Saturday, April 30, 2022

Organic, Organic Diet Is Health? The Famous Doctor Had A Stroke At The Age Of 41 And Cancer At The Age Of 51. He Revealed That Doing These Things And Taking A 10-minute Break Can "seek Good Luck And Avoid Evil"

Most modern people have misunderstood the way of health preservation, thinking that "eating right" is health preservation, just like using "organic diet" or "organic diet" as a propaganda point at the same time. It is a pity that the way of "health preservation" in Chinese medicine does not mean healthy eating.


Xianxue Qiu, the chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Traumatology at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital, is one of the few TCM physicians in Taiwan who has received training in western medicine neurology and has dual licenses. He suffered a stroke at the age of 41 and stage 3 nasopharyngeal cancer at the age of 51.

Qiu Xianxue pointed out that. Take athletes as an example, because the inertia of the digestive system is subject to the reflex zone of the central nervous system; if the inertia of the digestive system is not deliberately blocked after retirement, the habit of adding snacks and snacks between meals will not change. Gain weight quickly after retirement.

. When an athlete retires, his life also changes. First, there is no longer such a large amount of exercise. Second, the meal time will not be disturbed due to the competition. Natural eating habits and work and rest time must be changed accordingly. This is the so-called "regular work and rest".

Qiu Xianxue said that, for example, frequent air travel will greatly affect people's biological clocks, ranging from lack of sleep, lack of concentration, and reduced judgment, to dizziness, high blood pressure, tinnitus and palpitations.

Many industries have this type of work that interferes with the biological clock, such as beautyProfessional athletes such as national professional baseball and professional basketball often have to play away games across time zones. According to statistics, there are usually more losses than wins in away games. It is generally believed that the home and away advantage is caused by the adaptability of the venue and the influence of the audience. In fact, the biggest impact is the invisible "time difference" problem, that is, The body cannot bear the inertial and constantly changing physiological routine, which affects physical strength and judgment.

, it can make people forget their troubles for a short time and increase their metabolic rate. Appropriate amount of exercise is the key to health preservation, which enables people to cope with unexpected situations in life that consume physical and mental energy, slow down the consumption of brain power, and prevent the brain from running at a high speed every day.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "At 5:02 pm, I had a stroke: The personal experience and confession of a doctor with dual licenses in Chinese and Western medicine and a neurological specialist" by Qiu Xianxue ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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"Frost Fall" Tonic Is More Effective Than Winter Tonic! Apple, Yam, Honey Water... 8 Kinds Of "flattening Food" To Relieve Autumn Dryness

Frost fall is the 18th solar term in the twenty-four solar terms of the year. In the ancient book "The Twenty-Four Solar Terms", it says: "When the qi is subdued and frost descends, the yin begins to condense." At this time, the minimum temperature drops below zero, and the water vapor in the air condenses on the ground into a white crystal, called frost. So plants that are not hardy will stop growing, showing a late autumn scene.

Meteorologically, the first frost in autumn is called "early frost" or "first frost", and the last frost in spring is called "late frost" or "final frost". The interval from the last frost to the first frost is the frost-free period. At this time, nature is in a transitional stage to winter, and we should also make some preparations for a healthy winter.


Shangjiang solar term is the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer disease. The elderly are also very prone to suffer from "old cold legs" (knee osteoarthritis), and chronic bronchitis is also prone to recurrence or aggravation. There is a saying that "it is better to replenish the winter than to replenish the frost", and there is also a proverb in southern Fujian that "it is better to replenish the frost in one year (meaning tonic for the whole year)," we know

Frost fall season is mainly to calm the autumn dryness. Because the dryness in autumn can easily affect the body and mind, it is not only easy to feel irritable, but also worried about the aging of the skin caused by the dry climate. Here are some foods that can clear the heart, nourish the lungs, and have the effect of beautifying the skin.

Clearing away heat and stagnation, containing calcium, phosphorus, iron and rich in vitamin C, it is regarded as a long-lastingTop grade for longevity. Fresh lotus root juice and honey can relieve boredom and thirst; after cooking, it can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.

It can moisten dryness, clear the lungs and resolve phlegm. It not only has beautifying effects, but also rich in lecithin, which can strengthen the brain, regulate blood lipids, increase calcium and bone density, and contain fiber to help defecation. If drinking soy milk will cause flatulence, you can change to eat soy products such as tofu.

Honey can soothe the skin, moisten the intestines, solve the symptoms of autumn dryness, and has been studied to relieve night cough. It is very suitable for drinking in autumn, but children under one year old should avoid eating it.

Sweet and slightly astringent, it can moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, clear away heat and promote body fluid, invigorate the spleen and invigorate the stomach, improve blood circulation, and help fight inflammation. In addition, persimmon is rich in sugar, pectin and vitamins, and is a natural health food for patients with chronic bronchitis and hypertension.

It can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify, so it is known as "Natural Manna Drink". It has a good improvement effect on dry cough, thirst and constipation caused by autumn dryness. But people with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more. Raw food, juice (can add sugar cane or honey, the moisturizing effect is better) can be. If you add honey and rock sugar to fritillary stew, it can relieve cough symptoms.

It has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs. It contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which can adjust metabolism, soothe the skin, and clear the intestines. The starch content of yam is low, but 100 grams of yam is equivalent to 1/4 of a bowl of rice. It is recommended that people with high blood sugar and weight loss needs reduce the intake of staple food after eating yam. Just pay attention to the right amount, because the mountainTaking too much medicine will slow down gastrointestinal motility, indigestion, and flatulence. It can be used in soup or bibimbap.

Nourishing yin, clearing heat, moisturizing and sweet, moisturizing the lungs and beautifying the face, as well as relieving cough, calming the nerves, and invigorating the brain and stomach. Fresh lily has a calming and soothing effect, while dried lily has a nourishing effect. Lily can be eaten with lotus seeds, which can improve the symptoms of insomnia; lily is also suitable for eating with eggs, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, clearing the heart and soothing the mind.

The nutrients in apples are highly soluble and easily absorbed by the human body, which is conducive to dissolving sulfur elements and making the skin smooth and soft. Apple is also rich in minerals, which is conducive to calcium absorption and utilization, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and also has the effect of nourishing the brain and nourishing blood, concentrating and sleeping.

In addition, late autumn is a good season for respiratory diseases. Rubbing the Yingxiang acupoint on both sides of the nose can help prevent respiratory diseases. Appropriate exercise is possible, and the elderly should pay attention to keeping their knees warm. In autumn and winter, when everything is bleak, it is necessary to maintain a calm mood and avoid irritability and anger.

At this time, diligently practicing the "spiritual turtle turning over" in a set of nine health-preserving postures will help with symptoms such as gastrointestinal system, flatulence, hyperacidity, and abnormal gastrointestinal motility. If you feel a lot of saliva secretion during this exercise, you can slowly swallow it in 3 mouthfuls to the dantian. At this time, saliva is converted into enzymes due to Qi training, which will help the gastrointestinal system.

1. With feet shoulder-width apart, relax 3 times from head to toe. 2. Put your hands on your hips,Thumbs forward, squat to exhale, stand up and inhale, repeat 3 times. When inhaling, cooperate with the action of the abdomen, compress the abdomen back to the back as much as possible, and lift the perineum a little but not forcefully.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

3. Squat slightly, when inhaling, rotate the upper body to the right, move above the waist, and do not move below the waist. 4. Press the arteries on both sides under the chin, and twist the head along with it, and try to see the back of the body as much as possible. Exhale and slowly turn around to recover.

5. Inhale and turn to the left in the same way. Exhale, restore your body. 6. Repeat 7 times, with palms facing up, lift up to the height of Tanzhong acupoint, turn palms down, relax and hang down on both sides of the body, and end the exercise.

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This Matter, Daoyin Cultivation Method" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Women Are Prone To Cold Hands And Feet! 3 Recipes Of Female Chinese Medicine Practitioners To Improve Poor Blood Circulation

The temperature has dropped sharply recently and the seasons have changed greatly. According to the observation of physicians’ outpatient clinics, the number of consultations has increased by about 30%, especially for women and children.


Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner Cai Renyu pointed out that the timing is about to enter the winter, and the weather suddenly becomes cold and humid, and the body is prone to the problem of insufficient yang qi. Especially women have menstrual cramps every month. Insufficient, and then there will be problems such as obvious dysmenorrhea and many blood clots.

Cai Renyu observed and found that there are 3 good recipes to regulate poor blood circulation:

Raw red beans 200g, cotton sack.

Put the raw red beans into a cotton sack bag and seal, and microwave for 2 to 3 minutes.

Apply the red bean warm pack to the abdomen and soles of the feet. The aroma of the red bean after heating has a calming and soothing effect.

6-year-old Korean ginseng 2 money, wolfberry 2 money, cinnamon stick 2 money, water 600g.

Put all the herbs in a pot, brew with boiling water and drink.

Warm yang qi, help the body's meridians to replenish qi, blood and heat energy.

20g of cinnamon stick, 20g of sagebrush, 20g of mugwort leaves, 20g of ginger.

All herbs are chopped and put into a bag with warm water.

Improve the blood circulation of the whole body, it is recommended to soak your feet 1 hour after meals in the evening.

Chinese people are accustomed to taking supplements in winter. Cai Renyu reminded that they must understand their own body constitution before supplementing supplements, and provide a simple method to distinguish their constitution. If you are afraid of cold and wind, you are often mentally weak and easily fatigued, your face is pale, your hands and feet are cold, and your lips are colored. Pale, with a pale red tongue and tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, it is a cold constitution; if you are afraid of heat and prefer cold, sweaty, excited, irritable, dry and bitter, and your face is prone to oil, it is a hot constitution.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Boost Your Immunity And Nourish Your Intestines! Dietitian Revealed 3 Key Foods To Nourish The Gut

"Skin and intestinal mucosa" are the first line of defense of the human immune system. Among them, the small intestine in the intestinal mucosal tissue is as high as 6 meters in length, and the entire small intestinal mucosal villi are spread out, and the surface area is as large as a tennis court. Therefore, the intestinal tract is like a super-large epidemic prevention battlefield. , the virus is very easy to invade from here.


