Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Do Not Peel Radishes And Apples. Pumpkin, Lemon, And Grapes Have Better Anti-cancer Effects If They Are Eaten With Their Seeds! Nutritionist Reveals 1 Trick To Effectively Control Blood Sugar

Studies have found that phytochemicals are mainly found in the skin and seeds of plants, and the pulp is relatively small. For example, apple peel is rich in quercetin, which has good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. The main mode of action is It is to prevent tissue carcinogenesis and induce cancer cell apoptosis.


Another example: If you want to let it go, it's useless to eat only pumpkin meat. Do you drink lemon juice? In fact, the best ingredient is

From this, we can understand that the concept of "whole" food is to eat the whole food as much as possible, especially the skin and seeds. Mr. Zhang, who has 103 kilograms of colorectal cancer, finished 4 months of special classes, lost 9 kilograms, and said with a smile, "I never thought that I could lose weight after eating a full meal, and I still have kitchen waste at home. Shrink from one big bag to a small one.”

Do you eat carrots and white radishes? It's a pity that hundreds of phytochemicals have been cut off! Want to increase your lung capacity to fight air pollution? Be sure to leave the apple peel (Qianpisu) under the knife! Research shows:

Have you heard of the expensive "resveratrol, OPC"? It is hidden in the grape skins and grape seeds, so eating with the seeds is the only way to eat whole foods.

According to a global empirical medical research report of more than 350,000 people, tracking 4 to 22 years, the research subjects who like to eat white rice are also at higher risk of diabetes, especially Asians.

. For the American and Australian subjects, the difference is about 17% smaller. This is a racial difference, so Asians should pay special attention.

Research also found that only. In the nutrition counseling clinic, for diabetics, only changing the habit of eating white rice to brown rice or five-grain rice will improve blood sugar control by half. It is the fiber, various nutrients and phytochemicals in whole food grains that are behind the scenes.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Be Your Own Dietitian: The Latest Edition of Food Substitution Guide" by Huang Cuihua and Huang Shuyi, a consortium corporation Cancer Care Foundation ◎ Image source/Provided by Max Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eating Alone Can Easily Become Fat! BBC Announces 5 Effective Tips To Fight Obesity

Fighting obesity is a lifetime thing, and many people are fighting obesity all their lives. What are the effective ways to fight obesity? The BBC offers 5 tips for fighting obesity that may help you lose weight successfully.


A recent study published in the American Heart Association noted that. According to Dr. Yao, an obesity expert, eating too fast means you don't give your gut enough time to release hormonal messages that tell your brain that you're full, so you'll keep eating.

Soft drinks and fruit juices enter the intestines so quickly with high concentrations of sugar, it is difficult for the intestines to notice how much sugar is absorbed.

The association, however, was less pronounced for women, according to recent research published in leading obesity-related journals. Another study found that lonely people tend to choose unhealthy foods, echoing the above research.

Several media-focused studies have shown that the size, shape, and color of dishes, as well as the size and weight of utensils such as forks and spoons, all affect how much we eat. While health experts dispute these conclusions, large meals do increase weight, and

Over 50 studies have examined the relationship between sleep deprivation and weight gain, and a recent review of the literature concluded that sleep is indeed associated with weight in both adults and children.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Health, Beginning with "Why": BBC Experts Answer Your Body's Big and Small Matters" BBC, "BBC Knowledge" International Chinese Edition ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Why Do You Still Want To Eat When You Are Full? Beware Is The Body's Distress Signal

It should have happened to you before, that is, you are full, but you still want to eat, do you remember? It's amazing! But this kind of thing happens. Why in the end?


The body is not yet used to fat, or fat is difficult to decompose and extract for use. When you reduce carbohydrates, it is like you lose your ATM card, run out of cash, and keep depositing money in your account.

Basically, just going back to a low-sugar diet and getting used to it for a while will fix the problem. This is almost always what happens to people who jump from a habitual diet to a ketogenic diet all at once.

When the body is deficient in a certain nutrient, it will make you suddenly want to eat something according to the experience of what food you have ingested. For example, lack of vitamin C, then you may want to eat spicy food.

