and even small hot pots, eggs are a must-have of.

It is basically difficult to separate the yolk from the white, and nutritionists usually recommend eating whole eggs. Because eggs are very nutritious, they provide protein that the body needs to build, repair, and grow throughout life.

Liu Yili believes that eggs can become allergens. In addition to the increased frequency of eating eggs, another problem is the absorption rate of protein.

Nowadays, everyone pays attention to delicious cooking. You will find that the eggs eaten outside, such as soft-hearted eggs, sun eggs, Benedict eggs, poached eggs, etc., are all half-boiled eggs.


Liu Yili pointed out that if the protein absorption rate of whole eggs reaches 100%, there are no hard-boiled eggs, for example, raw eggs are added to tiramisu, or many dishes are beaten on top of hot rice. For a raw chicken, its absorption rate is only 50% at this time, and if it is a half-boiled egg, the absorption rate is about 80%.

Like a hot spring egg that Japanese people like very much, it is even rawer than a poached egg, and even the protein is not cooked, almost the same as a raw egg, and its absorption rate is also relatively poor, so it is not recommended.

Liu Yili believes that try not to eat such half-boiled eggs, because the protein molecules are large, if there is no way to absorb it, it may cause so-called allergies. Especially people, it is recommended not to eat such half-boiled eggs.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

"Boiled Meal" Is A Big Mine For Weight Loss, Be Careful Of Constipation And It Will Make You Even More Hungry! 2 Principles To Lose Weight While Eating

"Fat" is the culprit of obesity. Many people who lose weight are afraid to touch oil, but is it healthier to eat "boiled meals" instead? Experts point out that "oil-free" is actually a big mine for weight loss. Eating boiled meals for a long time is not necessarily healthier, and may also lead to serious constipation problems.

Family physician Xu Shuhua pointed out that if there is a lack of "oil" in the diet to help lubricate, it will easily lead to constipation. In addition, lack of oil will also affect the production of hormones. If the hormones are disturbed, women may have menstrual disorders or even stop menstruation , and possibly infertility.

Song Minghua, a nutritionist, also explained that oil is an important nutrient in the body. The three major nutrients that the human body needs are carbohydrates, protein and oil; oil is the slowest nutrient for intestinal digestion and absorption. If there is no oil in the diet at all , it is easy to feel hungry, and if there is oil, you will feel full and resistant to hunger; and when you lose weight, the most fear is the appearance of hunger, so there is an extreme lack of oil in the diet, and hunger will appear soon.

Song Minghua further stated that there are many "fat-soluble nutrients" in the body that must be effectively absorbed and utilized in the presence of oil, including vitamin A, which is an important component to maintain the health of the epithelial mucosa and the health of the eyes And vitamin D is involved in the absorption of calcium in the body and maintains bone health; vitamin E is related to reproductive ability and immune function; vitamin K is directly related to the body's blood coagulation function; and modern eye protection is very important The "lutein" is also partial fat soluble. Therefore, the lack of fat in the diet will also reduce the utilization of these nutrients.

Xu Shuhua also added that eating boiled meals for a long time can easily lead to a lack of water-soluble vitamins. Taking vitamin C as an example, if it is boiled with water, about 30% of the nutrients will be lost, and if it is fried with oil, about 20% of the nutrients will be lost; not only vitamin C, but also vitamin B will be eaten for a long time. situation.

Also, many people think that gallstones are caused by eating too much oil. Xu Shuhua emphasized that even if you don't eat oil at all, there will be gallstones. The reason is that the bile in the gallbladder needs a little oil. To stimulate and eliminate, if you do not eat oil at all, it will always accumulate in it, and it will be more likely to cause stones to form over time.


Since you can't eat boiled meals for a long time, how do you eat healthy to lose weight? Song Minghua mentioned that to lose weight or lose fat is not to eat oil at all, but to consume "good oil". The Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends that among the 6 categories of Chinese people’s daily dietary guidelines, one of them is fats and oils. We should eat about 3-7 teaspoons of fats a day. If the intake is insufficient for a long time, it may affect the normal function of the body.

So whether you want to lose weight or keep healthy, the right amount of fat is important! Song Minghua suggested that if you really want to lose weight, you can reduce the amount of fats and oils slightly, but you can't completely eliminate them. In the process of losing weight, you should be smart about consuming fats and oils. You can start from the cooking method. grilled, steamed, brine, steamed way is more suitable.

In addition, chicken skin, oily parts of meat, pig feet, hoofs and other very fatty parts should be avoided as much as possible; the choice of oil should be appropriate to eat nut oil, bitter tea oil, olive oil, these are very good fats . Finally, Song Minghua reminded to grasp the two major principles of the weight loss process:

1. Appropriately reduce the use of oil. 2. Pay attention to the source of oil, choosing good oil can make weight loss smoother.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Nutritionists Recommend 7 Major Detox Nutrients! 1 Dish Has Everything To Speed Up The Discharge Of Heavy Metal Toxins

What should I do if I accidentally ingest heavy metal toxins? Huang Shuhui, a senior nutritionist at the Post Hospital, suggested that as long as you eat more fruits and vegetables of various colors and types, and choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, you can avoid heavy metal pollution and excrete heavy metals from your body.

Huang Shuhui provides 7 types of detoxification nutrients, which are mainly divided into absorption, chelation, and detoxification to strengthen the liver detoxification system.