In order to keep the combat power on the epidemic prevention battlefield in a good state, it is very important to "eat well". Strengthening the mucosal barrier with nutrition can strengthen the immunity and resist the invasion of bad bacteria and viruses.

Functional medicine nutrition expert Lu Meibao, a nutritionist, pointed out that the microbial bacteria on the intestinal mucosa are a very large number of immune corps, with the number reaching hundreds of trillions.

These bacteria are also divided into good and bad. The more types and quantities of probiotics, the more the growth of pathogenic bacteria will be inhibited. In this way, the intestinal mucosal tissue can be protected, which is conducive to the health of the immune system; on the contrary, the body's Immunity will be out of balance, easy to get sick, easy to get tired and so on. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that "the gut is the largest immune organ in the human body".

Such as unsweetened yogurt, unsweetened yogurt, naturally fermented foods like kimchi, natto.

Dietary fiber is what good bacteria love to eat, while bad bacteria love sweets. For example: onions, leeks, onions, garlic, burdock, asparagus, etc. are all foods that probiotics love.

All kinds of probiotics like to eat different foods. The diet must be diversified. Eat more vegetables and fruits in order to grow a good bacteria army like a tropical rain forest ecosystem.

In addition, Lv Meibao also recommends, such as orange, strawberry, small tomato, kiwi, blueberry, apple, etc.

Lu Meibao emphasized that choosing food wisely and reducing the burden on the body can achieve the synergistic effect of "seeking good luck and avoiding evil". In addition to supplementing probiotics, you should also feed the food that probiotics like to eat, so that the probiotics can happily settle and multiply in the intestines, occupying the intestinal site and preventing bad bacteria from invading.

If you usually feed the intestinal probiotic regiment seriously, the immune system in the body will not be so nervous, and it can greatly help the immune preparations to be more careful and balanced, and improve the self-repair ability;

◎ This article is excerpted from / Trending Online Course ─ "Smart Eating Makes Immunity!" My first immunonutrition class" ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Foreign Food Savior! Top 10 Super Antioxidant Foods To Rejuvenate, Fight Cancer, And Stay Away From Dementia

The living environment of modern people is full of processed food, air pollution, and high pressure, which leads to excessive free radicals in the body. Diseases and aging problems continue to come to the door. Because the external environment is full of risk factors, antioxidant, elimination Free radicals have become a very important health homework for modern people.


Yan Zuohua, deputy director of Lianan Preventive Medicine Institute Lianqing Clinic, said that people with poor anti-oxidation ability, because of the generation of free radicals, harm the body's cells, and also cause autoimmune diseases, such as allergies and brain inflammation , bad mood, depression, lack of sleep, etc., and even chronic inflammation of the body will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to the latest "Nutrition Health Checkup Big Data" published by the health checkup agency, it is found that most people are deficient in antioxidant vitamins, and vitamin E is the most serious deficiency. Nine out of ten people have insufficient intake, followed by Vitamin C, and then vitamin A.

Yan Zuohua analyzed that there are two main reasons for the deficiency of antioxidant vitamins in modern people:

1. Modern people eat more food outside. These foods are more delicate. After cooking at high temperature, all nutrients have been lost, so the actual intake of antioxidant vitamins is also reduced.

Second, the congenital physique is not good, and the gene defect causes the absorption and digestion of certain nutrients to be relatively poor, so the possible demand is more than the average person.

Yan Zuohua pointed out,Natural foods are actually rich in antioxidant vitamins. Vitamin E generally comes from nuts and good oils; vitamin C comes from fruits and vegetables, such as guava, kiwi, and peppers. Vitamin C is quite high; vitamin A comes from animals. Types of food sources such as liver, cheese, eggs.

The following ten foods are particularly high in antioxidant vitamins and can be consumed in large quantities: blueberries, carrots, virgin tomatoes, sweet potato leaves, pumpkin, kale, spinach, red phoenix, guava, sunflower seeds.


Yan Zuohua suggested that in addition to paying attention to the intake of natural ingredients, foreign eaters can also take at least one multivitamin every day as a supplement to avoid deficiency of antioxidant vitamins. It is also recommended that the public do a regular annual test of antioxidant vitamins to confirm the status of their own vitamins, and to know whether they have supplemented or over-supplied vitamins through inspections.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

"Corn" Has A Good Effect On Vision Care! The Anchor Teaches You To Cook "super Thick Corn Soup" Like This, The Nutritional Value Of Zeaxanthin Is Higher

The rich and mellow corn soup is loved by both adults and children. Health anchor Zheng Kaiyun teaches you a trick to cook "corn soup" with higher nutritional value.

Zheng Kaiyun pointed out that there are Chinese and Western styles of corn chowder. Chinese corn chowder will add egg drop, while western style corn chowder is full of creamy flavor; if anhydrous cooking is used, the original flavor of the ingredients can be preserved.

Zheng Kaiyun emphasized that cooking corn soup with fresh corn kernels is more nutritious than canned corn, especially corn is rich in zeaxanthin, which can protect eyesight.

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10 Years Ago, He Almost Had Kidney Dialysis Due To Uremia... He Changed 2 Eating Habits And Successfully Reversed Kidney Function!

10 years ago, an American son-in-law encountered a near-death crisis of uremia when he came to Taiwan, and forged a 10-year medical relationship with a Taiwanese doctor. Not only did he take medicine and exercise regularly, but he also adjusted his diet according to the recommendations. His kidney condition was well controlled. He is 84 years old this year and was praised by doctors as a "model patient"!

In the end stage of chronic kidney disease, he successfully "reversed the victory" by diet.

Recalling that at that time, the American son-in-law Robwich and his wife came to Taiwan to visit relatives. They encountered a near-death crisis of uremia in Taiwan. At the end stage, kidney dialysis is necessary to save life. After hospitalization, his kidney function returned to a stable state, and doctors said he could travel by air, so he and his wife returned to live in the United States.

Unexpectedly, only half a year later, the couple returned to Taiwan to seek medical treatment because Robwich's kidney function had deteriorated again. At this time, Chen Yixin, director of the Department of Nephrology at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, decided to arrange for the chronic kidney disease health education team to intervene, and asked Robwich and his wife to make a diet log for evaluation by a nutritionist.

Kidney friends must know the eating habits: eat less processed food, boiled instead of frying

Robwich has been a vegetarian for many years. After reviewing his diet repeatedly, the health education team made two suggestions to him:

Chen Yixin reminded, don't fall into the myth of "vegetarian is healthy", especially in patients with chronic kidney disease, patients with chronic kidney disease generally have a severe inflammatory reaction in the body, it is best to eat more containing Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in phytochemicals. After a period of hard work, Robwich really successfully "reversed" the stage of kidney disease, progressing from the fifth stage to the fourth stage, that is, no need for dialysis, and only 3 months of regular follow-up.

Chen Yixin took his diet diary as an example. If chronic kidney patients can eat more of these fruits and vegetables, it will greatly benefit their kidney function.

Robwich is 84 years old, and Chen Yixin praised him as a "model patient". In addition to strict diet control, regular medication and exercise are also the main factors that help his kidney function improve. More importantly It is the determination to persevere "for your own health".

◎ Image source/Provided by Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital

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Probiotics Work This Way! The Nutritionist Warned 6 Key Points, Which Many People Ignore!

Probiotics have been very popular in recent years. In the early days, most of them were aimed at the health care of the gastrointestinal tract, but now there are various types of probiotics, not only for the gastrointestinal tract, but also for gynecological maintenance or improvement of allergies. The nutritionist reminds that probiotics must be eaten right and must "select the right strain". When purchasing, be sure to carefully read the strains and efficacy stated on the package.

Nutritionist You Naijia explained that the most common probiotics for gastrointestinal health care are "AB bacteria", and "LP bacteria" for improving allergies; different bacteria have their own correlation, so not necessarily all Probiotics all help defecation. It depends on the type of bacteria and eats the right ones. Only by choosing the right type of bacteria can you increase defecation.

Many people will ask, what is the most effective way to eat probiotics? Dietitian You Naijia said that in addition to not eating probiotics indiscriminately, do not think that expensive is good; in addition, pay attention to the following 6 key points:

People need to choose suitable bacteria according to their physical condition. It is recommended not to eat too many strains at one time, because if you eat 5 to 10 species, they may enter the gastrointestinal tract and compete with each other, which will prevent probiotics from growing in the intestines.

In addition to eating probiotics, you should also eat probiotic foods, that is, "probiotics". Probiotic foods include: dietary fiber, vegetables and fruits, whole grains, roots or oligosaccharides, which are all probiotic foods.

Probiotics are not medicines. If you want to see the effect of your body and your expectations, it is recommended to take it for 1 to 3 months; because it takes a while to change the bacteria in the stool, so that it has time to react.

Probiotics are more afraid of high temperature, so pay attention to the temperature! It is recommended to look at the product packaging label when purchasing, and do a good job of temperature control. Also, do not eat probiotics with hot water.

If you want to improve bowel movements, hydration is very important! Therefore, if you take probiotics for smooth bowel movements, you should actually drink more water.

When taking probiotics, if you are taking medicines such as antibiotics at the same time, you should be careful, it will kill the probiotics, so you should avoid taking it. It is better to take it every 2 hours or with meals.

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How Do Cancer Patients Eat? 3 Nutritional Keys To Avoid "Cachexia" Physicians Call For Advance Deployment!

Cancer has been the top ten cause of death in China for many years. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, more than 50,000 people were killed last year (108). However, the doctor pointed out that in fact, about 20% of cancer patients died of malnutrition, rather than the cancer itself, and urged cancer patients to pay attention to nutritional supplements, and to "pre-deploy" to build a good foundation for the body, so as to have the physical strength to complete the treatment.