If you lack certain nutrients, and even if you are full, you do not make up for those nutrients, leaving your body still lacking, this embarrassing situation will occur.

If you cannot ensure a diverse diet, it is best to supplement trace elements every 2 days, especially calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc., and eat more offal, bone broth, and sea vegetables.

The gut bacteria in the body also need to eat. The more you eat, the easier it is to grow certain types of bacteria. One day, you suddenly stop eating the things your gut bacteria likeNow, the intestinal bacteria have no food, and the intestinal bacteria will naturally have channels to communicate with you. At this time, this situation will also occur, that is, the intestinal bacteria are "crying and hungry" with you.

You won't have this problem with a gradual change approach, or try adding more probiotic foods to your diet, and coffee enemas are also a good option.

The main function of the human brain is to seek good luck and avoid evil, and foods high in carbohydrates, high fat, and high sodium will make the brain feel happy and allow people to temporarily escape from stress. The body will also remember this mechanism, So when people are stressed, the brain will think of some things that can reduce your stress, remind you to eat these things, and other similar things are drugs and alcohol.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Ketogenicity is so difficult! : The most professional ketogenic coach, Martyn, will accompany you to successfully ketogenic "by Chen Shixiu (Martyn)" ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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People With Stomach Pain And Gastroesophageal Reflux Should Avoid The 5 Major Landmine Foods! Experts Recommend 1 Food Therapy To Relieve Stress And Warm The Stomach

Modern people often feel a lot of pressure and even a lot of entertainment, causing many gastrointestinal problems. Wang Mingyong, a health expert, recommends a white fungus and lotus seed pork ribs soup, which relieves pressure and warms the stomach. Especially for those with a bad stomach, the five major landmine foods should not be touched.

Wang Mingyong can be said to be an expert in taking care of the stomach and nourishing the stomach. His grandfather has a history of gastric bleeding, so the whole family has sensitive stomachs. For example, he is prone to gastroesophageal reflux when he eats glutinous rice. He used to go to social events when he just started working in the society. He also went to a gastroscope because of stomach pain.

"The most taboo for people with a bad stomach is to eat too sweet and too oily." Wang Mingyong said that sweetness will cause excessive stomach acid, and it is easy for gastroesophageal reflux. People with bad stomach and intestines have five major landmine foods that are best not to eat.

1, greasy food: cake, margarine, trans fat

2. Caffeine drinks

3. High-salt food: eating too salty is bad for blood pressure

4. Hot food: that is, foods that can cause inflammation in the body, such as fried, barbecued or too many additives and some drugs

5. Sweet and greasy food: sweets can stimulate hyperacidity

In addition, don't eat too many "fat" things that Chinese medicine talks about, such as cakes, and the elderly like to eat hair cakes.

In his impression, there is an elder in the family who has stomach bleeding. While taking stomach medicine, he also eats rice with lard and brown sugar.

Wang Mingyong uses lotus seeds that can moisten the stomach, mucin of yam and white fungus can protect the intestinal mucosa, ribs can supplement glutamic acid, and clams contain zinc, which can repair the mucosa. Gu Wei's "White Fungus and Lotus Seed Pork Ribs Soup".

Materials: 300g yam, half a catty of small ribs, 10g dried white fungus, 5 red dates, 1 tablespoon of wolfberry, half a bowl of lotus seeds (about 100g), half a catty of clams, half a bowl of rice wine, 1800cc of water, a little salt


1. Wash the white fungus and lotus seeds, add water to cover 10 cm, soak for 20 minutes

2. Wash the wolfberry and red dates and soak in water for 5 minutes.

3. Soak the clams and spit the sand first, and blanch the ribs for later use

4. After the water is boiled, put in the ribs, lotus seeds, wolfberry, red dates, and white fungus in sequence

5. After the water boils, add the clams, add rice wine, and finally add the yam, simmer for 15 minutes, season with salt before serving, and serve immediately

Wang Mingyong said that Japanese yam has a crisp taste, and if you want to drink a light soup, the white fungus can be put later.