For example, soluble fiber foods also contain pectin, like sponge, which has the effect of swelling and adsorption, which can absorb heavy metals and excrete them with the intestinal feces; sulfur-containing amino acids and tannic acid have chelating effects It can prevent heavy metals from entering the body; vitamin C, selenium, chlorophyll and sulfur-containing compounds can strengthen the liver detoxification system and help to metabolize heavy metals.

Sweet potato, oatmeal, pumpkin, apple, kiwi, fungus, mushroom, berry.

Citrus, guava, kiwi, tomato.

Seaweed, dried shrimp, oysters, garlic, mushrooms, sesame seeds, apples.

Seaweeds, such as kelp, seaweed, wakame, stone cauliflower, coral grass, and spicy vegetables such as coriander, garlic, green onion, ginger.

Mung bean, persimmon, guava, pomegranate, hawthorn, green plum.

Dark green vegetables such as water spinach, sweet potato leaves, asparagus, leeks.

Garlic, asparagus, avocado, cauliflower.

Chef Lei Yizong of Thor provides a "detox healthy curry pot", which contains a variety of fresh vegetables to help flush out heavy metal toxins from the body.

100g carrots, 100g pumpkin, 1 apple, 50g black fungus, 2 red tomatoes, 80g asparagus, 80g cauliflower, 300g sea bream, 1000cc kelp kelp stock, some curry powder, several green plums, garlic Appropriate amount, a little dried shrimp, an appropriate amount of shallots, an appropriate amount of black pepper, a pinch of salt, and an appropriate amount of olive oil.

❶ Dry the dried shrimp and fry until fragrant.

❷Add in the diced garlic and fry until fragrant.

❸Put in the tomatoes.

❹ Put in pumpkin and carrot.

❺Pour the boiled ingredients into the casserole.

❻Put in the fungus.

❼Add snapper, cauliflower, and green plum.

❽Blank the asparagus first to taste, then cut into pieces and put in.

❾ Put in the scallions and bring to a boil.

The host of Health 2.0 and vice president of research at Minsheng Hospital Jiang Kunjun added that after heavy metals enter the human body, they will be hidden in the fat. Eating more low-fat fish rich in good oil can replace the bad oil.

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Should You Eat Big Tomatoes Or Small Tomatoes To Control Blood Sugar? "A Serving Of Tomato" Is A Lot Less Nutritious, Don't Eat It Wrong With Vitamin C And Lycopene

Big tomatoes belong to the vegetable category; small tomatoes belong to the fruit category. Some people may think it is a cliché, but the nutritionist found in the clinic that many people still do not know this fact!

Big tomatoes are vegetables! The sugar content is lower than the small tomatoes

Nutritionist Lu Mengfan shared on instagram that he had a conversation with a diabetic man many years ago: "The doctor told me to eat tomatoes when I was hungry, but I followed the doctor's advice to eat tomatoes, blood sugar It’s still very high!” “Abei, do you eat big tomatoes or small tomatoes?” “Little tomatoes!” “The doctor wants you to eat big tomatoes! Small tomatoes are fruits with high sugar content, so of course your blood sugar will drop after eating them. It's high! Big tomatoes are vegetables, so there is no such problem."

Although large tomatoes and small tomatoes are similar in appearance and taste somewhat similar, they are quite different in nutritional value. According to Lu Mengfan’s analysis, every 100 grams of a large tomato (about 1) contains 4.1 grams of carbohydrates and 19 calories; the same weight of small tomatoes (about 10) contains 7.6 grams of carbohydrates and 33 calories, which is almost the same as a large tomato. 2 times!


Obviously they are all "one serving", but the size of tomatoes is much different

According to the "Food Substitution Table" of the National Health Administration, large tomatoes are classified as vegetables, a serving of vegetables is 100 grams; small tomatoes are classified as fruits , 220 grams (about 23 pieces) is a fruit. Lu Mengfan mentioned that some people may think it is very unfair. Why is the weight of a small tomato 2.2 times that of a large tomato?This has to do with the volume of food.

How much are 23 small tomatoes? It is about 1 bowl in an ordinary rice bowl, which means that a bowl of small tomatoes contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, which is very easy for most people to eat; and a large tomato is almost the same amount in a rice bowl. The serving size of 1 bowl is the same as 23 small tomatoes, but only contains 4.1 grams of carbohydrates. Therefore,

Small tomatoes should be eaten raw, while large tomatoes are best cooked. For example, lycopene in tomatoes is a fat-soluble phytochemical. The content of large tomatoes is higher than that of small tomatoes, containing 2573 micrograms of lycopene per 100 grams, and large tomatoes are often used in vegetables. The absorption rate of red pigment will be higher.

As for small tomatoes, every 100 grams contains 43.5 mg of vitamin C, while large tomatoes are only 14 mg; Lu Mengfan explained that eating a serving of small tomatoes (220 grams) contains 95.7 mg of vitamin C, which almost reaches the recommended intake for a day ( 100 mg)! In particular, vitamin C is destroyed by heat, so

Although the food classification is different, Lu Mengfan believes that large and small tomatoes each have great nutritional advantages; whether it is eating large tomatoes or small tomatoes, the key is to eat them in the right way. Add their nutrients and add points to your health!

◎ Image source/Dazhi Image/shutterstock provided

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