Cancer patients self-observe 4 things to avoid falling into "cachexia"

Wang Huiming, honorary chairman of the Taiwan Bowel Cancer Patient Association and deputy director of the Department of Surgery of the Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University, said that cancer patients may face fatigue and nausea due to the variety of cancer treatment methods , vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, poor appetite, broken mouth, oral ulcers and other side effects, which will affect the eating situation, and the lack of nutrition in the body may make the treatment unable to proceed smoothly, or the treatment effect may be greatly reduced.

The National Cancer Institute also pointed out that 50% of cancer patients will have "cachexia" (Cachexia), which leads to poor nutritional status, and nearly 40% of patients die due to cachexia. Wang Huiming reminded that cancer cachexia can be divided into 3 stages. Once it reaches stage 3, it cannot be reversed, and the expected remaining life is less than 3 months; therefore, cancer patients must pay attention to their physical condition, and they can observe themselves in 4 ways: < /p>

Measure your weight on a regular basis every week, and pay attention if you lose more than 5% of your body weight in a 4-week period. If the BMI is less than 20, it means that the body weight is too low, and the physical strength may not be able to bear the cancerdisease treatment. Observe the temples on both sides and the mouth of the palm, if there is shrinkage, be sure to pay attention. If your mobility is low and you can't complete your daily outings (such as shopping), you need to pay attention.

How should cancer friends eat? 3 Nutritional Keys The sooner you start, the better.

In clinical practice, many cancer patients are faced with the dilemma of "don't know how to eat". They eat whatever their relatives and friends recommend. According to the latest nutritional intervention survey of cancer patients, a total of 198 cancer surgery and chemotherapy patients were recruited and used nutritional supplements for 8 weeks, the results showed that 67% The weight of the patients increased, and more than 70% of the patients had increased appetite and activity, and improved their quality of life.

The two doctors reminded that Wang Huiming explained that cancer cells are different from ordinary cells and use the calories provided by sugars (carbohydrates). Therefore, it is not recommended to consume too much sugar. It is recommended that they account for 30% to 40% of the total daily calories. %, it will not encourage the growth of cancer cells.

Fat is the most efficient nutrient for cancer patients. Among them, Omega-3 fish oil EPA is a good source of fat, which can inhibit the inflammatory reaction caused by free radicals in the body, improve nutritional status, and help reverse the cachexia of cancer patients.

In addition, adequate protein intake can help reduce muscle wasting in cancer patients and maintain sufficient physical strength to face treatment. Wang Huiming said,

Wang Huiming called for "advanced deployment" of nutritional supplements for cancer patients. It is best to start nutritional supplements after confirming that they want to receive treatment; Wu Rongcheng also mentioned that there are currently nutritional supplements designed for cancer patients on the market. , Daily continuous use to nourish your stamina and make the treatment process smoother.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Is Eating White Meat Healthier Than Red Meat? 90% Of People Misunderstood! Nutrition Experts Explain Once And For All, Which Is Better?

Meat is an important source of protein supplementation. Affected by the trend of health preservation, many people will think twice between "red meat" and "white meat" when choosing meat; I often hear people say "white meat is healthier, red meat is better unhealthy", really? What's the difference between the two meats?


Mother Chen received a health check a year ago and found that the blood cholesterol level was 210mg/dL, which was higher than the normal value. She heard that "red meat" was more oily and higher in cholesterol, so she chose to avoid it. After more than a year, anemia began to appear, often dizzy and unwell, and the blood test at the home doctor found that the "albumin" and "hemoglobin" values ​​were low. Although refusing to eat red meat brought her blood cholesterol down to normal levels, she also became malnourished. She adjusted her diet under the advice of a dietitian and finally returned to health.

The difference between red and white meat mainly depends on the color of the meat before cooking, red meat is called red meat, otherwise it is white meat. The reddish color of meat is due to the high proportion of "myoglobin" in the meat. Myoglobin is a protein present in the muscles and is responsible for storing oxygen in the muscles.

Generally speaking, red meat mainly refers to mammals, including pigs, cattle, and sheep, that is, four-legged livestock; white meat is mainly two-legged poultry such as chickens, ducks, and geese. , and most fish, shrimp and shellfish.

The distinction between red and white meat is roughly the same, but there are exceptions,

There are also food that Chinese people love to eatAlthough tuna is a fish, its flesh is dark red and belongs to the "red meat" family; while most chickens belong to the white meat, but the chicken thighs have a reddish color and belong to the "red meat" family. Therefore,

The main nutrients of red and white meat are different. If "beef hot pot slices" represent red meat and "chicken breast" represent white meat, according to the analysis of the "Food Nutrients Database" of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, it will be found that red and white meat each has Advantages, benefits to the human body are also different. The following table:

Red meat is rich in various minerals and hematopoietic elements, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. , only half the calories, providing a good choice for those who want to lose weight and increase muscle mass.

Red meat contains a lot of nutrients, and it is the savior of anemia. Why do people generally think that red meat is less healthy? This is because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research agency affiliated to the World Health Organization (WHO), classified processed meats such as bacon, sausage, ham and hot dogs as "level 1 carcinogens" in 2015, while red meat (beef, Pork, horse meat and lamb) are listed as "Class 2A" probable carcinogens.

According to WHO, "Class 1 carcinogen" is defined as having significant carcinogenic effect on humans; "Class 2A" is likely to be carcinogenic to humans, but confirmed to be carcinogenic to animals.

In addition to being classified as a probable carcinogen, red meatIn addition, because the saturated fat content is higher than that of white meat, excessive intake of saturated fat increases the risk of cholesterol deposition in the blood vessel wall, resulting in thickening of the inner wall of the blood vessel, reducing the elasticity of the blood vessel, increasing blood pressure, and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis, stroke, and heart disease. risk. The American Heart Association recommends a daily saturated fat intake of 5% to 6% of the recommended total calorie intake.


For the above-mentioned reasons, the concept of "white meat is healthier than red meat" is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and the idea that red meat is prone to cancer (especially colorectal cancer) and cardiovascular disease has also become deeply rooted. However, some recent studies have changed these existing concepts.

A study by the Oakland Children's Hospital Research Center (CHORI) at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) found no difference between red and white meat consumption on blood cholesterol levels, reported July 2019. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In addition, an analysis by a research team from Dalhousie University and McMaster University in Canada also showed that red meat and processed meats such as ham, bacon and cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. No significant association, no need to deliberately eat less, this conclusion was published in the "Annals of Internal Medicine" (Annals of Internal Medicine).

Research results vary widely across schools of thought, and more research is needed to prove it. However, from the standpoint of a nutritionist, as long as the two principles of "healthy cooking" and "balanced intake" are mastered, both red meat and white meat provide the nutrients needed by the human body.

Many people who eat beef like to cook it by grilling or frying it at high temperature. It is very enjoyable to hear the butter sizzling in the pot and the smell is tangy. In fact, this is probably the red meat that is thought to be carcinogenic. biggest reason.

Isocycloamine will be produced when protein-rich meat is cooked at a high temperature above 150 degrees Celsius. Clinical studies have shown that a large intake of isocyclomine in a short period of time may increase the incidence of colorectal cancer and breast cancer. International Although there is currently no standard for the limit in food, the public should change their eating habits and reduce the intake of isocyclamines.

Regardless of red meat and white meat, it is recommended not to fry at high temperature. It is best to stir fry with a little cooking oil at low temperature. A better way is to fry the meat with green vegetables. For example, "Kai Lan Beef" is a very nutritious dish. At the same time, you can eat folic acid and minerals in vegetables, and match the rich iron of beef, which is delicious and healthy.

Another important dietary principle is "red and white", with a balanced intake of 1:1. The easiest way to do this is to eat vegetarian food on a fixed day for 7 days a week. In the other 6 days, the choice of meat is to eat pigs, cattle and sheep for two days, ducks, chickens and geese for two days, and fish, shrimp and shellfish for two days. The nutrient composition of intake is the most balanced and diverse.

◎ This article is excerpted from the 54th issue of the "Good Health" magazine of the National Health Foundation ◎ Writing / Huang Xiaopei ◎ Consulting / Zheng Jinbao (Director of the Nutrition Department of the Front Office Hospital) ◎ Image source / "Good Health" Magazine·Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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The Higher The Content Of Collagen, The Better! Nutritionists Reveal 3 Buying Tips

After entering autumn, with the decrease of temperature and humidity, it is easy to reduce the secretion of moisture and oil on the skin and become dry and dull. At this time, in addition to the changing seasons of skin care products, nutritionists believe that it is necessary to increase collagen in the daily diet. Supplements are also the key to maintaining radiant skin, but the higher the collagen content, the better. Here are 3 buying tips for you.


Jian Huiqi, a nutritionist, said that collagen is a kind of protein, composed of three amino acids, glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. The composition of the human body is 60%-70% protein, and 25% of the protein is -35% is collagen, and especially in the skin, 70% is composed of collagen, which is the most abundant part.

Collagen can retain moisture in the skin, provide skin moisture and maintain elasticity; however, after the age of 25, the ability to produce collagen decreases and the rate of consumption increases, so

Jian Huiqi believes that choosing an appropriate amount of collagen can help maintain the elasticity of the skin. There are three key points to pay attention to when purchasing such products:

Many consumers have the myth that "the collagen content should be higher and higher" when purchasing, but Jian Huiqi believes that the key lies in whether the collagen consumed is a small molecule of dipeptide, and if it is a macromolecule , even if there is more supplementation, the human body cannot fully absorb it, and the supplementary benefit is not large, so

Use the brand of a reputable collagen source manufacturer, and have a number of safety and international certifications, in order to have the safety and security of consumption.

Daily unbalanced diet or accumulation of stress will affect body metabolism and skin radiance. Jian Huiqi said that you can choose some products with added beneficial ingredients such as strong antioxidants, such as mangosteen and cherry blossom extracts. Collagen products, Can achieve a multiplier effect.

◎ Image source/Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

Which Nutrient Is Your Body Lacking? Does Lack Of Protein Make You "skinny" Or "fat"? 3 Kinds Of People Be Careful

Inadequate nutrient intake can have a dramatic impact on health. For example, a lack of protein can lead to stunted growth in children, weight loss in adults, and poor tissue and organ function. Although the human body does not need much vitamins and minerals, if it is insufficient, it will lead to various deficiencies, such as lack of calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis and so on.