Potato Salad Recipe: Cut Cucumbers Like This To Avoid Water, Tea Eggs Are More Delicious Than Boiled Eggs

Although summer is coming to an end, the scorching heat has not yet subsided. If you want to eat to feel full and cool off from the heat, Lei Yizong, the chef of Thor, teaches the recipe of "Potato Salad"; don't forget to write down a few recipes The secret to adding deliciousness and texture to potato salad!

Delicious Vegetable Potato Salad Recipe

Potatoes, carrots, gherkins, tea eggs, salad dressing, olive oil, pepper and salt

1. Potatoes are boiled or steamed, cut into pieces and mashed into mashed potatoes.

2. The carrots are cooked and diced, and then mixed into the mashed potatoes.

3. Remove the head and tail of the cucumber, cut in half, remove the seeds, dice, and then mix in the mashed potatoes.

4. Peel the tea eggs, use a knife to gently cut open the egg whites, mix the egg yolks into the mashed potatoes first, then cut the egg whites into pieces and put them in.

5. Sprinkle salt and pepper evenly, drizzle with salad dressing and olive oil, mix well and serve.

3 cooking tips for potato salad

Lei Yizong suggested that when chopping cucumbers, remember to remove the seeds, because the seeds are prone to water, which will affect the taste of potato salad.

Also, he uses tea eggs instead of hard-boiled eggs to add flavor to the potato salad. The ratio of tea eggs and potatoes can be adjusted according toDepends on personal preference.

The choice of salad dressing can also be determined by personal preference. Lei Yizong recommends, such as mayonnaise, mayonnaise, flax dressing, yellow mustard, etc., which are all suitable for potato salad.

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"Black Panther" Actor Dies Of Colorectal Cancer At 43! The Key To Staying Away From Bowel Cancer: Eat These To Flush Out The Filth

The high-profile black actor Chadwick Boseman (Chadwick Boseman), who starred in the Marvel movie "Black Panther", suffered from colorectal cancer and struggled with cancer for 4 years, but unfortunately died on August 29 He passed away in shock at the age of 43. He was at the peak of his career, and the news of his sudden death shocked Hollywood. In fact, early detection of colorectal cancer has a high survival rate. Toxicologists also tell everyone how to take care of the intestines and stay away from colorectal cancer.

Playing the film "Black Panther" actor Chadwick Bousman, died of colorectal cancer, and 43 years old of colorectal cancer passed away, really a little young. Toxicology expert Zhao Mingwei pointed out that as long as it is detected early, the survival rate of colorectal cancer is actually very high, and every 1 to 2 years of fecal occult blood examination can reduce the mortality rate of colorectal cancer by 15% to 33% in 50 to 69 years old. %.

Zhao Mingwei explained that colorectal cancer, as a type of cancer of the digestive tract, is mostly caused by "eating" and is not necessarily directly related to family history. However, according to the survey results of changes in national nutrition and health status, the incidence of colorectal cancer has several characteristics, including: insufficient dietary fiber intake, high intake of meat, ingestion of carcinogenic factors, obesity, aging, and poor microbial flora in the digestive tract Wait.

Zhao Mingwei further explained that there are more than 100 million nerve cells in the enteric nervous system living on the intestinal mucosa, which can affect the operation of other organs through the vagus nerve. Therefore, if our digestive system functions smoothly, food nutrients can be fully digested, absorbed, waste andToxins can also be excreted smoothly, and the body is naturally environmentally friendly.

In addition, enzymes can help decompose food and promote nutrient absorption; there are also probiotics, which are related to immune function regulation. Because 70% of human immune cells are located around the intestine, good intestinal bacteria can interact with immune cells. Build gut health together.

Simply put, to take good care of the intestines, stay away from colorectal cancer, and excrete the dirty things is the key! Zhao Mingwei makes the following suggestions:

As for what to eat to help with bowel movements? Zhao Mingwei said that the following 12 kinds can be eaten, but remember not to overdose!