Among the malnutrition states, the most common one is "low protein energy malnutrition state", called PEM (protein-energy malnutrition, PEM). Patients with this type of malnutrition are often accompanied by weight loss, edema, hypothermia, Symptoms such as low immunity.

The edematous type refers to a low nutritional state caused by sufficient calorie intake but marked lack of protein. Due to sufficient calories, protein dissimilation (decomposition) will not occur, and although there will not be much change in body weight, the total serum protein and serum albumin synthesized by the liver will show low values ​​due to insufficient nutrients, and cause edema , ascites, low immunity and other symptoms.

Waste type refers to a low nutritional state caused by long-term lack of calories and protein. It is generally seen that the body fat mass, skeletal muscle rate, and body weight decrease in cases, but serum total protein and serum albumin remain at normal values. This is because the human body decomposes proteins in order to make up for the lack of energy, so amino acids are mobilized to the liver as substrates for protein synthesis, so the serum protein and other values ​​drop less.

Night blindness Rickets (infancy), Osteomalacia (adult) Beriberi Millet disease (also known as millet erythema, pellagra)

Scurvy Osteoporosis dysgeusia Anemia

PEM is a serious problem in developing countries, but in developed countries such as Japan, it can still be seen in patients with malignant tumors, liver cirrhosis, and the elderly. closely related to the quality of life.

Especially the elderly, because it is easy to cause infections, complications, and the reduction of skeletal muscle rate, it will not only cause slow movement and affect motivation, but even evolve into long-term bed rest. In addition,

In addition, the low immunity caused by PEM will lead to slow wound healing, weak resistance to bacteria and viruses, and easy complications such as infectious diseases.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Visible Nutrition" written by Yukiko Kawashima ◎ Picture source / Provided by Dashi Culture

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The Latest Dementia Survey Of Chinese People In 2020 Is Released! More Than Half Of People Think That "dementia Is Normal Aging" 9 Tips For Doctors To Effectively Prevent Dementia

The latest survey of Chinese people on dementia shows that more than half of Chinese people have the wrong idea that "dementia is normal aging", and only 31% of people know that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of dementia.


The Taiwan Dementia Association announced the "2020 Taiwan-wide Dementia Survey", which was conducted on 1,470 people over the age of 18 in 22 counties and cities in Taiwan. The results showed that as many as 90% had heard of dementia; but still

The survey also showed that among the five common symptoms of dementia, more than 80% knew that "constantly placing things in inappropriate positions", "difficulty in expressing words" and "inability to complete familiar tasks" are dementia The proportion of people who knew that "character change" and "poor judgment" were signs of dementia were relatively low, accounting for only 50% and 70%, respectively.

On the dementia prevention section, only 31% of the population knew that the Mediterranean diet could reduce the risk of dementia. In addition, even if people know that more exercise and hearing protection can prevent dementia, only 60% of them can actually do it.

Lai Deren, chairman of the Taiwan Dementia Association and director of the Department of Psychiatry of the Department of Medicine of Sun Yat-Sen Medical University, said that compared with the 2017 Dementia Survey, the number of people who have heard of dementia has increased by 3.1% , while the agreement that "dementia is normal aging" dropped by 3%, showing that

Lai Deren pointed out that the number of people with dementia in ChinaThere are more than 290,000 people, and it is estimated that the average annual increase is 17,000 people before 130 years, which will cause a huge impact on families and society. It is hoped that the public will increase their awareness of dementia, jointly build a dementia-friendly environment, and deal with dementia. Impact.

Lai Deren pointed out that the proportion of Chinese people who know that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of dementia is relatively low, and it is recommended to promote the Mediterranean diet, including: more intake of fruits and vegetables, beans, unrefined grains, and the importance of cooking with unsaturated fats such as olive oil , providing 9 tips to prevent dementia:

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eating Less Starch Will Make You Lose Weight? Nutritionists Reveal 4 "good Mood" Weight Loss Methods To Really Lose Weight

When it comes to "starch", everyone will think of "fat". Therefore, most people choose not to eat starch as a quick weight loss method. In fact, the glucose that the brain "only likes to eat" is converted from starch. When starch is not eaten, the blood sugar concentration will become lower, and the body will activate the physiological protection mechanism. At this time, a large amount of stress hormone - Cortisol will be secreted. , to promote the body's own synthesis of blood sugar to stabilize blood sugar concentration.


However, when cortisone increases significantly, the concentration of serotonin and dopamine decreases, leading to pessimistic emotions such as low mood and anxiety. Under this low blood sugar and the overlapping of negative emotions, the body activates the food cue ability of junk food. "Ordering" your body to find sweets, such as chocolate, ice cream and other junk food, can be called "Comfort Food". At this time, even your willpower can't be controlled.

The trouble is, this kind of happiness disappears very quickly, mainly because of the junk food eaten, the blood sugar concentration in the body fluctuates wildly, and the brain will be instantly in a high blood sugar environment and become overly "excited". At the same time, a large amount of insulin Secretion, take away most of the blood sugar from the brain, and instantly return the brain to a low blood sugar environment, the brain will feel very depressed and unhappy.

Furthermore, these excess blood sugar will rapidly synthesize fat, especially abdominal fat accumulation, resulting in more and more fat loss. It can be seen that losing weight by not eating starch is the wrong way, which may make it easier for youFeeling exhausted and giving up on weight loss plans.

Is it really comforting to eat sweets, high-fat foods in a bad mood or stress? In fact, the 2019 Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology showed that junk food did not significantly reduce negative emotions and relieve stress. What are some good ways to free us from emotional eating?

As mentioned earlier, the brain likes to eat glucose, and it only chooses "complex" starchy foods (whole grains), because the body must take some time to digest and absorb, so the blood sugar concentration in the body is stable, so that the brain can be effective Use it to keep your emotions stable.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone "quit sugar", and the staple food is mostly unrefined whole grains, such as changing white rice to brown rice, and Western-style bread to whole-wheat bread.

A retrospective study in the Journal of Nutrition in 2020 confirmed that, as mentioned earlier, blood sugar stability is an important key to a good mood. Fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, especially vegetables with high fiber content. When eaten into the intestines, the same The natural fence can prevent the sugar in the food from being absorbed immediately, so that the blood sugar can rise slowly.

In addition, vegetables and fruits are also rich in antioxidant phytochemicals, which are very helpful for increasing the antioxidant capacity of the brain, so that brain cells can control emotions well.

More and more studies have confirmed that the intestinal flora is the "second brain" of the human body, and there is also a "bacteria-gut-brain axis MicrobThe theory of "iota-Gut-Brain axis" means that gut bacteria can communicate with the central nervous system of the brain through the enteric nerve, thereby affecting the emotional management behavior of the brain, such as: regulating anxiety, reducing pain, etc.

Studies have found that dairy products containing probiotics can maintain good gut bacteria and significantly improve mental health. The National Health Administration advocates "six formulas for my dinner plate" - a cup of milk every morning and evening,

Do you feel less craving for sweets when you're done exercising? Exercise has been shown to improve not only body metabolism, but also brain function. Animal experiments have found that after exercise training in rats on a high-fat diet, the aging hippocampal tissue in the brain can be repaired to achieve anti-anxiety behavior.

Many randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have demonstrated, too, that resistance exercise improves symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety sensitivity, distress tolerance.

However, experts also suggest that sports training still requires professional sports coaches to give different types of exercise prescriptions according to individual conditions, including exercise frequency, exercise intensity, exercise time and exercise type.

◎ This article is excerpted from / Tai'an Medical News Issue 271 ◎ Written / Tai'an Hospital Dietitian Chen Yujun (Winnie) ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image / Shutterstock

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Do Not Throw Away The Roots And Skins Of Vegetables! Japanese Experts Use "dried Vegetable Scraps" To Make Super Delicious Soup 4 Kinds Of Vegetables Are Not Suitable

It's going to change again! According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Administration, from Friday night to next Monday, the low temperature in northern Taiwan dropped to about 16 degrees, the low temperature in the north and eastern half of Tainan was only 18 to 21 degrees, and the high screen was only 22 degrees. In cold weather, a bowl of porridge or noodle soup can keep the body warm, and the secret to delicious food is "delicious broth".


Zhuang Siquan, an expert in Japanese vegetable cuisine, shared that in her home, the scraps of any kind of vegetables are collected and dried in the sun. Whether it is the skins of white radishes and carrots, the roots of green onions, and the green parts that are too hard to eat, as well as the roots of vegetables such as cabbage, cabbage, endive, etc., the roots of mushrooms are also very good.

Zhuang Siquan said that on a sunny day, the scraps of various vegetables will become dry after drying for 2 to 3 days. They can be stored at room temperature in the same way as dry ingredients. If there is some moisture left, store it in a freezer bag in the refrigerator or freezer.

Zhuang Siquan pointed out that there may be many people who use raw vegetable scraps to boil vegetable broth, but.

Zhuang Siquan emphasized that as long as the vegetable scraps are dried in advance, they can be used effectively in addition to being boiled into soup. The rinds of white radishes and carrots, the green parts of green onions, and the cut ends and roots of vegetables can be used as a soup base after they have been slightly dried. Collect a lot and make vegetable stock!

After the green part of the shallot is completely dried, it can be lightly sprinkled into miso soup and noodles, and used as if it were freeze-dried shallots.

The same is true for the rinds of white radishes and carrots. If there are a lot of them, they are finely chopped and dried. Similar to shredded radishes, they can be used for stewing or stir-frying.

Zhuang Siquan reminded that the types of vegetables that are not suitable for drying are lotus root, burdock, eggplant, etc., which will have bitter skin. In addition, green vegetables such as spinach that dry and wilt are not suitable for this method.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Time-saving and delicious vegetable dishes: 1 vegetable X 4 flavors. Do it once and eat it for 7 days" by Zhuang Siquan ◎ Image source / Advanced Publishing‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Eat Autumn Qingjiang Dishes! High Calcium Comparable To Milk, Rich In Vitamin A Can Help Prevent Dry Eye

Taiwan can buy Qingjiang dishes all year round, and recently it is the most productive season. Two 10 yuan copper plates can buy a large package. Li Wanping, a nutritionist at Rongxin Clinic, said that Qingjiang cuisine can be said to be a "wild-match" vegetable. It is delicious with meat, seafood, or alone, and it has a full score of nutrients, which can help improve dry eye syndrome and strengthen its protective power.


The stems of Qingjiang cabbage are round, and when peeled off, it looks like a small spoon, so it has a cute name, "spoon dish". In some high-end Chinese dishes, the round stems of Qingjiang dishes are used as small spoons, and high-end dishes such as salmon roe are placed on them, and eaten together with Qingjiang dishes. Li Wanping said that although Qingjiang cuisine can be eaten in all seasons, it is the right time to eat Qingjiang cuisine.

Qingjiang Cai is high in calcium and low in oxalic acid, which is most suitable for vegetarians to supplement calcium

because. According to the food and nutrition database of the FDA's Food and Drug Consumer Zone, although it is considered a high-calcium vegetable, the content is poor. Moreover, the oxalic acid content of Qingjiang cabbage is low, which can avoid the combination of oxalic acid and calcium to be excreted from the body, and is most suitable for vegetarians to supplement calcium.

Vitamin A content is high, protecting the trachea can prevent dry eye

In addition to calcium, the vitamin A content of Qingjiang cabbage is very high, the highest in January is 1212 international units, and the average is 5,600 international units , Retinol has a maximum of 121 micrograms and β-carotene 727 micrograms, which can increase mucus secretion and prevent dry eye syndrome caused by overuse of eyes in modern people. Li Wanping said,At the same time, vitamin A can also make the mucous membrane of the mouth, trachea and small intestine normally secrete mucus, which has a protective effect and protects health.

Qingjiang vegetables are also cruciferous vegetables. Li Wanping said that the sulfides unique to cruciferous vegetables can produce strong antioxidant effects, which can scavenge free radicals, detoxify and prevent cancer.

Eating Qingjiang vegetables in this way will give you extra nutritional points , and the polysaccharides of mushrooms, mushrooms can improve the freshness and increase the immune effect. She suggested shredding Qingjiang cabbage, adding sliced ​​shiitake mushrooms, and mixing it into the rice just like making "Shanghai vegetable rice", which is fragrant and delicious.

Vitamin C + protein increases calcium absorption

Qingjiangcai is plant calcium, and its absorption rate may be worse than animal milk. Li Wanping suggested that when cooking Qingjiangcai, vitamin C and protein can be increased, which can increase the absorption rate of calcium. She suggested that you can stir-fry shredded pork with Qingjiang vegetables, sprinkle some red and yellow pepper flakes rich in vitamin C in the middle, or eat fruits after meals, which will help the calcium and vitamins in Qingjiang vegetables be absorbed.

Because Qingjiang dishes are a bit cold, Li Wanping suggests adding a little ginger and garlic when cooking. It can also be shredded, like an omelet, and fried together with an egg. You can also fry small dried fish, or fry flower branches, fry shrimp, and scald it with oyster sauce. It is also delicious.

◎ Image source/FDA Food and Drug Consumer Zone Food CampProvided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Food Is The Best Medicine! Chinese Medicine Teaches You To Understand The "Yin And Yang Five Elements" Of Food To Improve Unbalanced Weight And Chronic Diseases

Diet is the material basis for maintaining health and obtaining nutrients. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, a reasonable diet can achieve the effects of reconciling the five internal organs, filling qi and blood, preventing disease and keeping fit.

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that food and medicine are of the same origin, that is to say, food has the same characteristics of different tastes and meridians as traditional Chinese medicine. The food can not only provide the nutrients needed by the human body on weekdays, but also


The "nature and taste" of food is a characteristic reflected by the body's feeling and response after the food enters the human body. After repeated verification, the general rule is summarized, and it is also one of the reasons why food can produce effects; the source of food is the source of It comes from the "Yin-Yang Theory" of TCM and the "Five Elements Theory" from TCM, both of which are classification methods of food efficacy.

For example, in Chinese medicine, "cold" belongs to the category of "yin", which represents the coldness and inhibition of things. Therefore, cold foods can reduce the overall or local temperature of the body, reducing vitality, The effect of excitability and inhibition of the overall function, that is, the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire.

On the contrary, "hot" belongs to the category of "yang", which represents the warmth and excitement of things, so hot food has the effect of increasing the overall or local temperature of the body, and has Body vitality, enhance excitability or overall function, can achieve the effect of warming yang and dispelling coldeffect. Cool and warm are the grade differences in the degree of cold and heat.

It can be seen from the above that for a weight loss patient whose constitution is inclined to deficiency-cold or cold-dampness, it is advisable to choose more warm foods, such as pepper, cinnamon, chives, etc. Cold physique, and enhance the body's metabolism, help to burn fat.

Similarly, "pungent" foods in the five flavors can activate Qi, warm the body, and sweat, such as scallion, ginger, fennel, etc., which can be used for those with poor metabolism and poor sweating; "sweet" foods can relieve Tension, it has the effect of relieving and nourishing, such as licorice, honey, etc., can be used for those with weak body; "sour" food can astringe Qi, and have the effect of antiperspirant, antidiarrheal or help digestion and stagnation, such as black plum, Pomegranate peel, hawthorn, etc., can be used for people with persistent sweating or poor digestive function.

The food with "bitter" taste has the function of purging and drying dampness, which can reduce the accumulation of moisture and heat in the body, such as cassia seeds, bitter gourd, etc., so it is suitable for those with hot constitution; " Salty foods have the effect of moisturizing and dispersing knots, such as kelp, jellyfish, etc., which can be used for constipation or those with skin lumps.

Therefore, for a patient with a strong constitution, who is usually prone to constipation, high blood pressure or cholesterol, bad breath, dry mouth, yellow and thick tongue coating, and a slippery pulse, it is recommended to take more heat-clearing laxatives. , high-fiber, bitter-cold (cool) foods, such as celery, black fungus or cassia tea, etc., to correct the heat in the bodySick.

Therefore, understanding and making good use of daily food with corresponding attributes can correct unbalanced physique and weight control, which can complement each other and achieve twice the result with half the effort!

◎ Written by / Lin Jiayu, Chief Physician, Department of Traditional Medicine, Wanfang Hospital ◎ Image source / provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eat Fruit After Exercise To Help Lose Weight And Eliminate Fatigue! Experts Recommend The Top 10 Fruits, The First Choice For The King Of Supplies "banana"

For runners, timely replenishment of sugar and water after running is an important nutritional means to promote fatigue elimination and physical recovery. What is the thing that replenishes water, sugar, and salt? Yes, you must be thinking of sports drinks. Are there any natural foods that can supplement sugar and water, and also contain a certain amount of salt? Of course, it's fruit!


Dai Jiansong, director of the Sports Rehabilitation Department of the School of Sports Health, Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, and road running instructor and trainer of the Chinese Athletics Association Marathon College, pointed out that sports drinks are designed for the needs of the body after exercise, but many drinks on the market are not real sports. Drinks, just in the guise of sports drinks, are difficult for runners to identify, and sports drinks will contain additives to some extent.

●Some fruits are rich in sugar and water, which can partially replace sports drinks, and are naturally free of additives.

●The sugars in fruits are mainly monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) and disaccharides (sucrose), which are easily digested and absorbed after entering the human body, so as to achieve the purpose of quick sugar supplementation.

●Fruits are rich in vitamins, cellulose and other nutrients necessary for the human body, and these beneficial ingredients are often not found in sports drinks.

●The organic acids and aromatic substances in fruit are high in content, which can stimulate appetite, stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, and improve appetite. If you don't want to eat after running, you can temporarily replace it with fruit.

● After ingesting fruit, it will produce a certain feeling of satiety, which is conducive to preventingStop eating too many calories at meals.

Banana is provided during and after nearly all marathon races. Why are bananas preferred over other fruits? Because 100 grams of bananas contain 91 calories and 75 grams of water, and are easy to eat safely and hygienically, so.

The sugar content of 100 grams of coconut is the highest among all fruits, reaching 231 calories and 52 grams of water. The calories of 100 grams of rice are only 34 calories, and the calories of coconut are 2/3 of that of rice. Eating coconut is almost equivalent to eating a staple food!

100 grams of fresh jujube contains 122 calories and 67 grams of water. Fresh jujube is also a fruit with extremely high nutritional value. It is rich in organic acids, carotene and trace elements necessary for the human body, and the content of vitamin C is especially amazing. There is a popular saying:

100 grams of pineapple contains 103 calories and 73 grams of water. The big tree pineapple is a tropical fruit and the heaviest fruit in the world. Big tree pineapple is rich in carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals and so on.

100 grams of ginseng fruit contains 80 calories and 77 grams of water. Ginseng fruit is rich in sugar and a variety of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

100 grams of persimmon contains 71 calories and 81 grams of water. , rich in sucrose, glucose, fructose, carotene, vitamin C.

100 grams of lychees contain 70 calories and 81 grams of water. Lychees are rich in nutrients and contain various nutrients such as glucose, sucrose, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, and amino acids. But

100 grams of longan contains 70 calories and 81 grams of water. Longan is rich in glucose, sucrose, and high in iron. Longan contains a variety of amino acids, saponin, glycine, tannin, choline, etc.