◎ Image source/retrieved from Chadwick Bousman IG

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What Is Clenbuterol? What Happens If You Eat Pork With Ractopamine? Is There A Way To Detox?

The government announced that from January 1 next year, the import of US pigs and US cattle containing clenbuterol will be relaxed, causing panic among the Chinese. Yang Zhenchang, director of the Department of Clinical Toxicology and Occupational Medicine at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, reminded that ractopamine is a sympathetic stimulant. Pregnant women, young children, and patients with cardiovascular disease should be careful. Most people should have no problem with a normal diet.


Clenbuterol helps pigs and cattle grow meat without gaining weight

In the past few days, many people and groups are worried: Taiwan and many countries have refused to use Clenbuterol for US pigs and cattle for many years. Does it mean that they eat pork containing Clenbuterol? Is beef dangerous? Yang Zhenchang said that clenbuterol is a beta sympathetic receptor enhancer (ß-adrenergic agonist), called "clenbuterol" because it can make nutrients mainly used for muscle growth and less converted into fat, which is eaten by pigs and cattle. Long meat without oil, was invented many years ago as a feed additive.

Early Clenbuterol was easily poisoned, causing tremors and heart palpitations. It is relatively safe "ractopamine". Ractopamine has a sympathetic effect and may cause symptoms such as tremors, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia. The standard set by the International Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX) in 2012 is less than 1 microgram per kilogram of body weight, and it is recommended for adults of 60 kg. Say, the safe tolerance per day is 60 micrograms.

LaiThe metabolism of gdopamine is fast, but young children and pregnant women should be careful

How to quickly metabolize meat containing clenbuterol? Yang Zhenchang said that drinking more water and exercising can not speed up metabolism, but ractopamine is metabolized very quickly in the human body, and 75% of it is metabolized in about 6 hours. Moreover, when assessing the safety of imported clenbuterol pork in the past, Taiwan's dietary intake database for Chinese people showed that the daily intake of ractopamine is 18.3 micrograms based on the daily intake of pork and pig offal. It is fairly safe, but there is still no international standard for the safety of sensitive groups such as children, pregnant women, and patients with cardiovascular diseases, which is more worrying.

Heart disease patients should be 10 times stricter than the average person

especially patients with arrhythmia, the risk of eating foods containing sympathetic stimulants is high. The deceased poison expert Dr. Lin Jieliang believed that the safe tolerance of ractopamine for heart disease patients should be 10 times stricter than that of ordinary people, that is, only 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of body weight, and 60 kilograms of body weight should not exceed 6 micrograms a day. If you eat 18.3 micrograms a day Micrograms exceed the standard by 2 times!

Confinement meals should be avoided due to high visceral residues. According to the Food and Drug Administration’s official announcement today (31), in 2019, the “Eating Meat Exposure Lake” was commissioned by Li Junzhang, director of the Environmental Trace Toxic Research Center of National Cheng Kung University School of Medicine. Health Risk Assessment of Dopamine", the safety assessment result of the general public's consumption of pork is "acceptable risk", but if it is a woman who is confinement, because Chinese people's eating habits of confinement, sesame oil kidney and sesame oil pig liver are a part of diet therapy.Ring, this study shows that if confinement women consume more than 1 piece of pig kidney and 1 piece of pig liver per day, the risk will be exceeded.

Yang Zhenchang said that the residual amount of clenbuterol in meat is low, but the residual amount in internal organs such as liver, kidney and lung is very high. Although there are many people in Taiwan who like to eat kidney beans with sesame oil, they only eat it for a month at most Once or twice, but confinement women often use sesame oil kidneys and pig livers for their daily diet. If they eat pork kidneys and livers containing clenbuterol, they should be careful.

The establishment of allowances for pork liver and kidney causes panic

Yang Zhenchang said that although this time, the lean pork and US beef only mentioned "opening up the import of US pork containing ractopamine and US beef over 30 months old", but did not mention it. To the internal organs, but the allowable amount of pig liver 40ppb and pig kidney 90ppb is set, does it mean that the internal organs of US pigs and US cattle will also be imported in the future? This is what worries everyone.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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