100 grams of sugarcane juice contains 64 calories and 83 grams of water. Sugarcane is rich in sucrose, glucose and fructose. In addition,

100 grams of kiwi contains 56 calories and 83 grams of water. The kiwi has a soft texture, sweet and sour taste, and the taste is described as a combination of strawberry, banana and pineapple. Kiwifruit has extremely high nutritional value, among fruits with low sodium and high potassium. At the same time, the vitamin content in kiwi is extremely high, 5 to 10 times that of citrus.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Running Without Injury" by Dai Jiansong and Zheng Jiaxuan ◎ Image source/provided by Tiandi Books

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Autumn And Winter Virus Is Moving! Balance The Body's Protective Power Expert: Turmeric Is The Best Choice

Body protection can distinguish normal cells and foreign invaders under normal operation conditions, and deal with aging, damaged and mutant cells. Some people may think that the stronger the protection, the better? Can it kill more bacteria and viruses? Senior medical reporter Hong Suqing has interviewed too many doctors, and every doctor told her that the protection of the human body is "just right". Hong Suqing: "The protection is too strong. Weakness will cause a burden on the body, if it is too strong, it may lead to an imbalance.” It is easy to cause an imbalance in the body’s health and attack one’s own allergic reactions, but how to control the body’s protective power? Hong Suqing gave the following suggestions

Running, cycling, weight training, high interval training (running and cycling should be managed well, stretch and relax after exercise, and help sleep quality.)

Nutrients that regulate protective power, there are many superfoods that can be rich in nutrients Whole grains (prebiotics), unflavored seaweed (folic acid), eel (vitamin D), kiwi (vitamin C) curcumin, vitamin B, vitamin C, multivitamins and fish oil,

Hong Suqing has been running medical news for more than 10 years and has been exposed to a lot of health food, but she said that there are only two kinds of food she can eat, one is probiotics, and the other is turmeric. Although turmeric has the word "ginger", But in fact, it is not the same as the ginger that we often eat in general cooking. Turmeric, also known as Baodingxiang, will take its rhizome and grind it into powder.

Hong SuqingShare the benefits of taking curcumin: "I have been taking it for many years, and I feel that my spirit and physical strength are better, and my complexion is much better. The point is that I have not reported to the clinic or hospital for a long time, unless it is an interview, so the turmeric is really good. It is a very good health supplement."

1. Sangao, silver-haired, and diabetics are all suitable for curcumin supplementation. 2. The recommended daily intake is less than 200mg. Excessive amount will have the opposite effect! 3. There are some groups such as patients with gastric ulcer, bile duct blockage, kidney disease and pregnant women who are not suitable to eat turmeric.

Hong Suqing further stated: "Turmeric has been really popular recently. There are many products on the market, but most of them are in tablet or capsule form. Some elders take turmeric in tablet or capsule form. In addition to being difficult to swallow, The absorption will also be limited; although powdered ones can be brewed and eaten, in order to increase the mouthfeel, flavoring agents and sweeteners are often added, which will cause physical burdens for diabetic or special patients.”

So she suggested that everyone can choose to drink turmeric, and it is low in sugar and non-toxic: "I highly recommend curcumin 3.0, because in addition to the benefits of turmeric itself, why call it 3.0, of course, in addition to being healthy and non-toxic, it is artificially produced by AI of Jiaotong University. Planted by wisdom, its farm is very clean and safe. Every soil is specially found by it (farm). The way of planting is to use bags of bags to plant. The important thing is that they cooperated with another university to use probiotics to treat this ginger.After the yellow is fermented, it makes it easier to absorb so it becomes 3.0. "

Super Powerful Ingredients Golden Five Treasures, an important key to forming protection!

The patented liquid fermenting process extracts high-concentration and highly active curcumin, which can improve protection and promote your metabolism!

Imported from Japan, US FDA-GRAS certification and various patents, the purity is as high as 98%, which helps to enhance the activity of turmeric!

The vitamin C content dominates all fruits, helps metabolism, and is a natural beauty product!

Contains vitamin C and a variety of essential nutrients and phytochemicals, which can adjust physical fitness and maintain healthy vitality.

Rich in polyphenols and vitamin C, it helps to regulate physiological functions and maintain health!

1. It can be used directly and is suitable for the elderly and children with poor swallowing ability, which can improve the antibacterial power and reduce the chance of contracting diseases. 2. Low-sugar ingredients - silver-haired, diabetic, and Sangao people can also drink it. The most important thing is that its raw materials are organically grown without pesticides. 3. Its extraction method is to extract turmeric into small molecules, so that the human body can absorb it faster. The absorption rate is 6 times higher than that of the tablet, which can be quickly replenished into our body.

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7 Taboos For Eating Hairy Crabs, 4 Major Parts Do Not Eat! Traditional Chinese Medicine Recommends 2 Foods To Relieve Cold And Detoxify

In autumn and winter, crabs taste the most plump, especially lake crabs (commonly known as hairy crabs). The most famous is the Yangcheng Lake crabs near Suzhou. Hong Kong people love to eat crabs, especially Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs. Hong Kong is the most consumed place in the world.


Cui Shaohan, a doctor of clinical biochemistry and a traditional Chinese medicine physician, pointed out that the scientific name of hairy crabs is Chinese mitten crab, also known as crab and hairy crab. Every autumn and winter is the time to eat hairy crabs, and many people who love to eat are gearing up at this time, eagerly waiting, and ready to feast on them.

Cui Shaohan said that it has the functions of clearing dampness and heat, dissipating blood stasis, nourishing bone marrow, clearing meridians, and renewing injury.

"Suixiju Diet Recipe": "Crabs are sweet, salty and cold, replenish bone marrow, sharpen limbs, continue injury, nourish liver yin, fill stomach juice, nourish tendons and activate blood. Claws can induce labor and abortion." Tang Mengxuan: "Mainly dissipate heat, treat stomach qi, regulate tendons and pulses, and digest food. Eat vinegar, improve limbs, and control suffocation in the five internal organs." "

Because crabs are extremely cold, there are many taboos when eating:

Including: people with loose stools and abdominal pain (such as gastric ulcer) should not eat. "Compendium of Materia Medica": "The spleen and stomach are cold and slippery, and people with abdominal pain who like heat and hate cold should not take salty food."

Including: aversion to cold, runny nose, cough with white phlegm and other unrecovered colds, eating crabs will make the cold worse, and the cold will be aggravated. "ResidenceDietary Recipe": "If the middle qi is deficient and cold, the feeling is not clear, and those with phlegm cough and diarrhea should not be avoided."

Sensitive skin diseases such as urticaria, eczema and pruritus, etc., because crabs are skin hairs, they are prone to wind after eating and induce allergic reactions. "Materia Medica Yanyi": "This thing is very moving to the wind, and people with wind disease should not eat it."

Especially those who are afraid of the cold. Pregnant women should not eat, especially crab claws. "Bie Lu": "The crab claw is the master of abortion." "Compendium of Materia Medica": "The crab claw has an abortion and a stillbirth."

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Crabs cannot be eaten with scorpion and nepeta, cholera (referring to general vomiting and diarrhea), and wind." Avoid eating with spit, and if you do it by mistake, it will cause abdominal pain and vomiting."

Uncooked crabs contain a lot of bacteria, viruses and parasites, which are harmful to eat. Drunk crabs are made from undercooked crabs with wine. Crabs live in water and are hosts of paragonimiasis, liver flukes, bacteria and viruses, so drunk crabs cannot be eaten, and they are easy to get sick if they eat them; if they are made from dead crabs Drunk crabs are more dangerous, because dead crabs contain a lot of bacteria and harmful substances produced by decomposition, such as histidine and histidine-like substances, which can cause poisoning or severe allergic reactions.

The first is the stomach sac, which may contain unclean and toxic substances or pathogens, which can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort or poisoning; the second is the crab lungs, and the third is the crab heart, which are all parts of the cold in the cold; the fourth is the crab intestines, which are also Contains a lot of bacteria and toxins. These four parts are harmful to eat.

Cui Shaohan suggested, perilla leaves are pungentWarming can relieve the poison of fish and crabs, and it can reduce stomach bloating and help digestion.

In addition, there are green onions (fried crabs with ginger and green onions are a good match), hot wine, caramel (ie, maltose), and the traditional Chinese medicine Huoxiang, which can detoxify crabs.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Choosing food at the right time to protect health" by Cui Shaohan ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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If You Skip Breakfast, You Will Gain Weight! Harvard Doctor Teaches You "this Way Of Eating" To Lose Weight, Live Longer And Resist Aging

Eating habits like "don't eat breakfast" are very bad, and you will gain weight if you are careful! Dr. Gen Lai Xiu Xing, a professor at Harvard Medical School, pointed out that if you don’t eat breakfast, your body will naturally enter a state of saving energy; in other words, after a long sleep, no food enters the body, and the body does not receive energy supplements, so it has to turn on the function of retaining energy. , as a result, it is easy to store fat.


I don't eat breakfast, but the amount of food I eat throughout the day has not decreased, resulting in an increase in the proportion of food in the evening, and the excess calories are converted into fat storage, which makes it even more difficult to eat breakfast or have no appetite for breakfast. In the end it turned into a vicious circle.

This situation is much like an animal struggling to replenish its food during the winter to accumulate enough energy to prepare for hibernation. So, what if you eat two meals a day, but don't eat Chinese food?

Eating only breakfast and dinner is better than skipping breakfast. However, without lunch, the fasting time in between will be too long. Fasting for a long time, waiting for the next full meal, the body's biological clock will be reset accordingly. As a result, the human body has to readjust the rhythm every day and extend the pace backwards, resulting in insufficient sleep and reduced sleep quality. Due to the long fasting time, the secretion of the stress hormone "cortisol" also increases, which has a negative impact on the body.

If you need to control your diet, it is recommended to use the "calorie restriction method". Drink this wayThe diet fully covers the five major nutrients of protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and the calorie intake of the overall diet is limited to about 70% of the necessary calories. According to research by Harvard University and other units, through calorie restriction, the switch of longevity genes can be turned on.

For the sake of health, avoid rumors about weight loss methods, such as banana weight loss method, apple weight loss method, etc. that only eat a certain food, or specifically do not take certain nutrients, such as no meat weight loss method . The wrong way of eating, can not get balanced nutrition. Therefore, please do not eat indiscriminately, and the diet must be balanced.

The calorie restriction method has the following 3 rules:

1. Quantitative moderation (coarse food)

2. Balanced nutrition

3. Eat anything

If it is difficult to practice calorie restriction, studies have shown that special intake of polyphenols such as "resveratrol" can also activate longevity genes. Resveratrol is an antioxidant contained in wine that removes free radicals and is known to be effective in the prevention of cancer and Alzheimer's. In addition to resveratrol, there are other polyphenols that protect the body from aging and are found in the following foods:


‧Green cauliflower



‧Cocoa Beans

‧Green Tea


A simple dietary rule for preventing aging is to "take healthycolored food". Colorful food with high antioxidant content. For example, red tomatoes contain lycopene, orange-red carrots are beta-carotene, and salmon's orange-pink color comes from astaxanthin. In contrast, artificially refined foods are prone to oxidation in the human body. Natural unrefined foods are not only rich in vitamins or minerals, but also reduce the rate of blood sugar absorption in the blood.

I believe everyone already knows GI, which refers to the index of food that "raises blood sugar". The higher the blood sugar rises, the higher the GI. Therefore, eating low-GI foods can prevent aging, so try to avoid eating high-GI foods.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Harvard Physician's Hormone Anti-aging Law: Understand Endocrinology, Master Time Medicine! "Gen Lai Xiu Xing" ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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"Golden Needle" Protects Eyes And Relieves Worries! The Nutritionist Revealed 3 Tips To Avoid Eating Poison. Which Nutrition Is Fresh Golden Needle Flower Or Dried Golden Needle?

The golden needle flower, also known as daylily, daylily, forget worry grass, one day lily, is native to East Asian countries.


Li Wanping, a nutritionist, pointed out that in the Notes on Materia Medica, "Hemerocallis has a sweet taste, which makes people happy, happy and forgets worries." Warming water, removing dampness and clearing stranguria, quenching thirst and vexation, opening the chest and opening the diaphragm; it makes one feel calm and free from depression.”

From the point of view of modern nutrition, can eating golden needles really relieve anxiety and relieve depression? Li Wanping said, according to a document published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in 2013, in the forced swimming experiment, the ethanol extract (DFEtoH) and rutin (rutin) extracted from dried golden needles , also known as rutin) can make the inactive time of rats significantly lower than that of the control group, and the swimming time is significantly increased.

The so-called "forced swimming test" refers to placing mice in a glass container filled with water to test whether antidepressants are effective by swimming and struggling to stand still. In addition, in many research papers from 2017 to 2019, it is also indicated that rutin is an active ingredient with antidepressant effect.

Experiments in mice in 1998 and humans in 2016In clinical studies, it has also been found that golden needles can help improve sleep conditions. Among them, in the 2016 study, subjects who were given dietary supplements mixed with rosemary and golden needles not only felt better rest quality, but also had better concentration and alertness, and felt dull and uncomfortable. Frustration levels were reduced.

Taiwan's fresh golden needles are prolific from August to September each year. Because they are not resistant to storage, farmers will pluck the buds before the flowers bloom, and then dry and process them to make them dry. Taste. If these two kinds of gold needles are compared with the same weight, However,

Li Wanping reminded that fresh golden needles contain "colchicine", which may cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms after entering the human body;

As for dry gold needles, due to the processing, the colchicine has been destroyed, so don't worry;

Many people are worried about the sulfur dioxide added during the processing of gold needles. When choosing dry products on the market, you may wish to follow the following principles:

The color should not be too bright, it should be light brown or black. There is no odor such as rancidity or potion, and ideally it smells slightly floral. There should be a dry feeling when touching, no moisture absorption and stickiness.

In addition, when purchasing, you should choose products with complete packaging, clearly marked, and preferably with the "Taiwan Golden Needle" label with a green bottom chrysanthemum thread, to confirm the safety of the source, and eat with relative peace of mind! According to my country's "Scope of Use and Limitation of Food Additives and"Specifications and Standards", selecting gold needles with sulfur dioxide residues less than 4.0 g/kg, generally do not need to worry about food safety issues.

To effectively remove gold needle sulfur dioxide, it is recommended to follow several steps to clean:

After the gold needle is unpacked, rinse it once with clean water, put it in a pot and add about 20 times the amount of water to the gold needle. The best water temperature for soaking gold needles is 45°C. Add a little white vinegar to the water to help eliminate sulfur dioxide. : The whole soaking process takes about 20~30 minutes, but the water needs to be changed once after 10 minutes of soaking.

According to the experimental results of the laboratory of the Taipei City Government Health Bureau, it is found that more than 90% of the sulfur dioxide residue can be removed by doing this, and it can be cooked in a pot after draining!

Li Wanping added that in fact, there are many varieties of golden needles cultivated in Taiwan at present. Among them, in recent years, the tail end of general non-sulfur golden needles will be dull due to residual natural melanin, so just wash the surface with water before cooking. In order to maintain the crispy taste, do not heat it for too long when making soup, just add it and cook for a while before serving.

◎ This article is excerpted from / Li Wanping's Nutrition World ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Not Everyone Can Eat Pears To Nourish Their Lungs! Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians Share The Ways Of Autumn Health Preserving Energy For The Severe Winter

Traditional Chinese medicine advocates "nourishing the lungs in autumn", but the knowledge of nourishing the lungs is great, and people do not just follow the practice of eating pears to nourish the lungs. People with different physiques need to adjust the method. Huang Boyu, a physician of traditional Chinese medicine, shared the way to maintain health in autumn.


Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the lungs govern qi", and the most important thing to nourish the lungs is to nourish qi, and exercise is the most important way. Huang Boyu pointed out that in autumn, it is necessary to avoid contracting the respiratory tract due to the cold temperature, resulting in poor breathing and proper exercise. Keep the air running smoothly.

Exercise must master two principles, activate cardiopulmonary function, make the heart beat faster to invigorate blood, and accelerate breathing to promote Qi, so as to achieve the goal of smooth flow of Qi and blood. , such as shoulder joints, hip joints, intercostal and abdominal and waist parts, etc., to enlarge the space for visceral activities, and guide qi, blood and body fluid to reach the place where it should go.

Baduanjin, Taijiquan, yoga, and walking are all good exercises.

It is often said that in autumn, you should eat more white food to moisten dryness, but Huang Boyu reminds that food supplements should be determined according to the constitution.

In addition to eating less ice, eat some warm foods to prepare for winter. Cooking can be seasoned with sesame oil, ginger, and pepper, instead of garlic, onion, and pepper.


, you can feel the sesame oil, ginger, and pepper, and they will heat up from the abdomen and spread to the surrounding, but garlic, onion, and pepper will start to heat from the mouth, so it is considered thatIt is easier to get angry and dry mouth.

You need cool and moist foods to balance, such as pears, fungus, etc., but the fungus is not easy to absorb, and people with bad stomach and intestines may have flatulence. You can add lotus seeds or red dates to strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.


Huang Boyu recommends that regardless of the four seasons or body constitution, the simplest food supplement is "Sishen Tang", lotus seeds invigorate the spleen and invigorate qi, coix seed and tuckahoe remove dampness, yam has moisturizing effect, and can also be added with Gorgon, which also has the effect of taking care of the spleen and kidney. The so-called "deficiency is not replenished", the stomach and intestines should be taken care of in advance in autumn, and the high-calorie glutinous rice food can be absorbed in winter.

"There are not many acupoints, but they are useful and easy to press, so I will press them often." Huang Boyu suggested to press the two major health acupoints "Hegu and Zusanli" frequently, which have the effect of invigorating Qi. The Hegu acupoint at the tiger's mouth of the palm is the junction of the lung meridian and the large intestine meridian.

As autumn gets colder, some parts and acupoints should not be exposed, such as the "Tiantu Point" on the chest and neck, and the "Jianjing Point" on the shoulders. The skin and flesh in the depression are thin, and the airway is inside, which is easy to be affected by wind.


In addition, this season, the big joints should not be exposed as much as possible. In summer, the weather is hot, and shorts and short skirts are often worn to expose the knees, but after the fall, such wearing should be avoided. prone to kneeDeterioration of joint microcirculation.

Beginning in autumn, you should reduce wear and tear, prepare for winter, and gradually extend your sleep time. After the sunrise, the time to wake up is also delayed, so that the body can replenish yang energy. Modern people are limited by time for work and school, and it is difficult to adjust the time to get up.

Huang Boyu emphasized that health care is not divided into four seasons, and it must be done every day in order to keep growing. If you eat it, sometimes "disease comes in from your mouth". If you can't decide how to supplement, you can consult a Chinese doctor.

◎ This article is excerpted from / Beishi United Medical News Issue 163

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

Can Bean Sprouts Roots Turn Black To Eat? 2 Strokes Preservation Technique Is Not Easy To Corrupt And Can Be Stored For Up To 1 Month

Bean sprouts, also known as "ruyi dishes", are quite rich in nutritional value, especially high in dietary fiber and vitamin C; however, bean sprouts can usually only be stored for 2 to 3 days. Japanese cuisine researchers provide 2 Recruit fresh-keeping techniques to extend the shelf life of bean sprouts.


Japanese cuisine researcher Miyuki Shimamoto, who is also an expert in refrigerators and food preservation, pointed out that bean sprouts can also be eaten raw, but you should be careful if you keep them in their original packaging.

, provide 2 methods to extend the shelf life of bean sprouts.

, close the lid to refrigerate, store in the refrigerator compartment, vegetable and fruit compartment of the refrigerator, remember to change the water every 2 days,

If it is soaked in water, nutrients such as vitamins will be lost more or less with the water. Therefore, if it is not used immediately, it should be refrigerated directly in the unopened state. Although the texture will change, it can be used in stir-fry dishes, as ingredients for soups, side dishes, etc.

;The bean sprouts that have not been used up can be washed and wiped off, then put into a special storage bag for freezing, and the air is squeezed out and sealed.

The bean sprouts in the frozen state do not need to be thawed when cooking. They can be directly prepared in the frozen state and used in soups or stir-fries.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Ingredient preservation and preservation techniques: you can understand at a glance, no waste and more delicious" by Miyuki Shimamoto ◎ Image source/Provided by Advanced Publishing‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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Lettuce, A Dish, Goose Cabbage...Natural Antidote Recommended By Nutritionists, Perfect Match For Grilled Meat, Sausage And Ham

Lettuce is rich in vitamin A, which can protect mucous membranes, help prevent colds in autumn and winter, and protect eyes. The nutritionist said that it has another effect: a natural antidote to nitrite amines, it is a perfect match for eating cured meats such as barbecue, sausage, ham, etc., and you don’t need to buy expensive imported lettuce, 1 Taiwanese lettuce A for 20 yuan Vegetables (goose cabbage) are equally easy to use.


Taiwanese lettuce is affordable for the people, and its nutrition does not lose as much as 100 yuan Luoman

Post Hospital nutritionist Huang Shuhui said that Taiwan's A dish and goose dish, which can be bought all year round, even in typhoon days, are very affordable to the people. The burgers sold by the restaurant only contain 1 or 2 slices at a time. Lettuce, which looks expensive, is actually classified as lettuce. The price of many imported lettuces on the market is high. For example, the price of 3 or 4 romaine lettuces per pack in American stores is more than 100 yuan, and the price of each pack of 2 balls of butter lettuce in supermarkets is more than 3 to 40 yuan. The Taiwan lettuce is almost the same.

Huang Shuhui further explained that Taiwan's A dish, goose cabbage or Fukuyama lettuce (commonly known as mainland mei), like romaine, belong to "non-head lettuce", while the beautiful lettuce and Boston lettuce often placed in hamburgers or lettuce And butter lettuce belongs to "head lettuce", it looks different, but the nutritional content is "family".

Lettuce is rich in vitamins A, B groups and potassium. It is nutritious

Huang Shuhui helps readers to find out the nutrients of various lettuces and finds that all lettuces are very high in vitamin A, up to 1400 to 1900 international units per hectogram, and vitamin A.The vitamin B is very complete, including B1, B2, niacin, B6, and the potassium content is also high, which can be regarded as a nutritional full score.

Lettuce's "Fragrant Hydrocarbon Ester" is a natural antidote for nitrite amines

Huang Shuhui said that what is even more surprising is that lettuce contains "Fragrant Hydrocarbon Ester", which can decompose nitrite amines. Modern people love to eat bacon, ham and other smoked meats, as well as barbecue and sausages, but after eating them, they may produce carcinogenic nitrite. Eating it with grilled meat, or eating it with a blanched dish mixed with various smoked meats, has the effect of removing nitrosamines.

The water content of lettuce is as high as 95%, and the taste is crisp and delicious. But head lettuce has no earthy flavor, so it can usually be eaten as a lettuce, crunchy and delicious in wraps, burgers, or sandwiches. While non-heading lettuce like A dish has a mild bitterness and grassy smell, Huang Shuhui said that the taste is slightly worse when eaten raw, and it is usually quick-fried with ginger, or blanched with garlic to reduce the bitterness and grassy smell.

Lettuce has high water content, clears heat, and is suitable for the elderly and cancer patients. it suits well. In addition, Chinese medicine believes that lettuce is cool and can clear heat, so during nutrition consultation, it is also recommended that cancer friends who are in treatment, have inflammation and fever can eat more food.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eating The Right Food Can Prevent Dandruff? Dermatologists Say That These Nutrients Can Help Skin Care, And I Am Not Afraid Of Dandruff In Cold Weather

Don't rush to buy an anti-dandruff shampoo when you suddenly notice an increase in dandruff. Dermatologists point out that dandruff is often caused by unbalanced scalp oil caused by stress and affects keratin metabolism. It is recommended to relax and reduce stress. At the same time, you may wish to add nuts, whole grains, pumpkin and mushrooms, egg yolks and other foods, which can supplement biotin, vitamins B, D and zinc, and help to regulate fatty acids.


There are 3 main reasons for dandruff

Many people have discovered recently that white dandruff floats down just by ripping their hair. Zeng Depeng, director of the Department of Dermatology at Tai'an Hospital, said that there are 3 main reasons for dandruff. The first reason is Bacillus dandruff infection, the second is abnormal keratin metabolism, and the third is that weather changes and high pressure affect sebum secretion. These three reasons may exist at the same time, or cause and effect each other and affect skin desquamation.

Because Bacillus dandruff is nourished by triglycerides secreted by scalp sebum, free fatty acids are produced after catabolism. Free fatty acids are highly irritating to the skin, causing inflammation and redness of the scalp, which will slough off when the skin is damaged. These factors may affect keratin metabolism. The keratin that was originally metabolized in 28 days may shorten or prolong the metabolism time. Some will accumulate on the scalp and some will fall off.

And the weather changes or emotional stress, staying up late, etc. will cause excessive oil on the scalp. The human epidermis has dandruff spores, and the excessively secreted oil becomes the trophoblast of dandruff spores, and the colony increases.Abnormal metabolism of raw and keratinous cells leads to a vicious cycle of dandruff.

People with dandruff may have scaling problems all over the body

Although anti-dandruff shampoo works the fastest, many people actually have problems with keratin metabolism throughout the body. It's just because the scalp sebaceous glands are the most densely distributed and the scaling is the most obvious, but in fact the whole body has scaling problems. Zeng Depeng said that some products have promoted biotin nutritional supplements before, but he thinks it is not necessary because biotin can be obtained in many foods.

Food supplements biotin, and the whole body skin is maintained

Zeng Depeng said that biotin is commonly known as "vitamin H", and it is actually a member of the vitamin B group. Biotin is found in many foods, such as egg yolks, nuts, whole grains, mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, and visceral livers, kidneys, etc., which contain vitamin B and biotin. Mushrooms also contain vitamin D, and nuts, meat, and seafood contain zinc. Simply supplementing nutritional supplements, some people will have mild side effects such as nausea, it is better to take it from the diet and maintain the skin of the whole body.

Anti-dandruff shampoos have a variety of ingredients to choose from depending on the condition

but anti-dandruff shampoos are still the easiest to control dandruff. At present, there are many anti-dandruff shampoos with different ingredients on the market. Some of them mainly control scalp colonies, and some control scalp oil. However, because these functions can control the metabolism of scalp keratin, they all have the effect of removing dandruff. Unless the general anti-dandruff shampoos on the market have limited effects, you may need to choose ingredients with different effects depending on the situation. For example, if there are too many spores, you can choose ketoconazole, coke-containingThe oil component controls colonies. Or keratin metabolism disorders, to choose salicylic acid ingredients, and seborrheic skin, you can choose shampoo containing zinc ingredients.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Mayor Lu Xiuyan Shared The Family Tradition Of "Five Vegetables, Fruits And Beef", And The Nutritionist Recommended That It Is Suitable For These People

As the weather gets colder, Chinese people are always used to taking supplements, but Taiwanese food supplements contain more Chinese herbal medicines. How can people who don't like the taste of Chinese medicines take supplements? Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan, who claims to be the "Best Cooking Mayor in the Six Capitals", taught her family's "Five Vegetables, Fruits and Beef". The nutritionist said that beef is rich in iron, which is best for those who feel weak in body and a little lacking in brain power. However, people with cardiovascular disease suggest that the beef rib should be changed to beef tendon, and it will be better to control the salt content.

Five Vegetables and Fruits Beef without Spices Enjoy the sweetness of beef, vegetables and fruits

As long as it rains recently, the temperature will drop by a degree or two. The weather is getting colder and cooler, and Taiwanese are used to taking supplements to replenish their bodies. The family heirloom beef with five vegetables and fruits shared by Lu Xiuyan contains white radish, carrot, onion, tomato, and half an apple stewed beef rib. Without any spices, you can taste the sweetness of beef, vegetables and fruits.

Five vegetables and fruits, beef ribs and soy sauce paste are stewed and melted in the mouth.

Her method is to blanch the beef ribs to remove the blood and cut them into pieces, then put the red and white radishes cut into large pieces on the bottom layer, and then put the onions , put the beef ribs in the middle layer, then add the apples and tomatoes, add 1/4 pot of water and cook. Lu Xiuyan said she usually adds a little soy sauce paste after the water boils to color the beef. Because the soy sauce paste is salty and sweet, and it is thick, it has a thickening effect after cooking.

Then turn to medium-low heat and continue to simmer for 40 to 50 minutes, then turn off the heat. After simmering for 1 hour, turn on the heat and return to simmer for 1 hour, so that the stewed beef will melt in your mouth. It can be poured into a large plate and decorated with broccoli, which is a large dish for hospitality. You can also cook noodlesSoup, topped with beef stew and gravy, is delicious beef noodles.

Rich in iron, lycopene, and carotene, it can nourish deficiency, treat cold hands and feet, and nourish the brain.

Zhang Silan, a nutritionist at Cathay Pacific Hospital, said that this beef with five vegetables and fruits looks like a very refreshing beef stew, which can be enjoyed by anyone with any physique. Perfect to enjoy. Because beef is rich in iron, it is especially suitable for people who often feel weak and have cold hands and feet. The iron in beef can improve anemia and protein can increase muscle mass. After menstruation, women often feel that their brain power is insufficient. Eating iron supplements can make blood oxygen more abundant and help brain power.

In addition, the vegetables and fruits used in it, such as tomatoes, carrots, and onions, contain lycopene and carotene, and the sulfides of onions are all fat-soluble, so the nutrients will not be lost after long-term cooking, and the antioxidant effect can be preserved.

Cardiovascular disease beef rib can be changed to beef tendon. Cook for a long time until it becomes soft but not rotten.

However, Zhang Silan suggested that if people with cardiovascular disease should eat beef with five vegetables and fruits, the beef rib can be changed to beef tendon, which has more muscle, fat content and less Lower calories would be more suitable. Moreover, the beef tendon is soft and not rotten after being cooked for a long time, and the taste is also delicious. In addition, pay attention to salt control to avoid excessive sodium content and cause blood pressure to rise. This is the perfect and nutritious beef stew.

◎ Image source/Photo provided by Lu Xiuyan Facebook‧Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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